The Wellbeing 5 Project
Dr. Gia Marson
Psychologist and Integrative Medicine Health Coach
The Mental Wellbeing 5
5 Simple Questions to help with mental wellbeing with answers from Experts, Thought Leaders, Campaigners & Advocates
Dr. Gia Marson
Dr. Gia is a psychologist, author, consultant, integrative medicine health coach, lecturer, and longtime meditation practitioner.
Dr. Gia provided clinical services at the Renfrew Center, Monte Nido, and the UCLA Counseling Center. At UCLA, she served as director of the Eating Disorders Program, coauthored its first clinical care manual, worked as a clinical supervisor, and taught an intuitive eating body-image class.
Dr. Gia worked with the UCLA Department of Athletics to support the well-being of athletes, trained as an integrative medicine health coach with Duke Integrative Medicine, and launched the Nourish for Life outpatient program at the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine.
Dr. Gia is a published author. Her book, “The Binge Eating Prevention Workbook” provides an eight-week individualised program to overcome compulsive eating and make peace with food. She is also a clinical board member at The Breaking the Chains foundation and runs her own private practice.
Find out more about Dr. Gia here

The Mental Wellbeing 5 with Dr. Gia Marson
1. What is your favourite quote, anecdote, proverb or experience that helps with mental wellbeing?
Dr. Gia:
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” —Viktor E. Frankl
2. What is your top piece of advice for mental wellbeing?
Dr. Gia:
Connect to the light within you. Every now and then, slow your actions and quiet your mind to listen. It requires effort and practice because we are bombarded with external stimuli and feedback about what we are doing wrong. It’s important to balance that input with your deeper knowing, that place inside where we know what’s right, what matters most, and how to treat others. Go beneath fear and go beyond any habits of comparing yourself to others or wondering what they are thinking. You are not exactly like anyone else and what is true for you today, may change tomorrow. You are dynamic, creative, and wise. Hold onto your light.
3. What is the one change in the world that you would like to see? (in your area of wellbeing or in the world in general or both)
Dr. Gia:
There are so many things I’d want to change if I could. But in a world where I could make one change, it would be this…
We would treat all people, ourselves, and other living beings, including our environment with more kindness and compassion.
4. Which resources (books / websites / videos etc) for wellbeing would you recommend?
Dr. Gia:
Too many to name…
Feeling Great: The Revolutionary Treatment for Depression and Anxiety by David Burns, MD Your Awake Heart is Calling You Meditation by Tara Brach, PhD
The Power of Showing Up by Dan Siegel, MD
The Binge Eating Prevention Workbook: An Eight-Week Individualized Program to Overcome Compulsive Eating and Make Peace with Food by Gia Marson, EdD and Danielle Keenan-Miller, PhD
The Intuitive Eating 4th Edition by Evelyn Tribole, RD and Elyse Resch, RD
No Bad Parts: Healing Trauma and Restoring Wholeness with the Internal Family Systems Model by Richard Schwartz, PhD
5. What’s the one thing that always makes you smile?
Dr. Gia:
The ocean, too many people to name, and the fragrance of jasmine flowers on a vine.
Further Exploration - Dr. Gia Marson

Website: Dr. Gia Marson
Dr. Gia's website containing information about her, the clinical services that she offers, her book, a blog with multiple articles to help mental and physical wellbeing & how to get in contact

Book: The Binge Eating Prevention Workbook
Dr Gia's book written in conjunction with Danielle Keenan-Miller, PhD providing an eight-week individualised program to overcome compulsive eating and make peace with food

Foundation: Breaking the Chains Foundation
The Breaking the Chains Foundation where Dr. Gia is a Clinical Director on the board. The foundation’s goal is "to fight back against the prevalence of eating disorders, disordered eating, and negative body image; strengthen the links of prevention and recovery; and end the stigma of those affected by these issues."
Social Media - Follow Dr. Gia below
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