How to Stop Siblings Fighting
Siblings fighting can put a strain on any parent and family relationships in general. Why kids do it and how we can stop them below
Sibling Rivalry
Sibling rivalry. A classic, well known and accepted phrase. Those who have siblings will have fallen out with them at some point. It is normal and inevitable for arguments to occur. However it can get too much. If your children are always at each other’s throats and winding each other up read on to find 9 reasons why siblings fight and 15 ways to stop siblings fighting below.

9 Reasons Why Siblings Fight
1. Missing Attention
Children want (and deserve) attention. When there is more than one of them vying for their parent’s time they may fight for it. This may be for direct attention or through perceived jealously of the other sibling receiving more attention
2. Feelings of Injustice or Victimisation
When children feel like they are not being treated fairly, being treated with injustice or victimised they can lash out and often at their sibling if they feel that they have received preferential treatment
3. Boredom
When kids get bored they can act up. Some can see arguing as just something to do
4. Family Culture
Children learn behaviours. If there is a culture of arguments and disrespect in the family, this can also rub off on the children
5. Inability To Deal With Feelings
Children, especially younger children, don’t know how to handle or express their feelings. Feelings of tiredness, anger, boredom or restlessness can quickly escalate into arguments
6. Spending Too Much Time Together
Children do get sick of each other. Just like adults can. Spending too much time together can make children become easily irritable and argumentative with each other
7. Different Children
Kids are naturally different. Differences in age, temperaments, understanding, beliefs etc can all lead to children fighting with each other
8. Specific Needs & Natural Behaviour
Children need different things and will have different behaviours at different times in their live. For instance, young children may be particularly protective over their things and fight to protect. This can be natural behaviour and needs to be understood and treated as such
9. Other Factors
There may be other things going on the child’s life that is causing frustration or hurt. These may spill over into fights with siblings
15 Ways To Stop Siblings Fighting
1. Calm Things Down
The first thing to do when children are fighting is to calm things down and ensure that nobody gets hurt. Separate them and give them time to cool off. Tell them that you will talk to them about it later
2. One on One Time
Try to have one on one time equally with both children. This will allow the children some apart time and at the same time some well needed attention
3. Things To Do
Give the kids something to do. Look for something creative, interesting and exciting, e.g. drawing or making something. This will keep them occupied and (hopefully) away from arguments
4. Set Rules
Ensure there are clear family rules. This will let the kids know when they are stepping out of line and not treating their siblings or their possessions in the correct way
5. Establish Good Family Culture
Having a culture of communication, sharing and respect in the family will help children learn how to have these values. This isn’t just between adult and child but between all members of the family
6. Praise The Good
When you find them playing nicely ensure that they are praised and (on special occasions) rewarded for their behaviour. This will reinforce the good behaviour.
7. Identify The Reasons
Try to understand the reason for the fighting, this will help in deciding how best to diffuse the situation. In some cases, one child may have been genuinely wronged and you need to step in. This will also help in future, if there is a particular possession they argue over, work out a way to split it between them or take it away completely
8. Stay Calm
Getting anxious or stressed when your kids are fighting will only exacerbate the situation as your emotions will make the situation even more tense. If you feel yourself getting wound up and it’s possible to, take a moment to calm before dealing with the situation
9. Consequences
Ensure that the children know that there are consequences to fighting (and stick to them!) Don’t set anything that you cannot enforce however an hour or two without their favourite toy or electronics will always be remembered in future
10. Children Are Unique
Your children are different people with different personalities. What is right for one may not be right for the other. Some children may see that as unfair or unequal treatment. Take the time to explain what you are doing and why to ensure understanding.
11. Teach Conflict Resolution
When the argument has calmed ask your kids to explain what has happened. Ask them to put themselves in the other’s shoes and explain what the other might have been thinking and feeling. Help them to see the argument from both sides. See video from “Kids in the House” below for some further helpful tips on conflict resolution
12. Get Them To Work It Out
Similarly, make them the problem solvers. When you see an argument coming, ask them to work out the solution and explain it you when you’re back in a few minutes. This can be a great learning for them.
13. Ignore It
In some cases it can actually be best to just ignore the fight. Kids will fight and so long as no one is in danger, it will sometimes just fizzle out by itself. By ignoring the fight, it is not seen by the kids as a way to get attention. It will also help them to learn conflict resolution!
14. Get Help
When the fighting is severe or gets too much, think about calling in help. You can contact your doctor for advice and there are many highly skilled and trained therapists and counsellors that specialise in child behaviour
15. Fighting Can Be Educational
Remember that fighting, although a pain and can cause bad feeling, can also be educational. Children learn about emotions and conflict resolution through arguments and who better to learn with, their sibling.
Further Exploration - Articles & Media

Article: Sibling rivalry remedies
Super Nanny provides some reasons for and solutions to Sibling Rivalry including how resentment can accumulate and how to stop it

Article: Sibling Rivalry
Article from Kids Health looking at why kids fight, what to do when the fighting start and hoot help them get along

Book: Siblings Without Rivalry: How to Help Your Children Live Together So You Can Live Too
Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish's book giving practical tips on how to "cope with conflict, encourage cooperation, reduce competition, and make it possible for children to experience the joys of their special relationship"
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Article: 11 Sure-Fire Ways to Stop Sibling Fighting and to Encourage Kids to Get Along
Some interesting ways to stop the fighting from Happy Hooligans including "2 bodies 1 T-Shirt" & the job jar

Video: How to Deal with siblings fighting
A short video from Kids in the House Youtube channel around teaching children conflict resolution

Article: 8 Tips to Minimize Your Kids' Fighting
8 tips by Very Well Family from treating everyone the same to minimising occasions for fighting

Opinion: A Sibling Fight Survival Guide
Opinion piece from the New York Times by KJ Dell’Antonia talking about the fights of her children and the best way to resolve conflict

Article: Why do brothers and sisters fight so much?
Globaledulink look at the reasons for fighting (e.g. evolving needs and role models) and what to do when it begins

Video: How To Stop Siblings From Fighting
A detailed video from Live on Purpose covering many points from setting clear family rules and identifying the stages of an argument

Article: When Sibling Fights Turn Physical: Ultimate Guide to Success
4 sections of tips from Positive Parenting Solutions; preparing to be fair, creating a fight free environment, staying clam and carrying on during the fight and not taking sides after the fight

Forum: Kids Fighting
Forum on Money Saving Expert with plenty of tips such as having a reward chart and just ignoring them
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