How to Treat Others With Respect
Respect. A short word that can change the world. Why it is important to treat others with respect and 29 ways to do so below.
Respect can be defined in 2 ways;
1) The deep and honest admiration of someone’s traits, abilities, qualities or actions.
2) Due regard for the feelings, wishes or rights of others
Respecting others is not difficult and is a natural trait in the majority of people. It starts with learning to treat ourself with respect and then ensuring we treat others with respect. Why we should and 29 ways to do so below

5 Reasons Why it is important to have respect for others
Showing respect to others has benefits for us, the people we meet and the whole world. We should show due respect because it;
- Helps Others: All people have their own struggles and things going on in their life. By showing due respect to others it makes their lives that little bit easier
- Builds Positive Relationships: Treating people how you would like to be treated means that they will reciprocate the feeling (in the majority of cases). This builds up trust and safety and in turn, strong and positive relationships
- Feel Good About Ourselves: When we treat people well we have a satisfaction that we know we have done the right thing. This helps improve our mood and overall wellbeing in life
- Teaches Our Children: When you show respect it will be absorbed by our children who will, in turn, learn how to treat others well. Build a better future
- Changes the World: Treating others with respect has a ripple effect. They will in turn go out and treat others how they have been treated. Change the world.
29 Simple Ways To Treat Others With Respect
Treating others with respect isn’t complicated and doesn’t take a huge amount of effort. Start with yourself and then show others the respect they deserve. 29 simple ways below;
- Treat Yourself With Respect: Respect starts at home. If we respect ourselves we will be able to show others what it looks like. Things like being able to say no and setting boundaries are all good ways of showing how respect works
- Build Your Knowledge: Learning about different people, walks of life and cultures will all put you in good stead for understanding how respect works for others
- Have Respect As a Value: Make it part of your core make-up to treat others with due respect
- Empathy: Understand and appreciate other’s life situations. Everyone is fighting their own battle. Don”t become more of a burden or treat others badly
- Don’t Control: Allow people to make their own choices. Don’t attempt to control what other people think or do
- Don’t Discriminate: Treat people equally. No matter who they are. Don’t discriminate based on colour, race, creed, religion etc etc. We are all human.
- Don’t Judge: Don’t judge people. You don’t know what circumstances have brought them to where they are in life
- Don’t Put People Down: It is unnecessary and frankly, not very nice. Be happy for what you have. Don’t ever try to make yourself look good by making some else look bad
- Don’t Look Down on People: There is no one who is beneath you. Again, we are all human
- Treat Others As You Wish to be Treated: People mirror the behaviour they are shown. Treat people with respect so that they treat you and others they come across with respect
- Build A Better Future: Provide people with the support they need to make a better way in life
- Support People in Making Their Own Decisions: Don’t tell them what to do but help them to work out a way forward
- Encourage Other People’s Input & Opinions: Help people to contribute. Plus a different take on a situation may be just the one you’re looking for
- Acknowledge People’s Value: Understand that every human has a basic intrinsic value and respect that
- Respect Boundaries: Don’t try to pressure people into things that they don’t want to do
- Stop Looking at your Phone: When people are talking to you, put down the phone and concentrate on what they are saying
- Listen to People: Really listen and respond to what people are saying
- Be Genuine: Don’t try to put on a front with people. Just be you. People will respect you for it
- Accept & Acknowledge When You Are Wrong: Pretty self explanatory. Don’t try and worm your way out of things. Show people the respect they deserve and admit when you have done something wrong
- Let Other People Talk: Don’t suck the oxygen out of the room. Let other people’s voice be heard
- Help People With Their Emotions: If you know that someone is struggling, lend them an ear. You might just change someone’s world
- Show Gratitude: When someone does something for you, say please or thank you. No matter who they and why they are doing it, they have taken a little bit of their short life to help you. Show them the gratitude and respect they deserve
- Don’t Invade People’s Space: Self explanatory, let people have their space!
- Don’t Waste People’s Time: Be on time to appointments, don’t spend hours talking about things that don’t matter etc We don’t get much time so respect other people’s time
- Don’t Talk About People Behind Their Back: Aside from the total lack of respect when you do, you wouldn’t like it either
- Clear Up After Yourself: It doesn’t take long and don’t expect someone to clear up after you
- Teach Your Children: Teach your children by treating yourself, them and the people you come across with respect
- Tell People When They Are Not Being Respectful: Be honest, tell them. It may change their attitude and help them treat others more respectfully in future
- Stand-Up For People: When you see something happening to someone that you don’t like, stand up for them
Further Exploration - Articles & Media

Article: All about respect
Article from Kids Helpline looking at a number of areas of respect including why it is important, what it looks like and how to get relationships back on track

Forum: Why does respect matter? Why should you show respect to others?
Quora forum discussing why respect matters and why you should show it to others

Book: The Art & Science of Respect: A Memoir by James Prince
Serial entrepreneur James Prince's book showing how his core principles of heart, loyalty and commitment have helped him to overcome the many obstacles thrown at him in life
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Video: How You Treat People Is Who You Are
Inspirational video from Damian Anthony discussing how acting with integrity and kindness can help change the world

Article: How to Treat People With Respect
Wikihow looks at 4 areas; Embracing Respect as a Value, Communicating Respectfully, Handling Conflict Respectfully & Acting Respectfully

Article: 21 Ways You Can Earn The Respect Of Others
Slightly different take from Lifehack looking at how you can earn the respect of others. Suggestions include, be inspiring, not listening to self-talk and speaking yup when you're mistreated

Article: 5 Easy Ways to Show People Respect and Gratitude
Nasitan Solution's article covering 5 ways; listen, encourage, congratulate, be helpful & say thank you

Video: Respect for others - How to behave at school, how to treat others and teach good manners
A short comedy film made by students for students looking at respect and school values

Article: The Importance of Manners and Respect
Exploring Your Mind article looking at the nobility of respect and how to be tactful and respectful

Article: 6 Ways to Show Respect in Your Relationship
6 ways to show respect in a relationship from including demonstrating trust and being mindful about communication

Forum: How should I treat people the best?
Multiple suggestions on this Quora thread including not being a jerk and treating people with love
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