The Wellbeing 5 Project
Neil Kitching
Carbon Choices
The Environmental (Love) Wellbeing 5
5 Simple Questions to help with environmental wellbeing with answers from Experts, Thought Leaders, Campaigners & Advocates
Neil Kitching
Neil is a geography graduate, energy & low carbon business innovation expert and author. His book and website, “Carbon Choices” offer common sense solutions to our carbon and nature crises.
Neil wrote Carbon Choices to help people to make the change that is necessary to prevent humans from causing climate change and destroying wildlife.
Carbon Choices considers the psychology that drives us to buy more ‘stuff’ and whether this makes us happier. In plain language, it describes ten building blocks that provide us with a foundation to build sensible climate change solutions; and five common-sense principles to guide us in the decisions that we make. By applying these principles to our daily lives – our diets, homes, travel, shopping and leisure – we can regenerate nature, improve our society, be healthier, happier and lead more fulfilled lives.
Find out more about Neil & Carbon Choices here.

The Environmental Wellbeing 5 with Neil Kitching
1. What is your favourite quote, anecdote, proverb or experience that helps with environmental wellbeing?
Neil: “Listen to the science”, Greta Thunberg. So simple, yet important. If only we listened to the scientists then most of our environmental and welfare issues would be solved.
2. What is your top piece of advice for environmental wellbeing?
Neil: Consuming ever more goods does not necessarily make us happy. Drinking an enormous coke-cola and popcorn at the cinema is unnecessary and unhealthy. It is full of sugar, rots your teeth and can lead to diabetes. Happiness in life comes from good relationships, friends, a satisfying job, good health and access to nature.
3. What is the one change in the world that you would like to see? (in your area of wellbeing or in the world in general or both)
Neil: I would like to see sensible economics. Put simply, tax bad things and subsidise good things, not the other way round.
4. Which resources (books / websites / videos etc) for environmental wellbeing would you recommend?
Neil: Well of course, I would recommend my own book Carbon Choices! It contains the message that our climate and nature crises can be solved if we put our collective minds to it. It also talks about happiness. Countries like Costa Rica and Bhutan score highly in ‘happiness’ indicators because they live closer to nature and maintain strong family and community ties.
5. What’s the one thing that always makes you smile?
Neil: Snow falling makes me smile. It reminds me of happy childhood days, playing in the snow – snowball fights, sledging, and picturesque landscapes. Snow covers the dark ground.
One Bonus Question. Is there anything else pertinent you would like to add to the conversation?
Neil: Back to my point on happiness. My son did some voluntary work at a school in Malawi. The children there, with no wealth or belongings, seemed so much happier than the children you see in our schools. I am sure it is complicated, and they must have health and welfare concerns but again it suggests that happiness is not directly correlated with material wealth.
Further Exploration - Neil Kitching

Website: Carbon Choices
Neil's website containing information about him, his book, photos, testimonials, publicity and a blog with environmental related posts

Book: Carbon Choices
Neil's book Carbon Choices offering common sense solutions to our carbon and nature crises. Carbon Choices helps fill any gaps in understanding of climate change and nature loss and lays out the solutions including a green action plan for government, businesses and individuals. Please click here to view and buy Carbon Choices

Article: Perth author passionate about raising climate change awareness releases new book
Article in The Daily Record about Neil's background, his passion for raising climate change awareness and his journey to writing & releasing Carbon Choices

Blog: Carbon Choices
Neil's blog containing climate related articles including; "Climate Optimism", "Local Climate Solutions – Community Gardens" and "COP26 - A glass half full"
Social Media - Follow Neil & Carbon Choices below
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