How To Be Happy Alone

Being Happy Alone 

11 Benefits of Being Happy Alone

25 Simple Ways to Be Happy Alone 

Further Exploration – Articles & Media

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Being Happy Alone

We are born alone and no matter who we are, we will spend time alone. Whether we choose to live a life alone or if it has been thrown upon us through, the way we think & feel about being alone, will affect our happiness. 11 benefits of being happy alone and 25 simple ways to do so below. 

“Being alone has a power that very few people can handle”
Steven Aitchison

11 Benefits of Being Happy Alone

Girl looking happy alone - Benefits of being happy alone

  1. We inevitably spend time alone: No matter who you are or where you’re from, you will spend time alone. Being happy and comfortable with it, will help those times.
  2. Being happy in Yourself: When we’re content with being by ourself and enjoy our own company, we can be fully happy when in the company of others 
  3. Time to Think: Being alone gives you time to think. Breathing space.
  4. Helps us Get to Know Ourself: We can’t truly get to know ourself without that thinking time and removing outside interruptions
  5. You Can Be Your True Self: Being alone means you can be yourself. No pretence or having to please others, just being yourself
  6. You Can Use Your Time Wisely: You can plan, get creative and do the things that you want to do
  7. You are the Priority: When alone, we can prioritise ourself, our values and our interests 
  8. Increases Productivity: We can often concentrate more and “get our head down” when alone. Alone time can help us be more productive in our goals and ambitions
  9. Boosts Inner Confidence: When we are alone we innately need an inner confidence to “keep us going”. Being alone will build that confidence
  10. Being More Self-Sufficient: Like building confidence, when alone we learn how to be self-sufficient and stand on our two feet
  11. You Are The Only Person Who Will Be With You for the Rest of You Are Life: So it’s best to be happy with yourself 
“I think it's very healthy to spend time alone. You need to be know how to be alone and not defined by another person"
Oscar Wilde

25 Simple Ways to Be Happy Alone

man reading book looking happy - ways to be happy alone

  1. Appreciate the Peace: There will be times when life comes thick and fast. Make the most of time alone and enjoy the peace.
  2. Get to Know Yourself: Take the time to understand yourself. Ask yourself questions around what it is that you really want in life, what your true values and beliefs are. Learning about ourself allows us to pave the way for the future that we want.
  3. Write down hopes & dreams: And a plan on how to achieve them
  4. Write Down a Worry List & a Plan to Eliminate Them: Write down a list of anything that is worrying you and how you are going to remove those worries from your life
  5. Make the Place Your Own: If you live by yourself, make the place your own. Move the furniture around and change up the decoration to just how you want it
  6. Go & Do Whatever You Want: Without anyone else influencing your decision, you can go out and do whatever you want. Take the walk that you want to take, watch the movie you want to watch or simple take a nap when you want to take nap. Enjoy the Freedom
  7. Build Yourself into a “Better” You: Look after yourself. Exercise and eat well. Look after your mind and body. This will help your moods, feelings and thought processes.
  8. Go For a Walk: An instant relief if you’re not having fun alone. Get outside in nature and take a walk. Get some vitamin D, exercise, mindfulness and fresh air all at the same time.
  9. Get Creative: Spend time indulging in your creative side. You have time to yourself so try using it productively. Paint, draw, write or make something. Do whatever helps you get in touch with your creative side
  10. Take a Break: Have time to do just do nothing and don’t feel guilty about it. The rest and relaxation will do you the world of good.
  11. Be Mindful: Living in the present moment removes negatives thoughts and feelings. Observe the things around you, take in your environment and be mindful.
  12. Meditate: Similar to mindfulness, meditation helps us “be” in the present moment, removing negative thoughts & feelings and bringing balance back to life  
  13. Practice Gratitude: Write down the things and people that you have in life and be grateful for them. Relive the feeling and emotions you have for them and enhance your mood
  14. Practice Forgiveness: Don’t get caught up in bad feelings towards others. Anger and revenge never solved anything. Give it up to help calm the mind  
  15. Learn to Love & Accept Yourself: You are the only you. The moment we learn to accept ourself and that our faults make us the person that we are, the moment that we can start living life
  16. Volunteer: Do something rewarding with your time and help others. This will benefit others and will fill you with a sense of accomplishment and provide value to life
  17. Fill Your Time With Worthwhile Things: Fill your time with things that will make you proud and feel like you have accomplished something. Use your time wisely as things may change and you may not get more of it
  18. Do Things: Get out, go to the movies, go to dinner, a concert, a walk. You can do all of that stuff and it can be just as enjoyable by yourself
  19. Get Out of Your Comfort Zone: Try new experiences and push yourself. This will lead to amazing life experiences, opportunities and relationships
  20. Keep in Communication: Do keep in touch with others whether it be via email, phone, text or video call. Humans are social creatures and do need interaction with others
  21. Understand That it is OK to be Alone: There are billions of people on this planet who spend the majority of the time on their own. Some do not like however some relish it. Understand that however you feel about it, it is ok (and natural) to be alone 
  22. Change the Routine: Don’t get stuck doing the same things day in day out. This can bring you down and leave you feeling flat. Shake it up a bit and make changes to keep things interesting 
  23. Don’t Compare: Someone else’s life is their life. Let them get on with it and don’t worry about it. You don’t know what their life is truly like. Just enjoy yours
  24. Tone Down Social Media Use: Social media is generally not a true reflection of reality. All those constantly joyously happy people, not true. Everyone has their ups and downs however social media does not show that and it can drag you down thinking about how perfect everyone else’s life is. Scale it right back
  25. Get Some Professional Help: If being alone is really getting you down, seek professional help and someone to talk. Many trained therapists and counsellors will be able to help

Further Exploration - Articles & Media

Forbes Logo

Article: 7 Science-Backed Reasons You Should Spend More Time Alone

7 science based reasons to spend time alone from Forbes including improving mental strength & solitude reducing behavioral in children

Riskology logo

Article: 13 Rules for Being Alone and Being Happy About It

Riskology's rules for being happy alone including rearranging your furniture and go to a movie alone

Article: 15 Ways to Be Happy Alone and Live a Full Life

15 ways fromDevelop Good Habits including using your alone time wisely & recognizing that you're fine alone

Time Logo

Article: 9 Ways Being Single Can Improve Your Life

A slightly different take from Time looking at how being single can improve your life including having an uncluttered and being able to take whatever life throws at you

Psychalive logo

Article: Being Alone: The Pros and Cons of Time Alone

Psychalive look at the pros and cons of spending time alone. Pros include allowing our brains to recharge and increasing productivity while the cons include allowing us to be vulnerable to our inner critic and leading to painful loneliness

How to Be Alone- If You Want To, and Even If You Don't by Lane Moore

Book: How to Be Alone: If You Want To, and Even If You Don't

Performer & comedian Lane Moore's book charting her own story with being alone and helps those "who desperately wants to feel less alone and a little more connected through reading her words."
***This is one of the few associate links on Peaceful Soul***

Video: How to Be Comfortable Being Alone

Robin Sharma's YouTube video discusses the benefits of being alone including how it is an opportunity to build a relationship with who we truly are

Tedx logo

Video: Owning Alone: conquering your fear of being solo

TEDx talk from Teresa Rodriguez who talks about her own journey with being alone after her fiancé left her & the 7 keys to being happy alone

Medium Logo

Article: Learning To Be Happy Alone

Thomas Oppong's article on Medium discussing how to be happy alone including how our alone time changes our interactions with others

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Your Take

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