How to Rekindle Passion in a Relationship
Relationships should have fire and passion. What can we do that flame starts to dim? 11 reasons why we lose passion in a relationship and 20 ways to rekindle it below
Passion in a relationship
Our most important relationship in life is the one we share with our partner. When we get together, we have a strong desire to be with that person. We often think about them night and day and want to spend every waking moment with them. The passion is both mental and physical, they encompass our every thought and we yearn to be with them. That unbridled, untouched deep feeling can sometimes start to fade. Why does that happen and how can we get the passion back?

11 Reasons Why We Lose Passion in A Relationship
Why do we start to lose the passion in a relationship? Why does the flame start to die?
- Real life gets in the way and other “priorities” take hold. When we first start seeing someone they are our focus. As time moves on, whether justified or not, we start to prioritise other things. Children, friends, family, hobbies, work can all start to take our attention away from our partner
- We stop putting in the effort. As the shine wears off, our appetite to put in the effort can also start to wear off
- What we do with our partner becomes routine and comfortable. The excitement fades
- We may let go of ourselves. As we get comfortable we may not look after ourselves as we once did. This may change the view of our partner if we are not the person we once were
- Things get complicated – As we move through life, we naturally have ups and downs. These ups and downs, particularly the downs, can begin to tarnish and take the shine off of the relationship
- We can harbour grudges or bad feeling toward our partner for things they may or may not have done
- We move from passionate love to being companions
- Dynamics in a relationship can change. One partner may become more needy or weaker in the relationship while the other more stronger and more dominant
- We stop doing things together. We lose our common interests and even the things that brought us together in the first place
- Merging identities. When we become “we” instead of “I” we start to lose that thing that we had for the person when we first met. We are attracted by unique qualities
- The novelty wears off and things just don’t seem as exciting
20 Ways to Rekindle Passion in A Relationship
1. Remember
Remember the passion you had. Remember the good times and the intense feelings. Remember the things you used to do and go do them. They’re still the same person and you can have those times again
2. Communicate
Talk to your partner and discuss your feelings. They will probably feel the same and you can work together on getting the passion back
3. Prioritisation
Make your relationship a priority. Put it above the other things you don”t essentially need to do. Make your significant other the target of your love
4. Make Time
Making time to spend with another is one of the most giving gestures anyone can do. Give them your time and attention. Do things with them, go places or even just take some time to put your feet up and watch a film together
5. Get Physical
Passion can be driven both physically and mentally. Make an effort from a physical perspective. Whether it be a small squeeze of the hip, a kiss or something closer. Gaining that intimacy back will help get the spark back
6. Be Curious
Be curious about your partner. At the start of a relationship we are inquisitive and ask questions, we want to find out more about them. Get that back, ask them how their day has been, what they’ve done, what they think and feel about different aspects of their life
7. Make Them Feel Special
When you first got together did you do nice things for and with each other? Chances are you did and doing so again can help rekindle the passion. Take them out, give them praise, let them know how special they are to you
8. Acknowledge The Things That They Do
Say thank you and appreciate the things that they do. Make it a daily routine to show that appreciation
9. Let Go of Resentment
Burning issues and resentment are a sure fire way to kill passion in a relationship. Work out your own feelings first and whether they are justified and then speak with you partner to get things ironed out. Speak to your partner to check that they aren’t harbouring any grudges. If they are, get them sorted too
10. Be Romantic
Buy flowers, give a massage, send them a text and tell them you love them, leave love notes, make breakfast in bed, write a poem, tell them all the things you love about them… be romantic
11. Readjust Your Thinking
Getting comfortable and into a routine with a partner may seem to take the shine off of the relationship however try thinking about it in a different way. You don’t need to worry about the hassle of the dating game, you have someone you love and can have intimate times with
12. Rekindle The Sexual Passion
There are many ways to rekindle sexual passion. Change patterns on initiating sex, spend time on foreplay, be curious about their body, vary the types of sex you have and make sex a priority.
13. Understand The Fluctuations
No relationship can be passionate 100% of the time. Understand that there will be ebbs and flows. Don’t worry if the passion isn’t there all the time (just if it goes completely)
14. Surprise
15. Variety
Change things up a bit. Break the routine. Go to a different restaurant, drink in a different place, go for a walk somewhere new. Try some new experiences (peaceful soul suggestions here)
16. Understand Passion
Passion means different things to different people. Particularly men and women. Understand that sexual passion may not equate to the same mental and physical passion as others may see it. Give them the passion they need
17. Be flirtatious
A bit of extra flirtatious fun can be just what’s needed to bring the spark back. Send a naughty text, make eye contact more, smile, use body language, touch, tease them a little. Flirt with them
18. Work On Yourself
Building your own confidence and self esteem will work wonders for your relationship. If you look and feel at your best, you will have positive energy which can reignite the spark to your partner
19. Date Night
Date nights are becoming more and more popular and are a great way to keep passion alive. Set aside a day a week (or every couple of weeks) to go out and do something fun and exciting. Start doing the things that you did when you first met.
20. Compliment Them
Further Exploration - Articles & Media

