151 Ways to Save the Environment
Save The World
Our Environment
Our environment, the world around us. The natural habitats, animals, lakes, rivers, forests, oceans. We only have one planet so we need to look after it.
Human beings are destroying this world. Climate change & the sharp decline in biodiversity are not myths, the cold hard facts are there to prove them. Our way of thinking and consciences need to change to in order to stop the decline of this planet and keep it safe and habitable for future generations.
Just 100 companies, state owned entities & governments are responsible for over 70% of greenhouse emissions and need to be made accountable. While various organisations are working to reduce this (see further exploration for further information), we can also make our own contributions to save the world.
20 reasons why we need to save the planet and 151 ways to do so below.

20 Reasons Why we need to save our planet
We need to save this planet and we need to start yesterday. A man made disaster is approaching fast. If we don’t act quickly there won’t be a world for future generations. The statistics speak for themself;
- At our current rate of using resources we need 1.72 Earths to sustain ourselves. This figure is increasing by the second
- A million plastic bottles are bought every minute globally. Fewer than half are recycled with only 7% being made into new bottles
- Exploitable fishing waters in the South-Pacific are on course to decline to zero by 2048
- 40% of land species in Europe have declined in the last decade
- Global wildlife populations have declined by 40% over the last 60 years
- 8 millions pieces of plastic find their way into the ocean every year
- 1.2 trillion tons of sewage are dumped into waters in the US alone
- Almost 80% of urban waste in India is dumped into the river Ganges
- Plastic was found in every one of 102 dead sea turtles studied across the Atlantic, Pacific and the Mediterranean
- A glass bottle takes 4000 years to decompose
- In under 20 years the world is on course to run out of fresh drinking water
- 6,288 square kilometers of rainforest was cleared in 2024. This is the smallest decline since 2015 but still represents an area the size of Delaware
- 2024 was the hottest year on record. 2024 was 2.32 degrees F (1.29 degrees C) above the 20th-century average
- Carbon emissions (the primary driver of climate change) are growing year on year. 11 billion tons of carbon dioxide were produced per year in the 1960s rising to an estimated 36.6 billion tons in 2023 according to the Global Carbon Budget 2023.
- Species are becoming extinct at nearly 1000 times the natural rate
- By 2030 impacts of climate change could be irreversible
- In Montana’s Glacier Park the number of glaciers has declined from 150 to 25 since 1850
- Arctic sea ice is decreasing by 12.2% every decade
- Sea levels are rising year on year by 3.2mm and this rate is increasing
- Carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide have reached record levels in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is 143%, methane 259% and nitrous oxide 132% higher than pre-industrial levels.
For more environmental statistics see The World Counts (click here)
151 Ways to Save the Environment
Whilst large companies & governments need to be held to account, we can each individually make our own impact. Everyone can help save the planet without grinding to a halt or not washing for months, be aware of yourself and your own personal impact. Some easy suggestions below and plenty more in the further exploration section
45 Energy Conservation Ideas
- Don’t use energy you don’t need. Turn your lights off when you’re not in a room
- Use energy efficient light bulbs (or switch to low wattage)
- Have solar panels fitted to your roof
- Turn your heating down. Put a top on, it’ll save money and the environment
- Check the energy efficiency ratings on new appliances
- Try batch cooking so you only have to cook once – easier for you and less energy needed
- Keep the heat in when it’s cold out – Close windows and buy draft excluders
- Turn down the temperature on your dishwasher
- Install cavity wall insulation
- Insulate your loft
- Insulate under your floor boards
- Choose a green electricity supplier (some are cheaper than the big companies)
- Install a smart metre to understand where you are using energy (and cut it down)
- Select the lowest temperature wash on our washing machine / dish washer
- Use local companies to cut down on transportation emissions
- Turn off appliances when going away (or at least turn them right down)
- Get an easy switch off multi-plug to turn off all appliances and stand by mode when needed
- Install a new, energy saving boiler
- Fit a jacket around your current boiler
- Swap a full size computer for a less energy using laptop
- Let frozen food acclimatise before cooking cutting down on cooking time
- Clean the filters in your vacuum and other appliances
- Keep an eye on your fridge / freezer temperatures
- Defrost your fridge / freezer whenever needed
- Hang your clothes outside rather than using a drier
- Take plugs out when it’s holiday time
- Use the stairs rather than lift
- Pay attention to the energy ratings next time you buy something
- Turn down the thermostat when guests come round. Body heat will heat a room
- Check the vents on your appliances to make sure they’re not blocked
- Use the appropriate hob size. Ensure that enough heat hits the pan
- Switch off a computer when not needed rather than leave on stand-by
- Light a room as much as it needs to be lit
- Check the seals on your appliances
- Keep the fridge door closed
- Don’t keep opening the oven door
- Use a low energy printer
- Avoid flying where possible
- Leave the oven door open when you’ve finished cooking. Free heating for the kitchen
- Install dimer switches where needed
- Ensure hot water pipes have insulation
- Plumb essential appliances near the boiler
- Invest in a “stand-by” saver – allowing you to turn off stand by mode on a number of applications
- Keep the freezer door closed
- Invest in double glazing
16 Save Water Ideas
- Turn the tap off when brushing – An old one but a big water and money saver
