The Wellbeing 5 Project
Angie Ilg
Live Free Coaching
The Mental Wellbeing 5
5 Simple Questions to help with mental wellbeing with answers from Experts, Thought Leaders, Campaigners & Advocates
Angie Ilg
Angie is a coach, writer, speaker and the creator of “Live Free Coaching.” Through her own mental and physical wellbeing journey, she changed the way she viewed thoughts and emotions giving her a clearer sense of who she really is. Angie offers “intuitive life coaching and mentorship to those ready & wanting to play full out and create the life they’ve been dreaming of.” She works with people experiencing anxiety, overthinking, and being hard on themselves, who want to feel true peace, natural confidence, and ease, and get to finally enjoy life.
Angie’s website (Live Free Coaching) contains a wealth of information to support mental wellbeing including a blog, resources and events. It also contains information about her, how to work with her, testimonials and how to get in contact.
Find out more about Angie here

The Mental Wellbeing 5 with Angie Ilg
1. What is your favourite quote, anecdote, proverb or experience that helps with mental wellbeing?
Angie: “You are not your thoughts”
2. What is your top piece of advice for mental wellbeing?
Angie: Cultivate a loving relationship with yourself. It’s the foundation for everything else.
3. What is the one change in the world that you would like to see? (in your area of wellbeing or in the world in general or both)
Angie: Deeper self-love and self-acceptance. Through this, we would all be able to share ourselves and our gifts with the world, and move about the world in loving ways.
4. Which resources (books / websites / videos etc) for wellbeing would you recommend?
5. What’s the one thing that always makes you smile?
Angie: My husband 🙂 He’s always crackin’ jokes and making me laugh! Ok, and puppies. I mean, I’m not a pet owner, but how can a puppy not make you smile?? Last thing, when I see someone go out of their way to be kind and present with someone else.
Bonus Question! Is there anything else pertinent you would like to add to the conversation?
Angie: Life as a human is challenging. You don’t have to do it alone. There are resources and support out there that can help you. Many people judge that as weak, needy, or meaning there’s something wrong with you if you need help, but I see it as wise, courageous, and one of the most loving things you can do. If you’d like some support 1:1 or want to know more about how I help people go from anxiety, perfectionism, and self-doubt to inner calm, joy, and confidence, I offer a free consultation. You can find out more info on my website, or by shooting me an email at
Further Exploration - Angie Ilg

Website: Live Free Coaching
Angie's website containing a blog with multiple posts to support wellbeing and information about Angie, how to work with her, testimonials, events, resources and how to get in touch

Emotional Ease Guidebook
Angie's free guidebook & bonus webinar to help with overwhelming emotions and to provide emotional ease

Woman Speak
Angie's profile on Woman Speak including information about her, how to get in contact & her circle details
Social Media - Follow Angie & Live Free Coaching Below
More Mental Wellbeing 5 Interviews Below

More Mental Wellbeing 5 Interviews
With answers from experts, thought leaders, advocates and campaigners to help with mental wellbeing