How to Overcome the Fear of Rejection
The fear of rejection is a deep rooted and common fear amongst humans. It can hold us back in many areas of life. Why we fear it and how to get over it below.
The Fear of Rejection
The fear of rejection is a basic and deep rooted fear common to humans. The need to be accepted and fit in stems from tribal times and thousands of years of social conditioning. If we were not accepting and rejected from our tribe, it would have been game over for us many years ago.
The fear can also stem from feelings of embarrassment and shame. Not wanting to be turned down or feel that we are not wanted is enough to instill the fear in most.
The reasons why we fear rejection, signs that we are suffering from it and 28 ways to overcome it below.

16 Reasons We Fear Rejection
The fear of rejection can stem from both evolutionary and mental factors;
Evolutionary Factors
- Fear of losing our tribe
- Fear of being alone
- Fear of being isolated
- Fear of appearance to not fit in with socials norms
- Being compared with others
- Fear of being judged
- Fear of shame or embarrassment
- Avoiding change
The Mental Health Causes of the Fear of Rejection
- Low self-worth
- Negative past experiences
- Lack of self confidence
- Low self-esteem
- Lack of social skills
- Overthinking situations and potential outcomes
- Wanting to avoid feelings of awkwardness or embarrassment
- Wanting to avoiding pain and other associated negative emotion (e.g. sadness / anxiety etc)
18 Signs of the Fear of Rejection
The fear of rejection can be apparent in our thoughts, feelings, actions and words. Some of the telltale signs below;
- Not wanting to share our own opinions or thoughts
- Feeling that others are better or more superior than us
- Lack of assertiveness when dealing with others
- Lack of courage to speak up
- Being easily manipulated
- Gain feelings of self-worth from being liked
- General neediness
- Trying to blend in and not stand out
- Wanting to be like others rather than ourself
- Always saying “yes” to everything
- Feelings of guilt & unworthiness
- Being overly self-conscious
- Copying others in an attempt to fit in
- Changing behaviours and personalities to please others
- Having a lack of personal identity or sense of self
- Doing things we may not necessarily agree with to fit it in
- Feeling socially isolated
- Accepting when people easily and constantly change their opinion
28 Ways To Overcome The Fear Of Rejection
The first steps to overcoming the fear of rejection is identifying that it is affecting you, why it is affecting and what you want to change. From there you can put in place many strategies to hep deal with the fear. Ways to analyse and overcome the fear of rejection below;
How Does the Fear of Rejection Affect You?
- Analyse & look at what is holding you back: When do you fear rejection? & More Importantly Why?
- What are you looking to gain: Analyse the specific things that you want to accomplish by overcoming your fear. Understand what you are trying to accomplish and why. This will give you an immediate goal to work toward
- Look at the Bigger Picture: Once you have what you understand what you want, look at the bigger picture. What other doors will it open for you? Chances are it will have a big impact to many other areas of your life
- How do you want to feel?: Don’t dwell on the negative, look at how you want to be. Envision it in your mind, write it down and work toward becoming that person
- Accept It: Accept that you have the fear. Don’t try to fight it. It’s a very normal feeling to have. Trying to stop it will only make matters worse.
Once you understand the circumstances, the reasons for your fear and what you want to gain, you can make steps to overcome the fear.
Overcoming the Fear of Rejection
- Understand Everyone Feels It: It is a deep rooted human fear. No one wants to be rejected. Understanding that you are not alone is a good start to overcoming the fear
- Understand Everyone Has Encountered it: Not only does everyone feel it, they will also have encountered it at some point. No one has been fully accepted during their entire life. It happens every second of every day around the world.
- People Are Not Thinking About You: People think far less about others than we think they do. People generally think about themselves. Stop worrying what others think as, to be blunt, they most likely don’t care anyway
- Accept that it Can Hurt But Is It Enough To Hold You Back: Rejection is not a nice feeling and no one likes it. However, how much does it really hurt? Does that short moment and maybe a few hours or even days after the event really hurt enough to not even try? Highly likely, no, it doesn’t.
- Visualise “Success”: What does it look like when you got what you’ve want? Visualise everything going right and use that as motivation to push you on
- Visualise “Failure”: On the flip side, what will life be like if you don’t try? If you give in to the fear, what impact will it have to your life in both the short term and with your longer term actions . Chances are it’s best to bite the bullet in the short term so that it doesn’t become an issue in the long term
- Focus On The Positives: Rather than what could go wrong. Even if you are rejected, you tried. Trying will build confidence and practice for the next time you need to face the fear.
- Get Perspective: Does it really matter? What difference will make it to your life? There are over 6 billion humans on this planet, chances are it’s not going to change the course of the universe
- It’s Just An Emotion: The fear is just an emotion. Your body will react in a certain way, releasing chemicals and making you feel however fear manifests itself in you. It won’t kill you and it will pass
- Treat It As A Learning: If you are rejected, take it on the chin as a learning. Feel empowered to move forward from the situation and grow as an individual. It is all part of life’s rich tapestry
- Work On You: A lot of the fear of rejection stems from feelings of lack of self-worth and self-esteem. Look after your mental (try here) and physical wellbeing (try here) in order to boost yourself and remove the fear
- Be Yourself: Accept and love yourself. When we are happy in ourselves we don’t need to worry about being rejected by others. Peaceful Soul guide to loving yourself here
- Practice Meditation & Mindfulness: Clear the thoughts and see them for what they are., i.e. just stories that you are telling yourself. Meditation and mindfulness are great ways to do this. Peaceful Soul meditation 101 here
- Remember That you are worthy: You are as worthy as anyone else on this planet to have the acceptance and relationships you want. Your mindset may tell you different so try…
- Positive Self-Talk: Self-affirmations and positive self talk will enhance your feelings of self-worth and allow you to overcome the fear. Guide here
- What would your best friend say?: “It’s probably not worth bothering with” or “take the chance and see what happens?” Which one would you go with?
- Talk: Confide in someone you trust. Get their take. A problem shared truly is a problem halved
- People are Just People: Don’t exaggerate the image of someone in your mind. They are just a person with good as well as not so good qualities. They have the same fears and insecurities as you. Just talk to them
- Practice: Get out there and practice. Over and over again. The fear will go.
- Rehearse: Role play the scenario, even if just in your head. This will give you an idea of all the possible outcomes and how to deal with them in advance
- But Don’t Overthink It as…
- What’s the Worst that Could Happen? They say no. So what? It wasn’t meant to be. Time to move on and enjoy the rest of life
- Just Do It: Bite the bullet and just do it. You will be absolutely fine and life will go on whatever happens.
Further Exploration - Articles & Media

