The Wellbeing 5 Project
Niki English
Highest Self Culture
The Mental Wellbeing 5 Interview
5 Simple Questions to help with mental wellbeing with answers from Experts, Thought Leaders, Campaigners & Advocates

Niki English
Niki English is a Trained Knowledge Broker, and Creator of Niki.E.ology & Highest Self Culture.
She has over 10 years of experience in Mindset, Change/Transformations & Mastering Mental, Emotional & Physical Health through Life Strategies, Philosophy, Psychology & More.
She’s an advocate for Positive Living, Elevated Living & Limitless Living and she has been trained by the best in the Self-Knowledge Industry, Tony Robbins.
She’s been able to thrive through life’s challenges & chase dreams in the process. She’s overcome moods of being depressed, feelings of anxiety, moments living in fear and has overcome each one through different challenges that were turned into opportunities to grow from. Each challenge she accepted as opportunity resulted in an outcome greater than she ever imagined for herself, when she took each right step with new resources that could help her live a different way.
Change is possible, and we don’t have to live with these mental conditions if we are willing to do whatever it takes to gain control of our challenges in life. This all begins with our Mindset, and strengthening it so we know we ARE capable. Change isn’t easy but it helps when we can learn from others so we don’t have to do it alone.
Combined with personal experiences & specialized trainings, she’s able to help others with her wealth of wisdom & knowledge that contributes to Mastering Mental, Emotional & Physical Health to live the best life & achieve the version of our highest sell that we’re meant to be, and the one that always likes to go higher!
Highest Self = Self-Mastery
This comes with strategies, patterns & practices that support gaining control of our overall health.
Main Mission: We live in a demanding world & it’s her goal to serve others with the best consolidated information that can have a positive impact on our life.
Services Mission: To help those who need the guide and/or coaching services for commitment to living their best life by Mindset Strengthening and/or Mastering Transformations.
My Deep-Rooted Motivation: World Peace Begins With Our Inner Peace.
Stay vital & in love with this life!
Trained Knowledge Broker by MasterMind, a Dean Graziosi & Tony Robbins Program.
The Mental Wellbeing 5 with Niki English
1. What is your favourite quote, anecdote, proverb or experience that helps with mental wellbeing?
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle”
Our days can be full of struggles, obstacles, pains & challenges, or we can realize everything is happening for us, and that each of these are opportunities for us to grow from.
Another for mental wellbeing, Tony Robbins likes to remind us that everything we do is “80% psychological and only 20% skill”. That’s 80% of force that can be applied to everything we do, just by thinking about it! BUT that force is only as strong as we make it. It’s been proven that practices can help us strengthen this force, to help us pursue and achieve all our desires and goals in life, from successes to happiness!
2. What is your top piece of advice for mental wellbeing?
Never settle or accept your life for less than what you desire!! This all begins with our mental health, and our Mindset that controls our feelings, resulting in our actions in either creating healthy habits, or unhealthy habits, which ultimately determines/creates our reality.
We have all the resources available today in a modern world, that allows us to learn and grow from every experience in our lives, and most importantly, teaches us how we can gain control of our mental health, our conscious mind/thoughts, by strengthening our Mindset, to remove the self-created limits that hold us back, keep us stuck in life, slow down our growth and create our habits for us. Strengthening our Mindset can help us create healthier habits that helps us with Challenges/Obstacles, Successes/Desires/Goals, Quality of Life, Energy, Focus/Being Present, Optimism, Love & creating our Best Life.
We are designed to survive & destined to thrive! We must look within to find the answers that guide us towards our thriving destiny.
From my personal experiences and consolidated research, looking within helps us get clear on what we truly desire for ourselves and for our life. Without these answers, we’ll never know what we are working for or towards, which can keep us stuck and possibly suffering from mental conditions (depressed moods, feelings of anxiety, living in fear, frustration, lacking energy/motivation, etc), as research/studies have shown. We justify being stuck with the self-created limits that we sometimes don’t even realize we have, or that we’re doing it.
We all have general needs to be met, but it’s how we serve those needs that makes the difference. If we don’t know what we desire for those needs, then we won’t be able to self-fulfill them and we will always be lacking in life, verses full of abundance in life.
Strengthening our Mindset, helps us discover what we’re desiring in life and helps us achieve them, so we never have to settle for less.
3. What is the one change in the world that you would like to see? (in your area of wellbeing or in the world in general or both)
I would love to see everyone gain control of their mental health, so we no longer have depression rates, suicide rates and other disorders/diseases/conditions that can be influenced by better selfcare & self-knowledge, which ultimately helps us find inner peace, and without such conditions.
I know world peace is possible, and it all begins with our inner peace.
“In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.” Anne Frank said it, and I believe this too.
There is a growing, positive movement happening because more people are seeking this inner peace and in time, maybe we will see world peace in our near future!
