How to Build Confidence in Children
Confidence can get us far in life so building it in children early can give them the best possible start. Why children may lack confidence and 50 ways to build it below.
Childhood Confidence
Why Children May Lack Confidence
50 Ways To Build Confidence in Children
Further Exploration – Articles & Media
Your Take – Comments
Childhood Confidence
A confident child will naturally have more experiences in life and experience more positive emotion such as happiness and success than an a child lacking confidence. Confidence building begins at home and luckily it is not as daunting as it sounds. Read on for why children lack it and 50 ways to build it.

15 Reasons Why Children May Lack Confidence
Children, like all humans, are complex. There maybe many reasons why they lack confidence, the majority start at home however other external factors may also play a part. These include;
- Lack of encouragement
- Inherent learned behaviour from role models
- Repeated and ongoing criticism
- Overprotection from a parent
- Allowing them to escape responsibility
- Comparing to other children
- Not being allowed to test their skills and abilities
- Over-expectant parents
- Not being left to problem solve on their own
- Lack of self-worth
- Not allowing them to make mistakes
- Negative self-image
- Allowing a victim mentality
- Negative peer group
- Lack of physical and mental wellbeing
50 Ways to Build Confidence In Children
Building confidence in children isn’t rocket science. Give them the love and attention they deserve and help them out along the journey. 50 simple ways to help below;
- Ensure you offer unconditional love
- Let them be them self – don’t try to change them
- Don’t criticise them
- Appreciate the effort, not the result
- Let them figure out problems
- Help them to experience new experiences and a wide range of activities
- Spend time with them
- Pay attention to them
- Provide encouragement
- Let them make decisions
- Don’t compare them to others
- Let them overhear you talking positively about them
- Pass on your skills and knowledge
- Work on yourself – when you are confident, it will pass on to your children. (Peaceful Soul guide to confidence here)
- Give them a puzzle or challenge to solve
- Try not to let them know if you’re worried or anxious about them
- Ask for their advice – Get them thinking
- Accept that they will have genuine fears and insecurities
- Don’t make excuses for them
- Encourage them to have empathy and understand others feelings
- Try to keep them in the real world – not constantly in front of screens
- Don’t give them special treatment (well, not all the time)
- Take an interest in what they do
- Explain and help them to use positive self-talk (Peaceful Soul guide here)
- Encourage them to help others (Peaceful Soul guide here)
- Use role play to practice situations they might not be comfortable with
- Help them set goals and things to work towards
- Praise courage and bravery when trying something new
- Compliment them for things they should be complimented for – not just all the time
- Let them act their age
- Encourage them to practice things to build up their competence
- Help them to view mistakes as learnings
- Create a wall of fame to showcase their achievements
- Don’t always tell them what to do – let them work it out for themselves
- Let them know you are proud of them
- Don’t label them
- Explain that children are different and let them know their unique qualities
- Encourage them to talk to adults (that you know and when you are with them)
- Don’t push them into things that they really don’t want to do
- Hang their pictures and drawing around the house
- Encourage them to express their feelings
- Let them take appropriate risks
- Teach them breathing and relaxation techniques (Try Here)
- Allow them to make mistakes (and learn from them)
- Don’t dismiss their feelings
- Criticise their behaviour, not them
- Know their limits
- Let them carry out small jobs – give them a sense of responsibility
- Listen to them
- If you are really worried about your child’s lack of confidence think about getting professional help from a counsellor or therapist
Further Exploration - Articles & Media

Article: Reasons for a Lack of Self-Confidence in Children
An article from Hello Motherhood looking at the reasons for a lack of confidence in a child ranging from negative comparisons to an encouragement shortfall

Article: How to Quiet Your Inner Critic and Increase Your Confidence
Article from the Brave Thinking Institue discussing how to quiet your inner critic and build confidence.

Book: Being Me: A Kid's Guide to Boosting Confidence and Self-Esteem
Book by Wendy L. Moss looking at confidence from a kid's perspective with tips and advice on how to deal challenges and build up confidence and self-esteem
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Article: Five ways to boost your child's self-confidence
Perform details 5 ways to help from accepting fears or insecurities to reminding them of the things they are good at

Article: How to boost your child’s self-confidence
5 tips from Turnaround Anxiety including redirecting inaccurate beliefs to teaching life skills

Video: 3 Tips to Raise Self-Confident Children
Video from Bryan Tracy sharing 3 tips including ensuring children have rules and empowering them to make their own decisions

Article: 10 Tips on How to Build Confidence in Kids
10 tips from Working Mother including teaching resilience and setting rules & being consistent

Article: A Better Way to Develop Your Child’s Confidence
A different take on building up child confidence from Greater Good Magazine. The article discusses relieving too much self focus rather than praising efforts and building up self-esteem

Article: How to raise a confident child
12 tips from the school run ranging from changing your body language to being social media savvy

Article: 12 Tips for Raising Confident Kids
12 tips from the Child Mind Institute including modelling confidence yourself and not getting upset about mistakes

Article: A psychotherapist shares the 7 biggest parenting mistakes that destroy kids’ confidence and self-esteem
7 parenting mistakes from CNBC Make It ranging from protecting them from their emotions to being overprotective

Forum: What are some good ways to increase a child's self esteem?
Quora thread discussing how to build children's self esteem with suggestions such as helping your child to understand they are in control of their future and just being with them
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