The Ultimate Anxiety Reduction Guide
Table of Contents

Author: Jess X Goh
Jess X Goh is the founder of Life In Confidence. She’s a trauma coach in childhood abuse, regenerative detoxification specialist and galactic facilitator. Jess empowers burnt out professionals and highly successful entrepreneurs across the globe to upgrade their identity and transform their life.
The Ultimate Anxiety Reduction Guide
According to Black Dog Institute, “One in five (20%) Australians aged 16-85 experience a mental illness in any year. Common mental illnesses in Australians are: anxiety disorders (14%), depressive disorders (6%) and substance use disorders (5%).”
Australia Institute of Health and Welfare has reported between 16 March 2020 and 27 June 2021, almost 17.6 millions MBS-subsidised mental health-related services were processed.
So what can you do about it?
This guide is a simple summary of how you can reclaim your life, have more time, space and energy to do the things you love as well as to hold yourself in loving kindness.
4 Ways to Soothe Your Anxiety
Set up a self-love ritual first thing in the morning and evening before you snooze, select at least 2 things to engage in to reconnect with yourself such as walking barefoot in nature, chanting, tapping, body work, affirmation, journaling or yin yoga to release trauma and tension in the hips and heart particular if you have suffered from sexual abuse
Move your body with what feels right for you such as dancing, walking, yoga, swimming, running, kickboxing, surfing etc as this stimulates the release of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin which helps to regulate your mood
Increase your intake of (organic) fresh fruits especially melons and berries because they are high in electrolytes, vitamins and minerals that support the brain with its function and the body to be more mobile as they are living foods from the earth
Sunbathe outdoors to get your daily dose of Vitamin D through your skin and assist with the support of your immune system plus sunshine makes you smile
4 Anxiety-Induced Activities
Consume caffeine, sugars, alcohol and processed foods as they lower the consciousness and energy of your body and being which tips the brain chemicals to be in a flight and fight mode essentially giving you unnecessary stimulation of the mind causing anxiety and moodiness
Addicted to technology, the blue light or artificial light that you’re exposed to on your devices and artificial lighting in your home stimulates the brain to trick it’s still daylight which causes a delay in your normal circadian rhythm. Work with nature’s timing by setting up some boundaries with your usage on your devices. You might want to watch The Social Dilemma
Letting trauma run your life, the biggest blindspot you can experience is allowing your wounded inner child to drive your car and crash it. It’s an old computer program running in the background of your software and you keep forgetting to update the program to reset. You live in a world of duality and so does the mind. Welcome the negative thoughts and dense emotions by accepting it with compassion and saying, “I know you’re _______ but I freaking love you anyway!” Catch yourself out and update the program with how your divine version of you shows up in these trying moments.
Living in your head keeps you disconnected and confused from your truth. The mind comes in to protect you from feeling into the full depths of your pain because you’ve been conditioned by your family dynamic that it doesn’t feel safe to _________. Break the chain of suffering in silence and ask your inner child, how can I hold space for you? How can I support you with what you’re going through?
Hit the nail on the head with anxiety by understanding how childhood trauma, diet, lifestyle, technology and your environment triggers emotional overwhelm and how to hold space for your inner child in the midst of uncertainty or should I say, unsafety.
Self-sufficiency with the right support is the path moving forward. Let’s not be a part of the statistics. It’s time to shift anxiety into alignment with the divine version of you.
Learn more from Jess X Goh and her incredible work, visit her website She offers free resources and healing activations on her YouTube channel.
Further Exploration - Articles & Media

Article: Self-Care for Anxiety
Mind look at 7 ways to help with anxiety including talking to someone you trust, trying to manage your worries and looking after your physical health.

Article: 21 Quick Tips to Change Your Anxiety Forever
21 tips to change anxiety from Psychology Today including deep breathing, meditation and self-care.

Article: Nutritional strategies to ease anxiety
Article from Harvard Health publishing looking at foods to make part of an anti-anxiety diet, whether antioxidants should be included as part of an anti-anxiety diet and achieving better mental health through diet.
Further Mental Wellbeing Guides from Peaceful Soul

Mind Guides
Click here for the latest guides to enhance mental wellbeing