How Positive Self Talk Will Change Your Life
How we talk to ourselves sets the tone for our life. Make it a positive tone for a positive life. 25 benefits of positive self-talk and 26 ways to practice it below
What is Self-Talk
We all have inner dialogue that runs in our minds. Commenting on what we’re doing, giving ourselves instructions and assessing our situations & next steps. The talk is both conscious and sub-conscious. In fact, our sub-conscious is said to account for over 95% of our brain activity.
Ever got something wrong and said to yourself, “Why on earth did you do that??” or “You idiot!!’ That is self-talk. Negative self-talk.
Positive self-talk is about being your own cheerleader and best friend. It’s having the inner dialogue that pushes you forward and allows you to be at your best.

21 Benefits of Positive Self Talk
Practicing positive self-talk means giving ourselves a lift when we need it and the encouragement to get through all of life trials and tribulations. That “I’ve got this” feeling. The way we talk to ourselves and the language we use has a huge influence over our overall wellbeing level. The benefits are both mental and physical;
Mental Benefits of Positive Self-Talk
- Increased levels of mental wellbeing
- Enhanced mental performance
- Positive outlook on life
- Positive attitude
- Reduced stress levels
- Lowered anxiety levels
- Lowered levels of depression
- Lowered feelings of guilt
- Lowered feelings of anger
- Better coping mechanisms
- Stop comparing yourself to others
- Less distracted & more “in the moment”
- Increased gratitude
- Stronger willpower
- Higher self-confidence
Physical Benefits of Positive Self-Talk
- Enhanced wellbeing
- Enhanced physical performance
- Increased energy levels
- Improved immune function
- Increased longevity
- Increased physical wellbeing
Examples of Positive & Negative Self Talk
Self-Talk can be split into 3 areas. Positive, negative and neutral. Neutral self-talk is the automatic self-talk where we don’t really have an opinion such as, “what shall I have lunch?” or “what’s the best route to take?” Negative and positive self talk are where we voice an opinion to ourselves on what we have done, will do or the outcome of a situation. Examples below;
Examples of Negative Self-Talk
- Blowing Things Out of Proportion: “This is the end of the world” & “Things will never be right again after this”
- Blaming Yourself For Everything: “If I wasn’t here that wouldn’t have happened” & “You really have screwed this up”
- Repetitive negativeness: “I always do this” & “Why am I always so stupid?!!”
- Expecting the Worse: “I’m going to completely screw this up” & “I never get these kind of things right, I really don’t want to do this”
Examples of Positive Self-Talk
- Understanding and having perspective: “Ok this didn’t go so well but it doesn’t mean that things will always go this way” & “It will all work out in the end”
- Letting Things Go: “It may have happened but it’s not something I need to really worry about” & “It’s not worth worrying about it”
- General positivity: “I can do it” & “I am good enough”
- The Pep-Talk: “C’mon you can do this” & “It doesn’t matter if I make a mistake, just so long as I give it my best shot”
- Being Your Own Best Friend: “It will be alright. Doesn’t seem to great at the moment but everything will be ok” & “Keep going, I’ll get there”
26 Ways to Practice Positive Self-Talk
Practicing positive self-talk starts with analysing our current conversations and the language we use with ourselves. Once we understand our current situation, we can then start to change any of the negative self-talk we use.
- Examine your current self-talk: How do you currently talk to yourself? Spend a day making a note on how you talk to yourself; both positively and negatively. Look at the situations that cause you talk to yourself in the different ways. Examine the words and the phrases you use and why. Understanding the current situation, helps to set the ball rolling to rectifying any negativity
- Make a Journal: Per above, write down your self-talk so you can see it in black and white. We can see the extremities and often the sillyness of our self-talk when it’s written down in front of us
- Don’t Resist It: Repeatedly telling yourself not to do something is counter-productive and will mean it is all you can think about. Allow your thoughts to flow, recognise the bad and the good. Learn from and change the thoughts rather than resist them
- Start The Change: Consciously tell and promise yourself that you will be more positive in your self-talk and start to follow the suggestions below
- Rehearse: Having identified the situations where you talk to yourself negatively, think about how you could talk to yourself more positively in these situations. Rehearse the situation and giving yourself positive reassurance rather than negatively punishing yourself
- Practice Gratitude: Look at all of the good and positives you have in life. Make a list of them. Be happy and grateful for them and use them as a positive force in your self-talk
- Practice Positive Affirmations: They really work. Identify the traits you love about yourself, the skills you have, the people you love. All the good things about yourself and life. Stand in front of a mirror and repeat them out loud. Even leave small notes and post-its in places where you will see them as a reminder.
- Treat Yourself As You Would a Friend: Be supportive, encouraging and kind to yourself. Think about what you would say to your best friend in any given situation and give yourself the same advice and pep-talk in your mind
- Tell Yourself How You Feel: Sound crazy?! If you repeat to yourself “I am feeling confident” or “I am happy” the mind and body will create the associated reaction. Tell yourself how you feel and mean it. Give it a go.
- Distance Yourself From Negative People: You know the people who are always down and negative? Try to stay away from them. Their attitude will rub off on you and bring you, your thoughts and your self-talk down.
- Realise You Are Human: And we all make mistakes. Don’t beat yourself up in your mind. No one is perfect
- Don’t Be Afraid of Failure: We have to fail in order to learn and get good at things. Don’t be afraid of it. Embrace it.
- A little Self Criticism Can be a Good Thing: We sometimes need to keep ourselves in line. Just give yourself a talking to if needed and then forget about it. Don’t keep on at yourself. Let it go
- Get Things Into Perspective: Is it really necessary to talk negatively to yourself in the situation? Are things really bad enough to put yourself down? Most likely it’s not the end of the world and you can tell yourself to put it down to experience and life’s rich tapestry
- Use Positive language: “I could” or “I’ll try” generally means that it’s not going to happen. Start using positive language in your self-talk and tell yourself that, “I can” or “I will”. Changing this language in your mind will drive you on to achieve
- Be Positive With Others: Use positive words and phrases when speaking with others. This will naturally make you and your self-talk more positive
- Be Good to Others: Being good to others builds our feeling of self-worth and happiness. This in turn will build your level of positive self-talk. See Peaceful Soul guide to helping others here
- Don’t Compare: As Theodore Roosevelt said, “comparison is the thief of all joy.” There is no point comparing, some people will be better at things, some worse. Comparison generally brings negativity. Concentrate on yourself instead
- They Are Only Stories: The things we tell ourselves in our mind are only stories. Stories and emotions about things that have happened and may happen in the future. Recognise that we can shape these stories anyway we want and tell yourself a better, more positive story
- Think Things Through: Look at your self-talk and examine why you are telling yourself the things that you are. Is there an underlying issue that needs to be sorted? Do you feel a certain way about a particular situation? Identify and take action to rectify it
- Look After Yourself Physically: Being in good physical shape naturally makes us feel good about ourselves and fills the mind with positive thoughts & self-talk
- Talk to Yourself & Address Yourself By Your Name: May sound a little strange however addressing yourself by your name will bring your mind into conscious and rational thought.
- Use Mindfulness & Meditation: They are a natural way to clear the mind of any negativity or unneeded thoughts. Try Peaceful Soul guide to meditation here
- See Yourself How You Want To Be: We can be whoever we want to be. Identify the person you want to be and visualise them. Talk to yourself as that person. Give yourself the same positive, self-confident talk that person would give themself
- Avoid Media: Media is there to sell stories and so is very often negative. Avoid it to avoid bringing yourself and your self-talk down
- Get Help: If the negative self-talk is getting too much, see a trained therapist or counsellor who can help you work through what is causing it and put in place a plan to help you cope
Further Exploration - Articles & Media

