The Body - Guides
Guides containing hints, tips and advice to help physical wellbeing
Physical Wellbeing guides

Cultivating Healthy Eating Habits in Children
30 October 2024
7 Ways To Imbibe Healthy Eating Habits In Your Children and the importance of healthy eating for children from guest author Riya Nanda

Whole Grains: Hearty Options to Include in Your Healthy Diet
11 September 2022
6 whole grains to include in your diet and 5 benefits of doing so from Peaceful Soul guest author Kunal Tambe

Debunking Common Fitness Myths
20 April 2022
Debunking common fitness myths from Peaceful Soul guest author, certified weight lifting coach and founder of SF HealthTech, Sanckett Kumar

How to Have Healthy Eyes
28 February 2022
How to have healthy eyes from Peaceful Soul guest author, eye care blogger, Aaron Barriga

How to Take Great Naps
16 February 2022
Taking a nap can be a great remedy to catch up on a little sleep and get a little boost in the day - 15 ways to take great naps & 11 reasons why we should take them.

How to Drink More Water
24 November 2021
Not drinking enough water or fluid can affect both our physical and mental wellbeing. 36 easy ways to drink more water & 21 benefits of doing so.

How to Relax
30 September 2021
With the busy, hectic and always on lifestyles that we lead these days, we all need time to unwind. 101 wyas to relax and 17 reasons to do so here.

How to Improve Your Circadian Rhythm
25 January 2021
The Circadian Rhythm or sleep-wake cycle is our inert & natural 24 hour clock. The benefits of maintaining it & 12 ways to improve it here.

Simple Ways to Get Your 5 a Day
12 September 2020
Eating 5 a day ensures that we get vitamins, minerals & nutrients that help our mind and body function at their peak. Benefits & 28 easy ways to do so

Habits to Improve Physical Health & Wellbeing
13 August 2020
Our physical health and wellbeing are critical to our overall wellbeing. 38 benefits of good physical health and 16 easy habits to improve it here

How to Have More Energy
10 June 2020
Our energy levels are critically important to our mental and physical wellbeing. 24 reasons why we're constantly tired & 37 ways to have more energy

Forest Bathing
18 May 2020
Shinrin-Yoku or forest bathing emerged from Japan in the 1980's and has a number of physical & mental wellbeing benefts. What it is, what are the beneifts and how to practice

How Cold Water Therapy Can Help Physical Wellbeing
13 May 2020
Cold Water Therapy is simple, natural, easy to practice and can bring many benefits to our physical wellbeing. 20 benefits and 3 ways to try here.

How Fasting Can Enhance Physical Wellbeing
04 May 2020
Fasting can be undertaken for religious, spiritual, medical and health reasons. Find out the potential health benefits and 10 ways to give it a go here

How to Stop Smoking
02 April 2020
Smoking is a pointless yet highly addictive habit. Why we do it, top 10 benefits of quitting and 25 ways to help stop here.

How to Stay Healthy While Working From Home
18 March 2020
Working from home can take it's on toll on our physical and mental wellbeing. How it can affect us and 28 ways to stay healthy here

How Being Outdoors Helps Our Mental & Physical Wellbeing
16 February 2020
How can being outdoors help our mental & physical wellbeing? 11 ways it can help and 12 things to do outdoors here

How Meditation & Mindfulness Can Help Reduce Stress At Work
06 February 2020
How can meditation & mindfulness reduce stress at work? 26 simple techniques to put into practice & 9 reasons why they help here

The Importance of Sleep for Students
22 October 2019
An article by David Klose, Editor in Chief of