Article: Why the Passion Goes Out of Relationships
An in depth article from Psychology today looking at why the passion goes.and when you can expect it to return

Article: How to Rekindle a Relationship
Wikihow brings an in depth guide to how to rekindle a relationship. With 21 different points split into sections covering small gestures, feeling close, making long term fixes and maintaining love

Book: Passionate Marriage: Keeping Love and Intimacy Alive in Committed Relationships
Book by David Schnarch showing how to keep the passion alive and maintain healthy sexual and emotional fulfilment
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Article: 10 Ways to Rekindle the Passion in Your Marriage
The Gottman Institute focus mainly on the sexual side of rekindling the passion. Topics include changing the pattern of initiating sex to holding hands more often

Article: 6 Simple Ways to Reignite Your Relationship
Psychcentral provides 6 steps including engaging in new activities, doing something that kicks up adrenaline and taking a vacation

Article: Couple's Therapists Explain 11 Ways To Keep The Spark Alive In A Long-Term Relationship
Self brings in a couples therapist to provide 11 ways to keep the spark alive. From experimenting with sensate exercises to exchanging love vows

Article: Why the Spark Fades in a Relationship
Article from Pyschalive at why the spark fades and 5 reasons including less personal relating and harbouring anger

Video: How To Keep The Passion Alive In Your Relationship
Video from Tech Insiider by Eli J. Finkel, a professor at Northwestern University who discusses how new experiences and doing exciting things can keep the passion in a relationship

Article: How to Rekindle the Spark in Your Relationship
6 ways to rekindle a relationship from WebMD from focussing on the positive to touching

Article: 10 Ways to Rekindle the Passion in Your Marriage
10 ways from the Gottman Institute including information on fostering emotional intimacy and rekindling sexual chemistry

Forum: What are some tips that can help me rekindle the passion in my marriage?
Quora thread discussing tips on rekindling the passion in a marriage including helping them with the little things and keeping on woo'ing your spouse
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I am the husband. This is meant to be because for some time I have been experiencing feelings of trauma when my wife tries to get close to me. It stems from childhood sexual trauma and has become so crippling and I get scared of intimacy. I think there is a diagnosis for this situation. Anyway, my wife has been extremely supportive and really trying to help with this problem. She found this website and I am glad that she did because it’s like I have amnesia need to read about passion to remember everything. Instead of feeling ashamed and guilty and can find encouragement in being inspired again. So, thank you for creating this website. It may have saved my life not to mention our marriage. 11:37pm. 11/30/2021
Hi, thank you so much for your comment. I’m very glad Peaceful Soul could help and we wish you and your wife all the very best for the future. Much peace and love to you both.