Article: Self Talk Benefits: Discover Its Power!
Mind body pal article looking at the benefits and covering; types of self talk, the benefits, the research, the techniques and how to think more positively

Article from 7 summit pathways looking at the definition, positive vs negative and self talk quotes

Book: What to Say When You Talk to Your Self
Dr Shad Helmstetter's highly rated book looking at 5 levels of self-talk and how to take back control of it
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Video: How to End Negative Self-Talk
Video from Jim Kwik looking at how to eliminate self-talk using the acronym ABRA; Acknowledge, Breathe, Release & Align

Article: 3 ways to talk yourself up
Australia's Reach Out looks what positive and negative self-talk is, why positive self-talk should be practice and 3 ways to talk yourself up

Article: 5 Tips to Improve Your Self-Talk
5 tips from PsychCentral including listening critically to your inner critic and fitting your conversation to the goal

Article: Mental Health Benefits Of Positive Self Talk
Article from CalmSage looking at the mental health benefits along with what positive self-talk is, the effects, how to do it and the different types

Article: What is Positive Self-Talk? (Incl. Examples)
Positive psychology looks at what positive self-talk is, the research behind it and multiple examples

Video: Removing Negative Self Talk
TedX talk by Abria Joseph talking about how to shift negative thought patterns and how to "dream it real" & live your dreams

Article: The Power of Positive Self-Talk
Psychology today article looking at what positive self-talk is, how it affects us and a simple exercise to eliminate negative self-talk

Forum: Self Talk and Self Awareness
Forum on Reach Out discussing the power of positive self-talk and plenty of suggestions to practice it
Further Mental Wellbeing Guides from Peaceful Soul

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