Why Loving Yourself Brings the Ultimate Peace

You. Love you. Loving yourself is one of the keys to living a positive, happy, healthy and peaceful life

What is Loving Yourself

Having self respect, self esteem and a general deep down trust and happiness with yourself. Loving yourself is not arrogance and feeling that we’re better than others, it is being content with ourself and the person that we are.

It doesn’t come easy. It is a curse of human nature to dwell on the negative aspects of our lives and reflect solely on the unfavourable things that happen to us

The ability to love ourselves is the key to being peaceful and what this site is about. Being peaceful, happy and content.

Why loving yourself is important and 70 ways to love yourself more below 

Peaceful Soul - You
“It is better to conquer yourself than win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you"

Why Loving yOurself brings the ultimate peace & happiness

Why Loving Yourself Brings The Ultimate in Peace & Happiness - Smiling Girl

Imagine waking up every morning with a positive attitude, looking forward to getting stuck into the day and what you can achieve. Loving yourself makes this happen.

Why We Should Love Ourselves

  1. You are unique – out of the 6+ billion people on this planed, you are the only you
  2. You are the only person who truly knows you
  3. You have done so many things and possess so much knowledge
  4. You have many positive traits – Your weaknesses are opportunities to work on
  5. You have the power to be the person that you want to be
  6. Love yourself because you are you

The Peace & Happiness That Loving Ourself Can Bring

  1. When we truly are loving and accepting of ourself, we can focus our love on the things that are truly important such as family, friends, our partner, others and the environment
  2. We cannot fully love and be fulfilled in others relationships until we love ourselves
  3. Loving ourself brings us higher self esteem and a higher feeling of worth
  4. It gives us inner strength meaning that we can conquer our fears and take on the world and the new challenges that are thrown at us 

Loving Yourself – Some Poignant Lessons

Bonnie Ware, a palliative nurse, recorded the top regrets of the dying (article here). 3 of the top 5 were in relation to the way we treat ourselves in life.

  1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me
3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings

4. I wish I had let myself be happier

“Find the love you seek, by first finding the love within yourself. Learn to rest in that place within you that is your true home."
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

70 Ways to Love Yourself More

How Can We Love Ourself - I believe in me sign

You are the only person that can perpetuate self love. 

There are many things that can cause us to not love ourselves. We often blame ourselves constantly for the things that we perceive that we have or have not done. We need to let this type of thinking go

Think Positively About Yourself

Think Positively About Yourself - Girls with lots of balloons flying

  1. Trust yourself and your judgements
  2. Look at the positive things and people in your life
  3. Write down your achievements and successes
  4. Have positive goals for the future
  5. Realise your strengths and things you are good at
  6. Think about the achievements you have made – Especially when you have faced adversity to get there
  7. Think about the good things that happen to you everyday – don’t concentrate on the negatives
  8. Everyone makes mistakes – Don’t beat yourself up when you make one. They are a great learning tool and make us the person that we are
  9. Don’t strive for perfection – nobody is perfect
  10. Accept yourself for who you are
  11. Understand that not everyone will like you – but that’s their loss
  12. Treat yourself as you would treat a friend. Give yourself the amble praise and attention you deserve
  13. Remember that it’s ok to ask for help when you need it
  14. Allow yourself time for rest and recuperation
  15. Take yourself out of your comfort zone every once in a while to prove to yourself that you can do extraordinary things
  16. Do not require approval from others
  17. Laugh at yourself and don’t take yourself too seriously
  18. Celebrate or reward yourself when you’ve done something well or achieved something
  19. Practice self affirmations at the beginning of each day
  20. Smile & laugh more – just the act of smiling and laughing helps us feel better ourselves and life in general 
  21. Take pictures and remind yourself of the good times
  22. Help others (and don’t expect anything in return)
  23. Don’t just believe in yourself, know that you are an amazing person