Detailed article from IQ matrix looking at what the fear of rejection is, the consequences of succumbing to it, the evolution of it and 2 simple steps to overcoming it

Article: Deconstructing the Fear of Rejection: What Are We Really Afraid Of?
Psychcentral article looking at what we are really afraid of and potential changes in thinking to overcome it

Book: Rejection Proof: How I Beat Fear and Became Invincible Through 100 Days of Rejection
Book by Jia Jiang telling his own personal tale of rejection and how he spent 100 days seeking out rejection in order to make himself "rejection proof"
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Video: The surprising truth about rejection
TEDx talk from Cam Adair telling his story about rejection in his youth and how that spurred on his entrepreneurial mindset

Article: 7 Tips to Overcome the Fear of Rejection
7 tips from hypnosis downloads including distrusting your opinion (sometimes) and questions what rejection really means

Article: Do You Suffer From the Fear of Rejection? (Read These 9 Inspiring Tips)
Tips from Loner Wolf ranging from the fact that others don't really care about you to stopping pathologising your fear

Video: Jordan Peterson - Get Over Your Fear of Rejection!
Psychology Professor Dr. Jordan B. Peterson talk discussing how men idolise women and how the best way to get over the fear is to practice

Article: The Consequences of the Fear of Rejection and Social Anxiety
Universal class looks at the fear alongside social anxiety. Discusses what rejection is, how it fits with social anxiety and coping strategies and tips

Article: How to Stop the Fear of Rejection From Holding You Back.
Ways to stop rejection holding you back from Hey Sigmund including looking at what it will give you, letting your fear and trusting in your ability to cope

Article: 5 Ways The Fear Of Rejection Holds You Back
5 ways the fear of rejection holds us back from Forbes including avoiding new opportunities and trying to please everyone

Forum: How do I overcome my extreme fear of rejection?
Quora thread discussing why we have the fear and ways to overcome it including realising that who you are can only be defined by you
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