The Wellbeing 5 Project

Dr. Andrew Mayers

Mental Health Campaigner & Educator

The Mental Wellbeing 5

5 Simple Questions to help with mental wellbeing with answers from Experts, Thought Leaders, Campaigners & Advocates

Dr. Andrew Mayers

Dr. Mayers is a mental health campaigner and educator at the University of Bournemouth. He is an academic psychologist specialising in mental health, in particular perinatal mental health (for mothers, fathers and their families). He also works to help young people with their mental health. 

Dr Mayers campaigns locally and nationally to improve mental health services and has taken some campaigns to the UK parliament. He has helped design and improve mental health support services and has served on several local and national advisory groups for maternal mental illness.

Dr Mayers is a patron for the charity Dorset Mind and a trustee for the charities Dorset Parent Infant Partnership (DorPip) and Acts Fast.

Find out more about Dr. Mayers and his work & research here

Dr. Andrew Mayers Bio

The Mental Wellbeing 5 with Dr. Andrew Mayers

1. What is your favourite quote, anecdote, proverb or experience that helps with mental wellbeing?

Dr. Mayers: There’s no health without mental health

2. What is your top piece of advice for mental wellbeing?

Dr. Mayers: Take a little time each day to appreciate the natural world around you. This can be especially uplifting at Spring time, when the weather is warming, everything is beginning to blossom, and the birds are nesting.

3. What is the one change in the world that you would like to see? (in your area of wellbeing or in the world in general or both)

Dr. Mayers: I think we need to slow down. In recent years, the pressure to have everything instantly (such as next day delivery) has led to feeling of being rushed all the time. We need to go back to managing expectations.

4. Which resources (books / websites / videos etc) for wellbeing would you recommend?

Dr. Mayers: This is tricky. There are so many books, blogs, and websites – and so much can be Googled. However, I would always recommend that people check the reliability of the source. Bad advice and support is worse than none at all.

5. What’s the one thing that always makes you smile?

Dr. Mayers: My grandchildren. Every time.

Bonus Question! Is there anything else pertinent you would like to add to the conversation?

Dr. Mayers: Let’s have a daily conversation about mental wellbeing. Check in on someone and see how they are. The more we talk, the more we make mental wellbeing very bit as normal as physical wellbeing. 

Further Exploration - Dr. Andrew Mayers

Dr. Andrew Mayers Bio

Website: Dr. Andrew Mayers

Dr. Mayer's website containing information about him, his media appearances & research along with mental health and perinatal mental health information

Charity: Dorset Mind

Dorset Mind, the charity where Andy is a patron, educating people & communities; challenging stigma & inequality; and promoting recovery towards positive mental health and wellbeing in Dorset.

Dorpip Charity Logo

Charity: DorPip

Dorset Parent Infant Partnership (DorPip), the charity where Andy is a trustee, helping people to nurture relationships with their baby from conception to age 2. Inspiring parents to grow and develop their bond through talking therapy

Social Media - Follow Dr. Mayers below

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The Mental Wellbeing 5 Interviews

More Mental Wellbeing 5 Interviews

With answers from experts, thought leaders, advocates and campaigners to help with mental wellbeing