 Be True To Yourself

Be True To Yourselfwritten on chalk board

Being true to yourself will provide you with a feeling of contentment and satisfaction as you will always know deep inside that you have acted with honesty and integrity  
  1. Understand yourself and know the person you are
  2. Be honest with yourself and other people
  3. Always act with integrity
  4. Stand up for what you believe in
  5. Let your voice be heard
  6. Don’t talk about others behind their back
  7. Take good care of yourself
  8. Be self disciplined
  9. Don’t worry about what others think
  10. Allow yourself to feel your feelings
  11. Don’t try to be someone else
  12. Understand your strengths and abilities (and use them)
  13. Say no when you need to
  14. Stop comparing yourself to others
  15. Contemplate & understand your own feelings and emotions
  16. Be present – don’t get caught up in thoughts 
  17. Be in control of your life and how you perceive yourself
  18. Be the person that you would like to meet
  19. Follow your passion – both at work and in your personal life
  20. Don’t be a victim – Take responsibility for yourself, only you can make changes in your life
  21. Set yourself goals if you wish but don’t beat yourself up if you don’t get there. What happens when you do get there? For the effort it takes, will it bring you all the happiness you think it will?
  22. Surround yourself with positive people who will show you respect and kindness
  23. When you are hurt, don’t try push the pain onto others. Feel it and let it go.
  24. The best revenge is no revenge, move on, be happy
  25. Tell the people you love that you love them
  26. Live a simple life
  27. Live your truth

Take Positive Action

thumbs up

Following the practices laid out on this site will almost certainly improve your self esteem, feeling of self worth and in turn your love for yourself

  1. Try Meditation
  2. Have Positive Thoughts
  3. Be Open to New Experiences
  4. Conquer Your Past Experiences
  5. Keep Learning 
  6. Have Fun
  7. Exercise
  8. Eat Well
  9. Take Care of Your Surroundings
  10. Get Good Sleep
  11. Enjoy Your Occupation
  12. Take Naughtiness for what it is
  13. Spend time with Family,
  14. Friends,
  15. Your Partner
  16. Be Good Others
  17. Care For the Environment
  18. Try the Peaceful Soul mental wellbeing guides
  19. Try the Peaceful Soul physical wellbeing guides
  20. Try the Peaceful Soul love guides

You can be the person that you want to be. You can make the changes you need to make. Always believe in your dreams.

Further Exploration - Articles & Media

Psychology Today Logo

Article: How To Love Yourself First

An article by Ken Page at Psychology today focusing on teaching yourself how to love yourself

Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on It book cover

Book: Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on It

A book by Kamal Ravikant detailing why loving yourself is so important and how to go about it

TED Talks - Mental health and wellbeing websites

Video: The Logic of Loving Yourself

Some inspirational TED talks on the subject of loving yourself

Huffpost logo

Article: Why You Need to Love Yourself Unconditionally

A great article by Elise Santilli from Huffpost focussing on why we should love ourself and what happens when we do

Wikihow Logo

Article: 4 Ways to Love Yourself

Wiki-how gives you some tips on how to love yourself

Mindbodygreen logo

Article: 12 Great Reasons To Love Yourself

Mindbodygreen brings you a list of reasons why you should love yourself

Article: How to love yourself: 15 steps to believing in yourself again

A detailed article from Hackspirit going through 15 steps to help you start believing in and loving yourself (especially when it seems like the world is against you)

Youtube Logo

Video: Fault & responsibility

An inspiring video from Will Smith who talks us through the different between fault and responsibility

Law of Attraction Coaching Logo

Video: LOVE YOURSELF | Positive Morning Motivation

A motivational video about the reasons why we do and don't love ourselves and how we should (and need to) practice being worthy of our own love

Peaceful Soul - Brainy Quotes - Thoughts

Quotes: Loving Yourself

Some quotes from brainy quote to inspire you to love for yourself more

reddit logo

Forum: how to love yourself?

Discussion on Reddit with many suggestions including celebrating strengths, being open to talking about things and that it's ok to be selfish

loveprojectlove logo

Article: Self-love for beginners

7 tips for beginners from loveprojectlove ranging from nourishing yourself to showering yourself in feel-good vibes

Where to Go Next on Peaceful Soul

Persons Thinking Face - How our thoughts make us who we are


How we think shapes our entire universe. Find information on how our thoughts shape us and how we control them here

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Past Experiences

Past Experiences shape the person who we are today. How they shape us and how to deal with them below

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Exercise keeps us fit, healthy and in optimum condition. How it benefits us and some simple exercises here

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