The Wellbeing 5 Project
Sam Tyrer
Change Talks
The Mental Wellbeing 5
5 Simple Questions to help with mental wellbeing with answers from Experts, Thought Leaders, Campaigners & Advocates

Sam Tyrer
Sam is a multi-award winning mental health campaigner, ultra-runner and the founder of Change Talks, a service for health promotion and ill-health prevention.
Change Talks is a UK National Health Service (NHS) service providing mental health education for all. Change Talks mission is to “revolutionise the way we think, talk and act about mental health. We aim to reduce the stigma, increase awareness and promote coping strategies, leading to a healthier and happier mind.”
Sam is the host of the podcast, “The Family Mental Health Hour.” Each week he delivers an hour of PHSE style education around Mental Health, only instead of in school Live on the internet and for families and teachers as well as the kids.
Sam won the “Points of Light” award for The Family Mental Health Hour, an award given out by the UK government that recognises outstanding individual volunteers – people who are making a change in their community.
Find out more about Sam and Change Talks here
The Mental Wellbeing 5 with Sam Tyrer
1. What is your favourite quote, anecdote, proverb or experience that helps with mental wellbeing?
Sam: There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t.
2. What is your top piece of advice for mental wellbeing?
Sam: You have to give yourself a fighting chance of having good mental wellbeing. Are you doing what we know is good for you? Are you eating well? Are you exercising? Are you connecting with people? Are you practising mindfulness? Or are you doing what you know is bad for you on a daily basis? If you don’t do any of the things that are good for you, you aren’t giving yourself a fighting chance.
3. What is the one change in the world that you would like to see? (in your area of wellbeing or in the world in general or both)
Sam: I would like to see mental health education embedded within the school curriculum. I would also like to see more education around drugs, manipulation/grooming, sexual health and gambling. If we can prevent more young people doing risky behaviours, in turn we will likely see a reduction in mental health issues.
4. Which resources (books / websites / videos etc) for wellbeing would you recommend?
The above is a playlist of webinars that myself and a friend created when we first went into lockdown. There is over 30 webinars, where you can learn about mental health topics and much more for FREE.
5. What’s the one thing that always makes you smile?
Sam: Nature. No matter how stressed I am, getting outside and away from screens helps my mental health so much. For me, I love being in the mountains. It is a place where I feel alive and free. Standing on top of a mountain allows me to put my life in perspective, try it and see for yourself!
Further Exploration - Sam Tyrer

Service: Change Talks
Change Talks, the service founded by Sam, offering mental health education for all. Change Talks mission is to "revolutionise the way we think, talk and act about mental health. We aim to reduce the stigma, increase awareness and promote coping strategies, leading to a healthier and happier mind."

Podcast: The Mental Health Family Hour
Podcast hosted by Sam & Dave Cottrell where each week they deliver an hour of PHSE style education around Mental Health, only instead of in school Live on the internet and for families and teachers as well as the kids.

Award: Points of Light
Further detail on the award won by Sam given by the UK Prime Minister that recognises outstanding individual volunteers - people who are making a change in their community.
Social Media - Follow Sam & Change Talks Below
More Mental Wellbeing 5 Interviews Below

More Mental Wellbeing 5 Interviews
With answers from experts, thought leaders, advocates and campaigners to help with mental wellbeing