How Cold Water Therapy Can Help With Physical Wellbeing
Cold Water Therapy is simple, natural, easy to practice and brings many benefits to our physical wellbeing. Find out more below
What is Cold Water Therapy?
20 Benefits of Cold Water Therapy
3 Ways to Try Cold Water Therapy
Further Exploration – Articles & Media
Your Take – Comments
What is Cold Water Therapy?
Cold water therapy is a simple way of bringing ourself back to a natural state and make us feel alive. It is easy to practice, all you need is yourself and cold water! The shock and stimulating effect of the cold water brings various benefits to both body and mind.
Wim Hof (“The Iceman”) has made cold water therapy highly popular in recent times. He has instigated and taken part in multiple scientific studies to show the multiple benefits it can bring both to mental & physical wellbeing. The benefits and 3 ways to try it below.

20 Benefits of Cold Water Therapy
Cold water therapy is scientifically proven to bring a number of benefits including;
- Improved immune response and resistance to disease
- Improves lympthatic circulation
- Reduces muscle inflammation
- Improves cardiovascular circulation
- Improves happiness
- Releases endorphins
- Aids weight loss
- Improves hair
- Improves skin quality
- Calms itchy skin
- Improves nails
- Burns Calories
- Quickens body’s cooling response
- Reduces pain
- Reduces swelling
- Improves sleep quality
- Better focus
- Improves energy levels
- Speeds up metabolism
- Increases libido
3 Ways To Try Cold Water Therapy
Cold water therapy brings so many benefits and it’s also very easy to try. The key to remember is to breathe deeply and steadily and relax your mind. As you get accustomed to practicing you will be able to naturally relax as you go through the process.
3 Ways to Try It
1. The Shower
- Start with a warm shower
- Lower the temperature until it’s Luke warm and adjust for a couple of minutes
- Turn the hot off completely
- Breathe deeply and let the mind relax
- Do this for 20 seconds building up to about minute over the space of a week or two
2. Ice Bath
- Once you have mastered the cold shower you can try the ice bath
- Run a cold bath and add a small amount of ice (a couple of handfuls)
- Ease yourself gently into the bath
- Naturally you may gasp and the cold may overcome you
- Inhale and exhale deeply until you are over the initial shock
- Let your mind and body relax
- Stay in the bath for up to 6 minutes
- Repeat the above steps on spaced out occasions, adding more ice each time until you find the temperature that you can withstand
- Never try to push yourself too hard or stay in the water for too long (longer than 6 minutes)
- Take a look at the Wim Hof or Active sight below for ice bath tips
3. River, Lake or Sea
- ***Always beware of currents in moving water. Never put yourself at unnecessary risk***
- Remove as many clothes as possible (as suitable for the setting!)
- Wade quickly into the cold water until you are up to shoulder height
- Stay still
- Let the cold water flow over you
- Calm your breathing and relax your mind
- Stay in the water for approximately 6 minutes
- Re-emerge
Further Exploration - Articles & Media

Article: Cold Therapy
The "Ice Man" himself Wim Hod's website containing information on the benefits of cold therapy and how to practice it

Article: The health benefits of cold water swimming
Healthy benefits of cold water swimming from Aspire ranging from increased to tolerance to stress to decreased inflammation

Book: Cold Showering 101
Book by Scott James providing an introduction to cold showering, facts, the history, the benefits and how to get started

Article: 8 Benefits of Cold Water Swimming
8 benefits from IPRS health from improving circulation to socialising and making new friends

Article: Ice baths and snow meditation: can cold therapy make you stronger?
An article from the Guardian following journalist Scott Carney who undertook a week's training with Wim Hof

Article: 5 Surprising Benefits of Cold Water Therapy
5 surprising benefits from Camille Styles website including firing up the lymphatic system to boosting mood

Article: 8 Ice Bath Dos and Don'ts
Some useful ice bath dos and don'ts from Active including being conservative to begin with to assuming colder is better

Article: 8 hot health benefits of ice-cold water
The lifestyle section of BT covers 8 health benefits burning calories to making you happy

Video: "This was my first ice bath."
A Youtube video from Wim Hof showing may people having their first ice bath and enjoying the exhilarating experience

Article: 10 Benefits of Cold Water Therapy: Try a Cold Shower Today
Marie Claire article looking at what cold therapy is, the scientific proof and 10 benefits including deepening sleep and improving mood

Forum: Cold Shower Therapy
Forum on Actualized discussing cold shower therapy including the benefits and how to do it
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