Helping Others Can Change The World

The human race is a funny thing. Instead of being at odds with each other, if we were to be good to each other the world could be a very different place

Who are the others?

Others, the people we encounter in life who aren’t close friends or family. The nameless people who we cross paths with whilst we are on our own journey. Have you ever looked out of a car window on a long journey and wondered what lives the people you see have lead? 

Be good to those you meet for you don’t know what battles they are fighting

Every person that you come across has lived their life up until that point. They have been through sadness and joy in a similar way that you have. Treat others with the respect that they deserve, no matter what situation you encounter them. Understand that every person has the same thoughts, feelings and emotions that you do.

How helping others can change the world and 30 ways to help others below.

Peaceful Soul - Others
"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."
Dalai Lama

How helping others Can Help Us & Change The World

Michaelangelo picture of touching fingers

Helping others is good for the soul. It helps us to live a happier more fulfilled life. The benefits include;

  1. Gives us a feeling of contentment and peace
  2. Gives us a sense of purpose
  3. Brings us love and happiness
  4. Helps us to de-stress
  5.  Makes us happier
  6. Betters others lives
  7. Can lower our blood pressure
  8. Gives us self-satisfaction
  9. Makes us feel better about ourself
  10. If you are good to others then it will help others to be good in turn 

Helping Others To Change The World

A child holding a globe - how helping others can change the world

Showing compassion, empathy and helping others can change the world for the better. If everyone were to help each other and treat each other with respect the world would be a very different place.

Being nice to others creates a chain reaction where people are motivated to do good for others when someone does good for them.

We are all human beings and more than capable of looking after each other. Be kind & help others. Be the change and make the world a better place

“No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.”
Charles Dickens

30 Ways To help Others

Two people helping each other up a mountain 

Empathy. A short word yet one that could have so much impact on the world. Understanding that others are different yet the same. 30 ways to help others below;

  1. Smile
  2. Be compassionate
  3. Be Polite. It costs nothing to be nice and we like it when others are nice to us
  4. Listen to what people have to say. Really Listen. Understand the underlying emotion. Put yourself in their shoes
  5. Be kind to the people you meet
  6. Give to charity. Time, money, old clothes.. whatever it may be. One day you may rely on the help of others
  7. Volunteer your time to help others whether at a soup kitchen or at a local school
  8. Donate to a cause close to your heart
  9. Help to make others content and happy. It brings great satisfaction to life
  10. Don’t judge. Give everyone an equal chance – No matter who you come across in life
  11. Give others the credit they deserve 
  12. Stop to help when needed
  13. When someone asks you how you are, ask them how they are too. Recognise that the person you are talking to is also a human being
  14. Buy a homeless person a meal
  15. Give to a food bank
  16. Donate blood
  17. Join a volunteer group, e.g. to help keep parks nice for everyone 
  18. Be patient with people you don’t know
  19. Help someone across the road or with their groceries
  20. Give someone directions 
  21. Take snacks and treats into work or offer them out to people you don’t know
  22. Offer to pay for someone’s drink or food
  23. Redirect gifts – send your unwanted gifts to those who may need it
  24. Help an elderly neighbour
  25. Offer to listen to them
  26. Become a mentor for junior colleagues or teens
  27. Share hugs & love
  28. Speak up when you see something you disagree with
  29. Help someone’s whose car has broken down
  30. Teach others – Impart your knowledge 
If we were all good to each other, it would change the world.

Further Exploration - Articles & Media

Peaceful Soul -

Article: 7 Scientific Benefits of Helping Others

The science behind why helping others is of benefit to us from

HESMotivation Logo

Video: Help Yourself by Helping Others

Inspirational talk about how helping others helps us

Give and Take - Why Helping Others Drives Our Success Book Cover

Book: Give and Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success

Book by Adam Grant looking at why our interactions with others hold the key to success
***This is one of the few affiliate links on Peaceful Soul

Time Logo

Article: The Secret to Happiness Is Helping Others

Time magazine look at how making others happy makes us happy. 6 tips The provide 6 tips to live a purposeful life.

Forbes Logo

Article: 10 Ways To Help Others That Will Lead You To Success

Forbes take an interesting look at how helping others can bring us success in our lives

Youtube Logo

Video: Brighten your life by helping others

An inspirational video from Smail Ikhelif showing the knock on effect helping others can have

Zen Habits Logo

Article: 25 Ways to Help a Fellow Human Being Today

The Zen Habits list of ways to help others ranging from stopping to help to simply offering love

Tiny Buddha Logo

Article: Healing Through Service: 20 Ways to Help Others (and Yourself)

Some inspiring ideas from Tiny Buddha on how we can help others

action for happiness logo

Article: Do things for others

An excellent article from action for happiness detailing the reasons why we should help others and the benefits it brings us

Article: Why You Should Smile at Strangers

Spread a little joy by sharing a smile. The science behind why you should smile at strangers from

realadvicegal logo

Article: 100 things you can do to help others for FREE

Huge list of 100 free things that you can do for others from Real Advice Gal including making dinner for a friend in need, visiting someone in a nursing home and paying for someone's groceries

The Independent Logo

Article: Average Briton gives up 13 months of their life to help others, new poll finds

The UK's Independent newspaper reports on a study of 2000 adults showing that Britons spend a lot of their time helping others including; purchasing food for food banks, shopping for neighbours and picking up litter

Quora Logo

Forum: How can I help people around me?

Quora discussing how to help others with suggestions such as paying attention, sharing knowledge and volunteering

Where to Go Next on Peaceful Soul

Get By With A Little Help From Our Friends - 4 friends sat looking over a valley


We get by with a little from our friends. Why we need them and how to be a good friend here

Family Matters - Family in front of a sunset


Our family are those closest to us and can be our support network in times of need. How they help us and how to have good relations here

Tree in a cracked glass globe

The Environment

We only have one world to live in so we should really look after. Why we need to save the world and how to do it here

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Your Take

Do you have any other ways to help Others? Get involved in the discussion below.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Jimlielm

    Really interesting post!

    1. Admin

      Thank you!

  2. Chinedu


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