- Stop the water when shaving
- Take a (short) shower instead of a bath
- Have less water in the bath
- Take a much shorter shower
- Choose appliances that use less water
- Only wash your clothes when you need to
- Don’t water the lawn or other plants unless they need it
- Use a water butt in your garden to collect rainwater to re-use on your garden
- Check for leaks and fix them
- Install a low water usage toilet
- Only boil or heat the water you need
- Cut down on food waster – it takes a lot of water to produce the food we eat
- Steam food instead of boiling
- Only flush the toilet if you really need to (“if it’s yellow let it mellow…”)
- Install water saving tap heads and shower ends
14 Recycle & Re-Use Ideas
- Recycle and reuse. Simple.
- Walk to work or share a lift. Even better, work from home
- Use reusable bags – The saving on plastic is enormous
- Use reusable nappies – disposable nappies are headed straight to landfill
- Reuse water bottles – they are perfectly good to be filled up again (and bottled water is pretty much exactly the same as tap water)
- Use reusable drinks containers
- Donate unwanted items to charity shops or sell things at boot sales / garage sales. You never know how your old junk might be someone else’s treasure
- Recycle old printer cartridges
- Recycle your old phone and/or music when you get a new one – help the environment and save some money
- Buy clothes from charity shops. Pass them down the generations. Give them to family and friends
- Avoid disposable items such as plastic plates and cups – the majority will end up in landfill
- Print double sided. If printing is necessary
- Buy recycled paper and recycled plastic products
- Put your litter in the bin (a recycle bin where possible!)
17 Conscious Travelling Ideas
- Cut out unnecessary short car journeys. Walk or cycle.. it’s good for you 🙂
- Slow down – Reducing your speed in your car has less of an impact to the environment
- Take public transport where possible to cut down on emissions
- Consider a staycation – cutting out the carbon emissions associated with long trips
- Choose sustainable destinations
- Book sustainable certified hotels
- Plot your journey out before hand – Understand the journeys you have to make and make them as efficient as possible
- Carpool where possible
- Be actively conscious of the impact the car you are driving has on the environment
- Drive as environmentally friendly as possible – use eco settings where available
- Drive in the appropriate gear
- Cut down on long journeys
- Check the traffic news to avoid jams
- Consider purchasing an electric or hybrid car
- Choose winding the window down instead of air conditioning
- Choose local products and produce where possible. Local = less transportation and less harmful fumes
- Pack lightly when you go away, every kilo counts
12 Go Natural Ideas
- Plant a tree/s – whether it be in the garden or giving money to a firm who re-plants trees
- Have plants around your home – they increase the absorption carbon dioxide and add some ambience
- Grow your own vegetables, herbs and spices
- Cut back on meat (or go the whole hog and go vegetarian/vegan!). The meat and dairy industries contribute hugely to carbon emissions
- Compost your waste food and garden cuttings
- Set aside a space for a vegetable garden
- Get a bee hive – promote bees!
- Allow your garden to grow – Create a natural habitat
- Put out bird boxes and feeders – encourage local wildlife
- Make one meal a week out of your own produce
- Dry your clothes outside on a clothes line in the fresh air rather than in a tumble dryer – saves money and smells nicer
- Eat sustainable foods (they are often marked as such)
37 Consume Less Ideas
- Consume less – Have less (or no) sugar in your tea or coffee. Use less toilet roll. Use less oil in your cooking. Just use less
- Make a plan to understand what you need to consume
- Understand when you need to replace things and when you don’t
- Switch to online bills and statements – remove the need for the additional paper
- Choose products with the least amount of packaging
- Don’t buy things you don’t need
- Take a moment to think about the things you buy. Will you use it? Do you need it? Cheap plastic toys for kids, novelty desk toys, do you need them? Things that are used for 5 minutes and then never touched again. Are they worth the impact bulk producing them brings to this planet?
- Don’t overfill the kettle
- Install dimmer switches
- Clean the filters on washing machines /. dishwashers etc
- Refill lighters or use matches (or even better stop smoking – try here)
- Make a meal plan and stick to it – only buy what you need
- Ensure you’ve got a fallback in the freezer
- Use a small portable heater to heat the most used rooms rather than heating the whole house
- Use solar lighting
- Buy in bulk
- Keep the hob clean
- Keep your thermostat away from any “warm” appliances
- Dust and vacuum radiators to get the most out of them
- Switch the computer off rather than leave in stand-by
- Use natural ingredients (e.g. bicarbonate of soda) instead of harmful chemicals such as disinfectants and cleaners
- Use rechargeable batteries – will save you money in the long term and saves the old batteries going to landfill
- Always use full loads in your washing machine and dish washer
- Read the news online rather than buying newspapers
- Use E-books rather than the real thing.
- Join a library
- Don’t buy appliances that are bigger than your needs
- Prioritise heating and lighting in the rooms that you use
- Use email rather than paper letters
- Don’t pre-heat your oven or open the door until ready
- Use handkerchiefs instead of tissues
- Switch the lights off when you leave a room
- Co-habit with others (or your partner!) – cuts down on the need for heating and lighting more than one home
- Use both sides of the paper when printing
- Don’t print in colour unless necessary – print in black and white
- Or better yet try not to print at all – there are few things that need printing. Try just writing it down if essential
- Buy products online – Less environmental overheads & you can still use the website of your favourite high street shops
10 Take Action Ideas

