Food & Drink - Fuel Yourself Well

What we put into our bodies has a huge impact on our health and our mood. Fuel yourself well to reap the benefits. Why we should eat & drink well and 10 good food and drink tips below.
Food & drink – What we put into our body to keep us nourished and fuelled.
Consuming the right food and drink can have a huge impact on our mind, body and overall wellbeing.
Eating and drinking well shouldn’t be a chore. Some of the best, most tasty foods are good for you (and easy to prepare)
Why we should eat & drink well and 10 good food & drink tips below

The benefits of Good Food & Drink
Eating and drinking well brings us substantial health and general wellness benefits
- Strengthens our immune system making us more resilient to illness
- Gives us energy in order to take on new experiences and do fun things
- Helps us control our weight
- Improves our mood & sense of well being
- Helps with mental issues such as anxiety and depression
- Help with physical issues such as diabetes
- Strengthens our teeth and bones
10 Good Food & Drink Tips
There are many recommendations on what to eat and when. Some of the basics below, take a look at the further exploration articles for more in depth information and recipes.
- 5 pieces of fresh fruit & vegetables per day is a good starting point
- Eat fresh produce – organic where possible
- Avoid processed food
- If you can’t pronounce the ingredients on the back of your food and they sound like they belong in a science experiment, should you be putting it into your body?
- Add some colour to your plate – Aim to not have a whole plate of yellow food – yellow food is generally stodgy and not particularly great for us (think chips, chicken nuggets, pizza etc)
- Sugar – Sugar is added to many meal these days especially pre-packed & ready meals. Try to avoid too much, it messes with our body and provides us with no goodness
- Try something new
- Water – Our body is made up of over 50% water. Make sure you’re getting enough to replenish yourself
- Caffeine – Caffeine can be good for us however like a lot of things in life – moderation is the key
- Try the 80/20 rule – eating well 80% of the time and eating what you like 20% of the time
Sometimes we fail with the eating well thing – like any naughtiness, don’t beat yourself up over it, just get back to fuelling yourself properly
Further Exploration - Articles & Media

Article: The 50 Healthiest Foods of All Time
Time magazine puts together a list of the 50 healthiest of all time and recipes so you can try them out

Article: Eat Well
The NHS's guidelines for eating well. Provides detailed information on things like the types of food we should consume and food groups.

Book: Medical Medium Life-Changing Foods
A guide to over 50 fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices and wild foods that can have an extraordinary affect on health and wellbeing
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Recipes: Quick and healthy recipes
BBC Good Food provides some quick and healthy recipes that can be made in under 30 minutes

Article: What are the benefits of eating healthy? documents the top 10 benefits of eating healthily.

Article: Food & Drink
The Food & Drink section of the Independent newspaper contains all of the breaking news on.... Food & Drink!

Article: 8 tips for healthy eating
The NHS provides 8 great tips for health eating ranging from the standard eat more fruit and veg to eating more oily fish

Article: Healthy Food For Kids
An article from showing how to steer kids away from junk food and toward a healthier way of eating

Article: Health benefits of...
Another article from BBC Good Food. This one taking a look at the health benefits of some of our favourite foods from chestnuts to brussel sprouts to apple cider vinegar

Article: The 8 Healthiest Drinks
Pretty self-explanatory, this arcticle from provides information on the 8 healthiest drinks available from green tea to orange juice

Forum: What is the healthiest way to eat?
Quora thread with over 100 responses around healthy ways to eat including pre-making salads and avoiding processed foods

Article: Eating your way to better health
An eat well guide from Choose to Live Better including information about; staying aware of salt, drinking for health, food labels, healthier portion sizes and knowing your limits
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