How to Practice Gratitude
It's easy to get caught up in life and not fully appreciate the things that we have. Practicing gratitude changes that. 50 easy ways to practice it and why we should below
Practicing gratitude means being thankful for and appreciating the things and people that we have in life. It can be a spontaneous feeling or, with practice, something that we live with as a core value. Life moves very fast and we can get caught up in waiting for things to happen or for that new purchase. Slowing down and really appreciating the things we have now can bring us so many benefits both mentally and physically.
50 benefits of practicing gratitude and 50 ways to do so below

50 Benefits of Practicing Gratitude
Practicing gratitude brings a wealth of benefits in all areas of our life. Relationships, emotions, career and overall wellbeing are all lifted when we practice it. 50 benefits below;
- Raises levels of happiness
- Makes us feel content
- Strengthens and deepens our relationships
- Allows more satisfaction in relationships
- Allows us to build new relationships
- Enhances our romantic relationships
- Makes us friendlier
- Increases our “likeability” to others
- Increases the support we get from others
- Allows better sleep
- Reduces anxiety and depression
- Reduces stress
- Reduces aggression
- Allows us to relax
- Decreases pain levels
- Strengthens positive emotions
- Allows a more positive outlook on life
- Develops personality
- Increases empathy
- Helps us understand others better
- Reduces impatience
- Reduces envy
- Allows better social interactions
- Makes us more optimistic
- Helps us realise what we already have
- Increases levels of self-care both mentally and physically
- Makes us more caring and giving to others
- Strengthens our immune system
- Improves self-esteem
- Increases mental resilience
- Relieves narcissism
- Lowers our materialistic side
- Increases spiritualism
- Helps us bounce back from tough situations and challenges
- Helps through emotional trauma
- Boosts our career
- Increases productivity
- Helps us find meaning in our both our personal and work life
- Improves awareness
- Improves decision making
- Makes us look good
- Allows us to remember the good times and things in life
- Makes us less selfish
- Lowers blood pressure
- Increases energy levels
- Increases longevity
- Increases academic capability
- Helps recovery from substance abuse
- Allows us to also practice forgiveness and the associated benefits that brings (see here)
- Gratitude is contagious, meaning if we practice it, it can provide all of these benefits to others
50 Easy Ways to Practice Gratitude
Practicing gratitude isn’t rocket science. It’s acknowledging, being thankful for and appreciating the things and people that we have in life. 50 easy ways to do so below and more in further exploration;
- Spend more time with family and friends
- Tell the people that you love that you love them
- Keep a gratitude journal and write down the good things and good times you have
- Make a note of at least one thing everyday that you are grateful for
- Use them as positive affirmations, repeat them to yourself
- Put a reminder on your phone to have gratitude time
- See tough times and decisions as a challenge
- Write down 3 things that you are grateful for
- Take pictures of the things that you are grateful for and use them as reminders
- Write a letter expressing thanks and deliver it (in person)
- Write thank you notes when someone has done something for you
- Live in the present
- Say please and thank you when people doing things for you, be grateful!
- Be grateful to open your eyes and be alive each and every morning
- Take “bad” things and situations as learnings or a challenge
- Recognise the good in people and give compliments as deserved
- Try mindfulness and meditation
- Stop complaining
- Complete random acts of kindness
- Don’t talk about others behind their back
- Read books and websites that inspire you
- Don’t compare yourself to others
- Imagine your life without the people & things you have (“mental subtraction”). This will help appreciate them more
- Don’t take the people or things you have for granted
- Pause and appreciate the food on your plate
- Cook your family or friend’s favourite meal for them
- Go for a walk and take in all the things you don’t normally notice about your local area and be grateful for them
- Donate to charity
- Make someone a small hand made gift to show your gratitude
- Pick up the phone and call your parents and show your appreciation for them
- Practice positive self talk (try here)
- Remember and celebrate birthdays and anniversaries
- Call old friends and other family members
- Spend quality time with your kids
- Write, call or send a text to someone you care about to let them know you are about thinking about them
- Share what you are grateful for at the dinner table
- If you feel the need to use social media, share the things you are grateful for
- Exercise and get yourself in great shape, appreciate your body
- Try Yoga
- Smile more
- Laugh more
- Hug
- Take time to appreciate the beauty of nature
- Write down things you are grateful for, positive feelings or quotes on a post-it note and stick them around your house
- Celebrate successes
- Put down the phone and technology and marvel at the wonder of the world
- Avoid the negative media
- Help others to see the positivity in the world
- Write a positive review for something that has made your life better
- Volunteer and help others (try here)
Further Exploration - Articles & Media

Article: What Is Gratitude?
Berkeley university's Greater Good Magazine looks at the teachings of Robert Emmons, a world leading scientific expert on gratitude. The article discusses what it is, why practice it and how to cultivate it

Article: Gratitude
Psychology Today article looking at what gratitude is, why it matters, how to cultivate it and tips to foster it

Article: 28 Benefits of Gratitude & Most Significant Research Findings
Positive psychology look at 28 benefits and research finding including the emotional, social, personality, career, physical health and recovery benefits

Article: 7 Surprising Health Benefits of Gratitude
Time magazine look at 7 health benefits including stopping overeating and giving lasting happiness

Article: Use This Simple Daily Habit to Add More Gratitude to Your Life
James Clear discusses one simple daily habit, i.e. saying one thing that you are grateful for happening each day

Article: 50 Ways to Practice Gratitude Every Day
Another 50 ways from Develop Good Habits including playing the gratitude alphabet game, spending time with loved ones and making gratitude cards

Video: Discover the Three Keys of Gratitude to Unlock Your Happiest Life!
TEDx talk from Jane Ransom discussing scientific research and the three keys to gratitude, i.e. emote, extend and exercise

Video: An Experiment in Gratitude | The Science of Happiness
Soul Pancake ask guests to write a letter to someone they are grateful and then call them and read them the letter, testing their happiness levels before and after the exercise

Book: Good Days Start With Gratitude: A 52 Week Guide To Cultivate An Attitude Of Gratitude: Gratitude Journal
Pretty Simple Press's gratitude journal providing a space to be grateful for the big and little things all year round
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Forum: What is the most effective way to practice gratitude every day?
Quora thread with over 100 answers discussing ways to practice including appreciating the small stuff, meditation and saying thank you
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