The Wellbeing 5 Project
Susie & Otto Collins
Passionate Heart Coaching
Taking The Struggle Out Of Love and Life
The Love & Relationship Wellbeing 5
5 Simple Questions to help with love & relationship wellbeing with answers from Experts, Thought Leaders, Campaigners & Advocates
Susie & Otto Collins
Susie & Otto are Certified Transformative Coaches. Since 1999 they have been sharing a message of hope and love with people all over the world. They teach a 4-step focus on love framework to help move past stress, challenges, conflicts and misunderstanding and into a world of love and possibilities
They are authors and creators of multiple books and programs including; “Magic Relationship Words,” “No More Jealousy,” “Relationship Trust Turnaround” and “Communication Magic”
Susie & Otto have been on featured on many national and international media outlets including including BBC Radio, Men’s Health, Huffington Post, and Yahoo (amongst many others).
Find out more about Susie & Otto here.

The Relationship Wellbeing 5 with Susie & Otto Collins
1. What is your favourite quote, anecdote, proverb or experience that helps with relationship wellbeing?
Susie & Otto: “Love doesn’t have to be a struggle. It’s a choice you can make in every moment that makes the difference between putting up barriers to love in the relationship or growing it.”
Susie and Otto Collins
2. What is your top piece of advice for relationship wellbeing?
Susie & Otto: Always focus on what you love, like and appreciate about the people in your life instead of what you don’t. Nothing kills a relationship quicker than habitual, constant criticism and that comes from reacting to the thinking you believe to be true that may not be true at all. When you approach your beloved with an open heart instead of pent-up anger and resentment from the past or fears about the future, you can be an invitation to love and listen to understand. When you understand your perceptions about a situation or person are causing your upset and stress, you can see them as the illusions they really are and open to the wisdom that flows inside you and the truth of the moment. This is where love resides.
3. What is the one change in the world that you would like to see? (in your area of wellbeing or in the world in general or both)
Susie & Otto: If people could learn to appreciate our differences instead of focusing on making everyone wrong who thinks differently, the world would be a more peaceful, loving place. The need to make someone wrong for thinking differently is a trap that’s easy to fall into for couples, political parties, groups and nations. When we all can calmly realize that our beliefs are shaped by the stories we believe to be true, there is an opportunity to see those stories for what they are, access our wisdom and look for common ground with a loving heart.
4. Which resources (books / websites / videos etc) for relationship wellbeing would you recommend?
Susie & Otto:
Magic Relationship Words by Susie and Otto Collins helps people remove the struggle with how they communicate.
Preaching to Monkeys by Otto Collins–Healing for fathers and sons who struggle with their relationships.
Relationship Handbook by George Pransky—The best book we’ve seen to help couples start fresh and be happy together.
The Little Book of Big Change by Dr. Amy Johnson—The no willpower approach to changing any habit and the truth is that most problems that come up in relationships are caused by habits that keep love away.
The Inside Out Revolution by Michael Neill—This book explains how life really works and how you can be so much happier and more peaceful as you move through it.
5. What’s the one thing that always makes you smile?
Susie & Otto:
Otto—When I see my beloved Susie, I smile and also looking at little children who don’t have stories that block their joy.
Susie—When I see beauty in nature and the changing seasons, I smile and when I open to seeing the beauty in others, including Otto, I’m touched!
One Bonus Question. Is there anything else pertinent you would like to add to the conversation?
Susie & Otto:
Possibilities for love are all around us and in every moment. If we allow our busy minds to quiet, these possibilities are shown to us and we have the opportunity to love instead of spreading hate and fear.
Further Exploration - Susie & Otto Collins

Website: Susie & Otto Collins
Susie & Otto's website containing information about them, the coaching and programs they offer, a blog with many helpful love related articles and how to get in contact

E-Book: 3 common sense ways to communicate, connect and keep love alive
Susie & Otto's free e-book providing information on how to communicate and connect deeper

Article: Ten Things Your Guy Should Never Say…or Do!
Article written by Susie & Otto for E-Harmony looking at ten things a guy should never say or do in a relationship including ignoring you and saying one thing and doing another
Social Media - Connect with Susie & Otto below
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More love & relationship Wellbeing 5 Interviews
With answers from experts, thought leaders, advocates and campaigners to help with love & relationship wellbeing