The Complete Guide to How to Say No
Say No
Find it really difficult to say no to your family, friends, work colleagues or even strangers? You’re not alone. Saying no can be a really hard to thing to do. There are a number of personal and cultural reasons at play when looking at the stigma of saying no. No is a short yet very powerful word and if we use it appropriately it can give us back time and meaning to our life.
The complete guide to saying no below including; xx Benefits of saying no, xx Reasons why it is difficult to say no, xx When to say no, xx Ways to say no and xx Polite phrases to say no.

21 Benefits of Saying No
Saying no opens doors for us. Although helping others is a good thing, always saying yes can mean that you are not concentrating on the things that are important for you and your life. The benefits of saying no include;
- Allows us to concentrate on the important things
- Sets clear boundaries with families, friends and colleagues
- Gives us freedom
- Have more time to do the things we want to do
- Have less anxiety and stress from doing things we don’t want to do
- More time for rest and relaxation
- Being true to ourselves
- Being honest and authentic
- Provides a new perspective
- Save time and trouble not just for yourself but for others too
- Be true to friends, family and colleagues
- Build confidence and stand up for yourself
- Save energy
- Stop overexerting and overpromising
- Inspire others to also say no
- Self-Preservation
- Give value to when you say yes
- Build strength and self-confidence
- Remove toxic people from our lives
- Greater control over our lives
- Ultimately bring us peace
18 Reasons Why it is Difficult to say No
There are a myriad of reasons why we find it difficult to say no. We are social animals and the need to be a part of the herd and protect our relationships drives us. 18 reasons why we find it difficult to say no below and more in the further exploration section.
- Wanting to fit in
- Wanting to be liked
- Wanting to be helpful
- Wanting to meet other’s expectations
- Lack of self-confidence
- Not wanting to hurt someone feelings
- Fear or embarrassment
- Not wanting to disappoint or upset people
- Fear of being rude
- To avoid awkwardness or discomfort
- Thinking that putting ourself first is selfish
- Fear of missing out (FOMO!)
- Being afraid of missing a golden opportunity
- Wanting to protect our relationships
- Not wanting to be seen as being difficult
- Concern about affecting career or job
- Being ingrained in us to agree to everything that’s asked of us
- Saying yes can just be easier
When to Say No
Sometimes we know the right thing to do is to say no. Sometimes we’re just not sure. Asking yourself some of the 11 questions blow can you help you to determine when you should say no
- Am I comfortable with doing this?
- Is it something that contradicts my values or beliefs?
- Will it be good for my mental or physical health?
- How do I feel physically and mentally about this? Read the reaction from your body or mind.
- Do I really want to do it?
- Is this person asking me for their own benefit? Are they taking advantage? Do they help me out?
- Will it damage my relationships with people I care about?
- Based on past experience, is it a good idea?
- Is this of benefit to myself or others?
- Is it really worthwhile and important in the long run?
- What else could I do with the time it will take to do this?
19 Ways to Say No
Saying no is easy, it’s just a word right? Yes it’s not that easy, 19 ways to make it easier below and more in further exploration.
- Be Honest: People appreciate honesty and can tell when others are being sincere. Unless there is a good reason not to, be honest.
- Be Thankful for Being Asked: Show (genuine) gratitude that you were asked in the first (and then decline as needed).
- Be Clear and Firm: This still can be polite however a flimsy, “maybe not” will leave things open to interpretation.
- Be Assertive: Be confident in yourself and the reasons why you are saying no.
- Set Your Own Boundaries: Know your boundaries and what you will and won’t say no to beforehand. That will make saying no much easier when it comes to it.
- Be Polite: No need to be rude, just acknowledge the request and politely decline. See below for polite ways to say no.
- Mentally Practice: Rehearse saying no, especially in those situation you know you will find it difficult. This will make it much easier when it comes to the time.
- Actually Practice: Start with small, non-contentious situations and build yourself up.
- Keep it Short: Don’t prolong the perceived pain, just say it and have done with it.
- Look at Alternative Ways to Help: If you genuinely want to help but can’t, find other ways or resources that could. Do you know anyone else who could help? Do you have an alternative solution?
- Take Time to Think it Through: Allow yourself some time to consider whether it is the best thing for you.
- Build Up Your Self-Confidence: Look after yourself both physically and mentally to build up the self-confidence to be firm.
- Ask to Reschedule: If it’s something you genuinely want to do but can’t, ask if it can be put off for another time.
- Let Them Know It’s Not Personal: People can feel rejected when we say no. Take the sting out of it by letting them know the genuine reasons you cannot do it.
- Understand That it is ok to Put Yourself First
- Watch Out For People: Some people will use tactics of making you feel bad or rude for saying no. Watch out for these, understand what they are doing and be firm.
- Don’t Over-Explain Yourself: You might tie yourself in knots and ultimately, you don’t need to.
- Don’t Make Stuff Up: Again, you don’t need to. Try not to lie, you may be caught out. Either be honest or don’t offer an explanation.
- Seek Help: If you have genuine problems saying no or self-confidence issues try speaking to a professional counsellor or therapist, they will be able to help.
24 Polite Phrases to Say No
There are hundreds of ways to say no politely. Just using please and thank you in your response can be polite enough. 24 ways below and more in further exploration.
- Thank you for thinking of me but I can’t
- If there were 2 of me, I’d be there
- Unfortunately I have somewhere else to be / something else to do
- I just can’t make it work
- I can’t take anything else on at the moment
- It doesn’t sound like a good fit for me
- It’s very kind of you to offer but I can’t
- I’m all booked up
- I’m spread far too thinly at the moment
- I have alternative arrangements
- I have other commitments
- Sounds great but I can’t
- I’m not in the right place to do that at the moment
- It’s not good for me at the moment
- I really shouldn’t
- I can’t but I will let you know if that changes
- That’s not going to be possible on this occasion
- I need to duck out of this one
- It’s just not the right time for me
- Give me a couple of hours / days / weeks to think about it (if you want to)
- I’m just to busy to…
- I have a few things that I need to care of
- Thanks but no thanks
- No
Further Exploration - Articles & Media

