The Wellbeing 5
Alison Wilson
The Positivity Expert
The Mental Wellbeing 5
5 Simple Questions to help with mental wellbeing with answers from Experts, Thought Leaders, Campaigners & Advocates
Alison Wilson
Alison is the creator of “The Little Blog of Positivity”. The Little Blog of Positivity contains practical tools & tips to help live a more confident, fulfilling, positive and calm life. It is packed with well-researched articles on many areas of mental and physical wellbeing including meditation & mindfulness, building confidence & resilience and general mental health awareness
Alison is also a qualified life coach. Find out more about Alison here.

The Mental Wellbeing 5 with Alison Wilson
1. What is your favourite quote, anecdote, proverb or experience that helps with mental wellbeing?
Alison: “I’ve had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened.” – Mark Twain. This quote always helps me to remember that most of my worries, like Mark Twain, have also never happened.
2. What is your top piece of advice for mental wellbeing?
Alison: Be kind to yourself. Try out different things that can help you. Whether that is meditation, exercise, journaling, reading, talking things out. Keep a log of what works best and then when you are struggling, show self-compassion and ask what you need right now. If you have a go-to list of things which help, this makes it easier.
3. What is the one change in the world that you would like to see? (in your area of wellbeing or in the world in general or both)
Alison: I think things are changing, but I would like to see yet more openness about mental health. I find the men in my life and also the older generation are more reluctant to talk about things
4. Which resources (books / websites / videos etc) for wellbeing would you recommend?
Alison: One of the things that has helped me with my mental wellbeing the most is quitting drinking. I appreciate not everyone wants to quit completely, but a brilliant book on the topic for anyone worried about the impact alcohol has on their mental health is This Naked Mind by Annie Grace. It literally changed my life. Another book I love is Reasons To Stay Alive by Matt Haig.
5. What’s the one thing that always makes you smile?
Alison: Watching old comedy programmes on Netflix!
Further Exploration - Alison Wilson

Website: The Little Blog of Positivity
Alison's blog "The Little Blog of Positivity" contains practical tools & tips to help live a more confident, fulfilling, positive and calm life.

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Article: How Quitting Alcohol Rescued Me From My Anxiety
Alison's article on Psychreg looking further into her story with alcohol and how quitting can benefit mental wellbeing
Social Media - Connect with Alison & The Little Blog of Positivity below
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More Mental Wellbeing 5 Interviews
With answers from experts, thought leaders, advocates and campaigners to help with mental wellbeing