The Wellbeing 5 Project
Priyanka Nair
Sanity Daily
The Mental Wellbeing 5
5 Simple Questions to help with mental wellbeing with answers from Experts, Thought Leaders, Campaigners & Advocates
Priyanka Nair
Priyanka is a mental health advocate, writer, author, certified NLP & mindfulness practitioner and poetess. Through her own journey she founded her website Sanity Daily, the mission of which is to spread mental health awareness and help readers prioritize their mental health.
Priyanka has been listed as one of the top 75 mental health bloggers and has won a number of awards. She is number 20 in the bloggers to watch in 2020. She is a SHEROES champion, Amazon approved Influencer and social influencer.
Find our more about Priyanka here

The Mental Wellbeing 5 with Priyanka Nair
1. What is your favourite quote, anecdote, proverb or experience that helps with mental wellbeing?
Priyanka: — I am very passionate about my work, so I follow this quote by every famous Indian Philosopher Swami Vivekananda which keeps me going.
“Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life – think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.”
And I also believe that one cannot pour from an empty cup so I take necessary breaks and spend some time alone with my little girl to re-fill myself.
2. What is your top piece of advice for mental wellbeing?
Priyanka: Our mental well-being might get disturbed due to many external factors, but our mental wellness is our prime responsibility because our ill- mental health affects our physical health as well. We must nurture our mental state and keep a check on our stress level often.
3. What is the one change in the world that you would like to see? (in your area of wellbeing or in the world in general or both)
Priyanka: There is this one thing, I keenly want to see is, Mental Health being adapted as a part education system, our school syllabus. It will help to raise awareness among children right from a young age. I had even filed a petition at stating the same.
4. Which resources (books / websites / videos etc) for wellbeing would you recommend?
Priyanka: I have compiled a list of the book I have read and I actively suggest everyone read, here is the compilation.
Besides this, I follow TED Talks and Sadhguru.
5. What’s the one thing that always makes you smile?
Priyanka: Spending time with my daughter makes me smile, also when my readers personally DM me or email me saying how my blog helped them, I feel a sense of reward in their appreciation/feedback. I am on a purpose to spread mental health awareness through my write-ups and if it helps someone, I feel accomplished.
Bonus Question! Is there anything else pertinent you would like to add to the conversation?
Priyanka: I would like to say that to normalize Mental Health, we need to have more and more conversations around it. We must try to work on the use of language and sensitize our society as a whole. Anyone’s Mental Illness doesn’t define them, it is just a part of them, that could be cured with timely help. Creating a safe space will help people to open up and share their feelings.
Further Exploration - Priyanka Nair

Website: Sanity Daily
Priyanka's website Sanity Daily providing a blog with a wealth information around relationships, mental health and stress management. Also includes information about Priyanka and how to get in touch.

Videos: Mental Health Talks & Soulful Poetry
Priyanka'a Youtube channel containing mental health talks and soulful poetry.

E-Book: 26 Days 26 Ways for a happier you
Priyanka'a free ebook providing an A-Z guide to Self-Help & Self-Awareness

Petition: Inclusion of Mental Health and Emotional Wellness as a topic of study in schools
Petition raised on by Priyanka to include mental health and emotional wellness as a topic of study in schools
Social Media - Follow Priyanka & Sanity Daily below
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More Mental Wellbeing 5 Interviews
With answers from experts, thought leaders, advocates and campaigners to help with mental wellbeing