Our Relationship
Our relationship completes us. How our relationship makes us whole and the essential tips to keeping it alive below
What Relationship?
Our partner, other half, better half, girlfriend or boyfriend, wife or husband. We decide our partner and the person we want to spend the majority of our time. We need to take the time and effort to make them work.
“I love you.” The 3 words that can change everything. There is nothing more exhilarating than meeting someone and falling wildly in love. It consumes our every thought.
Relationships work and don’t work, that is a fact of life. We know when a relationship is good for us or not so good for us. Trust your instinct.
10 benefits of a healthy relationship and 65 ways to make it a good one below

10 reasons Why A Healthy Relationship Completes Us
- Somebody to share our good and bad times with
- Somebody to make memories with
- Have a family with
- Enjoy intimate moments with
- Someone to confide in
- Give us a sense of purpose
- Someone to grow old with
- Provide us with support and love
- Reduce stress through having someone to share our ups and down with
- A best friend
65 Ways To Have a Good Relationship

- Talk, talk, talk – when we stop communicating we stop understanding each other
- Listen to their thoughts, ideas and aspirations
- Be Honest
- Work at it – Relationships take work
- Make your relationship a priority
- Be Yourself – Don’t try to attract someone by being someone that you’re not, it will inevitably end in tears
- Ensure mutual respect
- Have boundaries. You are not one person and dependency on your significant other is a not a good place to be. Be your own person and allow them to do the same
- Ensure that you are happy – you cannot have a good relationship if you are not happy with yourself first
- Sometimes it is not a case of right and wrong
- Always talk, don’t expect your partner to be a mind reader. You in turn don’t know what they are thinking
- Show them love and affection every day
- Don’t try to change your partner – you can only change yourself
- Help them when they need it
- Understand your significant other. Know their beliefs, relationships, feeling and values. Understand them and what makes them tick
- Don’t get angry or shout
- Accept that there will be disappointing or hard times
- Don’t let things stew… Although know when to bite your tongue and let things calm down
- Don’t retaliate in the heat of the moment. Take some time out to take a breather. No one has ever been proud of what they’ve said at that point
- Trust is critical. When it’s gone it’s gone
- Don’t belittle or criticise them
- Appreciate them
- Be playful
- Men and women have different needs and ways of thinking – understand and accept that
- Be independent and responsible for your own happiness – when you rely on someone else to provide that for you you can become needy
- Be their best friend
- Confide in them
- Trust them
- Be a team
- But give them space when they need it
- Be the person that you would want to have as your partner
- Have the courage to tell your partner if it’s not working – Do not continue out of feelings of pity or being scared of the consequences
- Make time for each other
- Do little things for each other
- Allow for individuality to be strength to each other rather than a cause of arguments
- Try not to have secrets (even if they are to try and protect your partner)
- Respect their decisions and actions
- Make sacrifices – Do what they want to do or give up your time them
- Accept flaws – No-one is perfect and no one ever will be. Accept their flaws as part of the person you love
- Stop obsessing about them and checking your phone every 5 minutes – let them be
- Focus on the things that you love about them
- Be reliable
- Reminisce with them
- When arguments occur – check that it is not coming from your own fears and insecurities
- Keep negative thoughts in check
- Be happy for them when things go right for them
- Do exciting and new things with each other (some examples here)
- Tell them what it is you love about them
- Learn how to forgive – We all make mistakes from time to time
- Tell them how you feel
- Have fun together
- Stay faithful
- Understand their relationships – both family and friends
- Don’t stonewall them
- Don’t show contempt (or roll your eyes) at them
- Understand your own negative traits and how they might be affecting your relationship
- You know deep down when things are good. When they are not, trust your gut feelings
- Do not continually dredge things up from the past when they have no relevance
- Discuss what you both want out of life
- Create goals together, have things to work towards together. Dream about your future and life together and plan it
- Assume they have good intentions
- Be playful
- Sex is important
- Be romantic. Keep things exciting
- If things are really bad but you want to save the relationship consider seeing a therapist or counsellor. There are many trained experts who will be able to help
When it doesn’t work?
The only great healer is time and the knowledge that everything will be ok again in the future. If it was true love, we never forget them however the feelings subside over time. Look to what that person brought you rather than what you feel they took away. Always remember that unless we are are content being single and the person that we are, we can never be fully happy in a relationship (and being single can be fun can be fun anyway)
Further Exploration - Articles & Media

Article: When You’re In a Good Relationship, You Learn These 10 Things
Huffington Post article mainly discussing how you should not expect anything from your relationship. Communication is key.

Book: The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts
Book by Gary Chapman discussing the 5 secrets to having love that lasts. Also includes a "couple's Personal Profile assessment" so you can discover your and your partner's love language.
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Article: How to Have a Better Relationship
Tara Parker-Pope from the New York times provides a guide on how to have a better relationship

Article: The 9 Biggest Benefits of Being In a Relationship
Everdaypower article detailing the biggest benefits of relationships including that it can improve your health and reduce risk of STD's

Article: 20 Ways To Recognize A Good Partner
An article from Lifehack looking at the ways you can recognise a good partner from being "uncomplicated" to being reasonable

Article: 9 surprising health benefits of being in a good relationship
Insider look at 9 surprising health benefits from being in a good relationship including the fact that it can help you to live longer

Article: 9 Signs It's Time to End Your Relationship
A mind body green article helping you to spot the signs when it is time to end your relationship

Article: 21 Ways Anyone Can Be A Better Partner
Bustle's 21 ways ranging from doing one nice thing every day to just being you

Article: This Is What a Healthy Relationship Looks Like
John Kim from Pyschology today provides both commentary and a handy picture as to what a healthy relationship looks like

Article: 7 Most Desirable Traits in a Partner
Article from Karen Nimmo on Medium looking at the 7 most desirable traits in a partner including kindness, trust and load sharing

Forum: Let's Chat Love
Let's Chat Love forum with sections including; relationship advice, dating, sexual wellbeing and general discussion
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Where to Go Next on Peaceful Soul

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