Article: The importance of learning to say “no”
Article by Online Therapy looking at the importance of saying no including why it's difficult to say no, signs you're a people pleaser, the benefits of saying no and how to say no

Article: How to Say “No” Politely – 80 Different Ways
80 different ways to say no politely from language company "Go Natural English." Includes phrases to; Saying no to an offer or invitation, phrases to say no when you don't have the time, ways to say no when it's not interesting to you or not a good match for you, how to say no for any reason at all and saying no casually (less politely).

Book: The Art Of Saying NO: How To Stand Your Ground, Reclaim Your Time And Energy, And Refuse To Be Taken For Granted (Without Feeling Guilty!)
Book from Damon Zahariades providing a step-by-step, strategic guide to stop being a people pleaser, set boundaries & develop the assertiveness you need to maintain them.

Article: How learning to say 'no' allowed me to build a life that I love
Article from Business Insider looking at some of the reasons we find it hard to say no, why we should find out tribe and get clear on what we want.

Forum: Why do I find it so hard to say no?
Quora forum with over 100 answers discussing why it is so hard to say no. Answers include; codependency, believing it is rude and egocentric and in order to gain favour in the future.

Article: Learn When to Say No
Article from Harvard Business Review looking at how to say no from a work perspective including; assessing the ask, a well reasoned no and an effective yes.

Article: How to Say No
Wikihow guide giving 11 ways to say no including; say it in simple terms, speak firmly, stand your ground and thank the person instead of feeling annoyed.

Video: The Art of Saying No
TEDx talk on Youtube from Kenny Nguyen discussing the power of saying no, how it has affected personally and professionally and how it can prepare you for the perfect time to say yes

Article: If You Have Trouble Saying 'No,' Then Say This Instead
Forbes article looking at why it is so difficult to say no and how the phrase "Let me think about it" can be a saviour when trying to say no.
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