The Wellbeing 5 Project
Ollie Martin
Get Curious
The Physical Wellbeing 5
5 Simple Questions to help with physical wellbeing with answers from Experts, Thought Leaders, Campaigners & Advocates
Ollie Martin
Ollie Martin is the creator and director of “Get Curious”, a non-for-profit organisation that is run and facilitated by men who have lived experience of struggling at home, work and in health. Get Curious is about making men happy. It provides the space, knowledge and tools for improvements in mental and physical fitness.
As part of Get Curious, Ollie runs peer support groups, escapes, talk groups, retreats and cross-fit training sessions.
Ollie was part of the UK Police Force for approx 10 years where he built up the skills, knowledge and tools he now uses to help others with their lives. Along with managing Get Curious, Ollie is also a life consultant.
Ollie’s ethos consists of; keeping it simple, finding what really makes happy, improving physical & mental strength, putting yourself first, asking questions of yourself and just trying it.
Find out more about Ollie here

The Physical Wellbeing 5 with Ollie Martin
1. What is your favourite quote, anecdote, proverb or experience that helps with physical wellbeing?
Ollie: I created my own mindset ‘chant’ that I frequently use to ground myself when it feels Im losing control: “cope, challenge, change”.
A couple of years back I started CrossFit. For those not in the know, this is high intensity, explosive and very demanding sport that asks alot of your body, and therefore your mind. Consequently, you develop mentally and physically.
At the start of my journey I was unfit and out of shape and I struggled with the hour long sessions. To get through, I would simply remind myself I just had to ‘cope’ to see the time through.
After a while, I got better at coping and started to ‘challenge’ myself to run faster, lift heavier and ask more of my mental fitness.
A few weeks in and all of a sudden I started to notice ‘change’. I was leaner, I was quicker, I was stronger and I was mentally fitter.
It’s about maintianing perspective, keeping your current state in context.
I use this now on returning from injury, in competition and also in my daily life.
A new project? Learn to cope, take the challenge, see the change.
2. What is your top piece of advice for physical wellbeing?
Ollie: Use cope, challenge, change… I’m serious!
Don’t put silly goals in place, don’t compare to others, learn what you need to do, learn the correct way for you to get there and be kind to yourself along the journey.
But. Be disciplined. Make yourself accountable. Own it.
3. What is the one change in the world that you would like to see? (in your area of wellbeing or in the world in general or both)
Ollie: I would like the workplace to take more ownership on creating cultures that are in tune with physical wellbeing as much as they are now addressing mental wellbeing.
As much as we want our leaders to open up about mental health, in attemot to encourage others to do the same. I would like to see everyone in the workplace celebrating physical fitness achievements too.
4. Which resources (books / websites / videos etc) for physical wellbeing would you recommend?
Ollie: Our own members site –!
The CrossFit site is a fantastic resource for learning how to get fit at home with lots of videos and text. Similar it the ‘couch to 5k’. This is like ‘couch to Crossfit’.
Also, look at precision nutrition for great simple tools to manage your diet. They have a wonderful macro calculator that is simple to use and simple to understand.
***The New Get Curious website will be launched approx early December 2020***
5. What’s the one thing that always makes you smile?
Ollie: Practicing gratitude
5. Is there anything else pertinent you would like to add to the conversation?
Ollie: Thank fly, boss walk, jam nitty gritty, you’re listening to the boy from the big, bad city.
This is jam hot. This is jam hot.
Further Exploration - Ollie Martin

Website: Ollie Martin
Ollie's personal website containing information about him, the services he offers, a blog containing posts to help with mental & physical wellbeing and ways to get in contact

Website: Get Curious
The official website of Get Curious containing information about the organisation, events & how to sign up

Podcast: Ollie Martin | Men’s Mental Health and the Journey To Get Curious
Interview with Ollie on the "Between 2 Plates" podcast discussing men's mental health and his journey to Get Curious
Social Media - Follow Ollie & Get Curious below
More Physical Wellbeing 5 Interviews Below

More Physical Wellbeing 5 Interviews
With answers from experts, thought leaders, advocates and campaigners to help with physical wellbeing