- Sign petitions to demand action on environmental issues
- Make leaflets and distribute them
- Join protest marches – have your voice heard
- Make your voice heard on social media
- Start a blog or a website dedicated to environmental causes
- Give to a Charity that helps to protect the planet. Or offer your time to support their causes (see charities below)
- Contact your local authority to suggest ways to improve services and environmental sustainability
- Pass your learnings on to those around you
- Take acton through your own social circles
- Make your own personal pledge to protect the environment and stick to it
A Parting Thought
Further Exploration: Articles & Media

Article: Find shocking environmental facts and statistics
Real time statistics about our environment including the eye opening statistic of how many Earths we need to sustain our current levels. From theworldcounts.com

Book: The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History
There have been 5 major extinctions on the planet. This book by Elizabeth Kolbert looks at how humans have altered the world like no other species and how the sixth extinction could be on it's way
***This is one of the few affiliate links on Peaceful Soul***

Video: How to Save Our Planet
Video narrated by Sir David Attenborough in conjunction with the WWF discussing how the planet has become less wild and how humans can take charge of our future

Article: Just 100 companies responsible for 71% of global emissions, study says
Article from The Guardian looking at how "A relatively small number of fossil fuel producers and their investors could hold the key to tackling climate change"

Article: Holding polluting sectors accountable for the climate crisis
Economist impact article looking at the climate responsibilities of large companies and the incentives & measures put in place to push for greener solutions adoption

Organisation: Climate Group
The Climate Group are dedicated to the goal of achieving of net zero carbon emission by 2050. They "focus on systems with the highest emissions and where our networks - both governments and businesses - have the greatest opportunity to drive change"

Article: 70 Ways to Save the Earth
Greenmatch.co.uk have a comprehensive list of ways that you can do your bit to lessen your impact on the planet.

Charity: Greenpeace
Greenpeace work tirelessly campaigning to end the destruction to this planet.

Video: Saving the Environment from Consumerism
A Tedx talk from Breton Lorway examining the affect American consumerism is having on the environment

Charity: World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
The WWF is the world's largest independent organisation protecting wildlife and endangered species

Article: Scottish wind farms deliver power equivalent to 98 per cent of demand
Scotland leading by example, creating 98% of it's power by wind farm. How long will it take the rest of the world to catch up?

Forum: How can we save the world?
Quora thread with over 400 posts containing suggestions on how to save the Earth including reducing our carbon footprint, the need for education and saving us from ourselves

Website: 50 Ways to Help the Planet - Save Our Environment and Planet Earth
A great list of 50 ways to help save the world from the very aptly named 50waystohelp.com. Some interesting suggestions such as not pre-heating your oven and having a vegetarian day

Multiple articles from National Geographic looking at the impact the human race has on our physical environment

Article: Destruction of nature as dangerous as climate change
An article from the Guardian newspaper with statistics around the decline of biodiversity.

Article: Reducing water consumption: 23 eco-friendly tips in (and outside) the home
Tips to reduce water consumption from Compare the Market including reducing water consumption in the home, kitchen, bathroom & garden.

Article: How to Conserve Energy: 16 ways to conserve energy and save on your bills
10 ways from energysage from adjusting day to day behaviours to insulating your home

Article: Facts about the nature crisis
Facts about the nature crisis from UN Environment Programme, the impacts of nature loss & degradation and what we need to do to halt and reverse nature loss.

Article: 13 best ways to save water
13 ways to save water from Friends of the Earth including no more washing up and being plumbing prepared

Article: 23 Best Recycling Tips at Home, School, & Work
23 recycling tips from reusethisbag.com ranging from flattening cardboard boxes to get more into the recycle bin to holding a recycling event at school

Video: 50 Minutes to Save the World
A moving video from Amir Zakeri who travels to 7 countries to show the destruction humans are causing reefs across the world and explaining how we can take positive action

Forum: What can ordinary people do to save the planet when the fate of our earth rests in the hands of governments and companies?
Reddit thread with over 250 comments and suggestions on what "ordinary" people can do to save the planet

Article: A Long Term Strategy for People and the Planet
3 ways from the Nature Conservancy; produce more food on less land, eliminate overfishing and increase clean energy

Article: Good for the Environment, Good for Business
Own a business? Here are some hints and tips from entrepreneur.com around making your business more green (and why it is good for business)
Hey! Many thanks, glad you enjoyed the posts! There are articles on each page under “further exploration” that contain blogs & websites related to each subject. Hope they are of use for you 🙂
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