4. Which resources (books / websites / videos etc) for wellbeing would you recommend?
Some of my personal favorites:
1. “The Art of Living” Epictetus Interpretations by Sharon Lebell, Stoicism Philosophy – these messages provide positive perspective for experiencing life to make the most of life. This is my daily read, for 11 years now, and it has become my life manual for the wisdom of processing life in a positive way & staying true to core values. “The Classical Manual on Virtue, Happiness and Effectiveness.”
2. “The Promise of a New Day”, A Book of Daily Meditations. This is another daily read of mine for additional wisdom and adds an affirmation to reflect on/meditate on as an activity of being in present thought.
3. Jay Shetty’s Youtube/Podcasts, “On Purpose”, Former Monk. He shares wisdom that improves the quality of living, through modern experiences from his personal stories and stories of others. He sheds light on the many layers of the self- development journey, from personally to spiritually and professionally.
4. Tony Robbins, Life Strategist. If you need some fuel to your fire, listen to a YouTube video from Tony Robbins! He speaks to our souls to sharpen our tools and skills in achieving our best lives. His book, “Life Force”, is a recommended read for overall health knowledge in today’s modern world with advanced knowledge & treatments for conditions that effect our quality of life, being mentally, emotionally & physically.
5. Abraham Maslow, “Toward a Psychology of Being”. This is a technical read but it’s packed with so much “ah ha” information that just makes sense for painting the picture between two ways of living, either in fear mode or growth mode and the importance of serving our inner needs to live healthy & successful/self- fulfilling lives. It can act as a guide in getting clear on your life with bringing awareness to these technicalities.
6. Dr. Joe Dispenza, “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself” & Podcast/Youtube. He explains mental health & the conscious mind on a scientific level through research, studies and focuses on healing & gaining control of the inner world to create the best external world.
5. What’s the one thing that always makes you smile?
Tough question since the world is full of things and people that make me smile, even just with the thought of any of them!!
BUT, through my toughest times, it was the awareness of synchronicities that helped me through moments when I almost gave up on myself. Whenever I had these experiences through my toughest challenges, it always made me smile inside out, even when I was mostly only smiling on the outside.
It was that reassurance that I wasn’t alone, even when I felt lonely. It was reassurance that I had control of my life when I took the next right step, even after thinking I was at a point of no return, or almost accepted less for my life. It was reassurance that the good can always come out of the bad, no matter how bad it got. It was reassurance that life is meant to be enjoyed, because it’s full of so many gifts when we open up to them. The gift of each new day can be full of challenges, or full of opportunities! It was THIS smile that kept me going & saved my life through hard times in my life, because it came with a connected feeling…that everything is going to be alright, and that there IS another way!
Bonus Question! Is there anything else pertinent you would like to add to the conversation?
One of the greatest discoveries being shared today about gaining control of our mental health, is that we can learn from each other, and that we don’t have to do it alone. Find someone who is ahead of you in achieving mastery over their mental health and learn from them & what they did to achieve this. They will have the bridge to accelerate your process. Only learn from those who speak to your soul, who you can relate to, and someone who helps spark something in you.
There are so many different strategies/methods/resources/practices, and it’s important to understand that you will need to find the ones that work for you, which might come with trial/errors, but don’t let this slow you down. Keep going, because you’ll find them, and this will help you measure when you DO find what does work for you.
It’s a powerful movement that is helping us evolve from the surviving culture to the thriving culture, by sharing knowledge & wisdom at lightning speed with the internet. We are meant to work together, to not be divided and separated. This movement is brining us back to this, and in return, making world peace possible by this expanding community!
Highest Self Culture’s Mantras for anyone who’s trying to get to the next level in their life & who are still trying to achieve their best life.du
If this interview sparked something in you, then consider this one of your synchronicities guiding you towards what you needed to hear to get to the next level in your life that’s waiting for you.
Your best life doesn’t have limits, and neither should you! Life isn’t perfect, but our perception can make it so!
Each new day doesn’t discriminate by age, and neither should your dreams!
Thrive through life’s challenges & chase dreams in the process! Stay vital & in love with this life!
Further Exploration - Niki English

Website: Highest Self Culture
The Highest Self Culture Blog that offers resources, practices, strategies, knowledge & services that help with Mastery of our Mental, Emotional & Physical Health.

YouTube: Niki.E-ology
The Niki.E-ology Youtube Channel covering big picture concepts & tools that have a positive influence on living a high performing life & that can help others get through challenges or chase any desire by taking control of our Mental, Emotional & Physical Health, AKA Mind, Body & Spirit.
Social Media - Follow Niki below
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More Mental Wellbeing 5 Interviews
With answers from experts, thought leaders, advocates and campaigners to help with mental wellbeing