How to Stop People Pleasing
Helping others is a good thing. However attempting to people please all of the time can become all consuming and have negative effects in life. What it is, why people do it and how to stop it below.
People Pleasing
Some people in life are incredibly helpful for others. They never say “no”; and end up spending a huge amount of time doing things for others. This can be hugely rewarding however there can also be a darker side where people live their lives entirely attempting to please others.
People pleasers can make their own life over-complicated. They may be constantly busy keeping everyone around them happy however this may be having a negative effect on their own mental health. Fear of rejection and failure start working like a punishment for them and feelings of low self worth and anxiety may start to show.
13 reasons why people people please and 18 ways to stop it below.

13 Reasons Why People People Please
People pleasing is a trait that many people have to some degree. 18 reasons why people do it below;
- Not wanting conflict in life. Attempting to please everyone in order to avoid conflict and/or bad feeling
- Wanting the external or surrounding environment to stay harmonious and peaceful
- Wanting something in return. For instance, employees may attempt to people please with the boss in order to gain a raise or get better treatment
- Being a highly impressionable person. Getting easily influenced by others and not being able to say no
- Anxieties and mental conditioning from childhood
- Lacking the confidence or assertiveness to say no
- Taking on the feeling of dissatisfaction someone may have when we say no
- Natural behaviour. Wanting to help and serve others due to the satisfaction it brings (not necessarily a negative thing)
- Feeling worthy whenever doing something good for others. This behaviour is based on the person’s own self-worth (again, not necessarily a negative behaviour)
- Wanting to be loved and accepted
- Love for ourself being less than our love for others
- Lack of self-love and filling the void by pleasing others
- Fear of rejection
18 Ways to Stop People Pleasing
People pleasing can bring us many problems and take over our life. 18 simple steps below to reign it in below;
- Identify why you do it and where it started. Is it something that has been with you since childhood? Is there a certain situation or person you particularly do it when you’re around? Understanding the reason for the behaviour is the first step to setting yourself free
- Learn to say No. At the least when you are not able to do something asked of you. Build this up. Start by saying no to small things and build up your confidence to push back.
- Understand that you do have a choice
- Stop making efforts to gain external appreciation and validation. Work on internal validation. Do activities that make you feel satisfied internally
- Spare more time on yourself and try to understand your own feelings. Respect your own opinions and ask yourself what you actually want
- Take responsibility for your own happiness. Set your personal goals and make it a priority to achieve them
- Remove negative and toxic people from your life. Stay away from the people who are all take take take
- Think requests through before you accept them. How much effort will they actually take? Are they worth doing/helping?
- Ask yourself if the person is more than capable of doing it themselves. Are they taking advantage?
- Don’t explain yourself or give excuses, you don’t need to. Just say no
- Work on your confidence (try here), assertiveness and self esteem. Remember that you are just as worthy as the other person
- Set boundaries. Know how much you are willing to give and stick to it
- Don’t apologise for the things that you can’t do. You can’t do it, end of story.
- Celebrate successes. Give yourself a pat on the back when you’ve said no
- Don’t be worried about the consequences of saying no. They are often much less of an issue than we make them out to be in our mind
- Have the courage to speak up and put your own best interests at heart
- Understand that you can’t please all of the people all of the time. You really can’t
- Stop lying to yourself and others. This may sound harsh however it is necessary to stop people pleasing
Further Exploration - Articles & Media

Article: 6 Steps to Stop People Pleasing and Start Doing You
Science of people provide 6 steps from learning to say no to stopping apologising. Also includes a great guide to people pleasing.

Article: A Practical Guide On How To Stop People-Pleasing And Start Being Yourself
A huge guide from George Ziogas on Medium looking at instilling assertiveness, giving your opinion and being able to give and receive positive and negative feedback

Book: The Disease To Please: Curing the People-Pleasing Syndrome
Book from Harriet B. Braiker including a quiz to see what type of people pleaser you are and a myriad of tips to help beat the "disease"
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Article: 10 Signs You're a People-Pleaser
Article from Psychology Today looking at the signs that you are a people pleaser including pretending to agree with everyone and acting like the people around you

Article: How Does People Pleasing Negatively Affect Your Mental Health?
Article from Talkspace covering how it is different to generosity, how it can affect women specifically and that is is ok to say no

Article: People-Pleasing: The Hidden Dangers of Always Being “Too Nice”
Loner Wolf looks at the different personality types of people pleasers, how it can be dangerous and ways to stop it

Article: How To Stop People Pleasing
A guide from Wiki-How detailing how to say no and how to create boundaries

Video: How to Stop Being a People Pleaser
Animated video from the school of life looking at why people do it and how to stop

Article: Why People-Pleasers Don’t Get the Love and Respect They Desire
A personal account on Tiny Buddha portraying why it happens and the feelings that occur as a consequence

Article: How to Stop Being a People Pleaser
13 steps in 3 parts from Wikihow including; saying no effectively, creating boundaries and taking care of yourself

Forum: How to Stop Being a People Pleaser
Quora thread with over 100 answers with tips such as choosing happiness over resentment, being ok to say no and that we don't need validation or acceptance
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