How To Have Healthy Eyes
9 Effective Eye Care Tips

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Author – Aaron Barriga

How to Have Healthy Eyes – 9 Effective Eye Care Tips

Further Exploration – Articles & Media

Aaron Barriga Bio

Author: Aaron Barriga

Aaron Barriga is the online marketing manager for Insight Vision Center (visit here). With a knack for understanding medical procedures and an interest in eye and vision health, Aaron loves to share what he knows and what he learns. He blogs to inform readers about the latest eye care technology and other topics related to eye care, especially LASIK. Aaron loves collecting coasters from the different bars and restaurants he visits during his travels.

“The eyes are the window of the soul.”
Thomas Pfaer

How to Have Healthy Eyes
9 Effective Eye Care Tips

Picture of a lady with healthy eyes - how to have healthy eyes - 9 effective eye care tips

Maintaining healthy eyes by regularly visiting an eye doctor is just one of the many ways you can take great care of your eyes. Keep reading to learn about more effective eye care tips for healthy eyes.

9 Great Eye Care Tips

There are several ways to keep your eyes in good health. Here is a list of a few of the most effective tips:

  1. Eat a Healthy Diet

Whether it is your eyes or your entire body, the key to great health lies in maintaining a balanced and healthy diet. Your eyes need nutrients like zinc, vitamins C and E, omega-3 fatty acids, and lutein to keep age-related vision problems like cataracts and macular degeneration at bay.

To find the nutrients as mentioned above, intake:

  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Oranges and citrus fruits
  • Salmon, tuna, and other fishes
  • Eggs, nuts, beans

Moreover, a healthy diet keeps your weight in check and lowers your risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes – a leading cause of blindness in major adults.

  1. Exercise Regularly

Exercise helps in improving your blood circulation, enhancing the oxygen levels in your eyes, and removing toxins. Moreover, regular workouts help prevent or control diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure, which are major causes of eye problems.

  1. Wear Sunglasses

The ultraviolet (UV) rays radiated from the sun are harmful to your eyes as excessive exposure to these rays increases your chances of macular degeneration and cataracts. Sunglasses block 99% to 100% of UVA and UVB rays.

If you wear contact lenses, choose the ones that provide UV protection. Moreover, to add an extra layer of protection to your eyes, you can wear sunglasses.

  1. Avoid Smoking

If you smoke, you are at a high risk of exposing your eyes to high levels of oxidative stress. Although the connection of smoking with vision problems is not yet clearly defined, it is suggested that smoking puts you at an increased risk of various health problems, leading to vision problems like cataracts, macular degeneration, optic nerve damage, and more.

  1. Understand Your Medical History

Several eye problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and color blindness are known to be linked to genetics. Hence, it is important to get a detailed family medical history to help you understand at what risk percentage you stand.

  1. Take Proper Precautions if You Wear Contact Lenses

If you wear your contact lenses without taking proper precautions, you increase your chances of an eye infection. You need to wash your hands before putting your lenses in and before taking them out. Follow the cleaning instructions properly and store them safely.

  1. Restrict Your Screen Time

Staring at your computer or phone screen for a long time can be a significant reason behind eye strain, blurry vision, trouble focusing at a distance, dry eyes, neck and shoulder pain, and severe headaches. To avoid this, reduce your screen time. If you have to work for 8 hours focused on a laptop screen, take breaks in between by looking away from your screen.

  1. Get Enough Sleep

Once you get enough hours of sleep, you will feel the difference. A goodnight’s rest supports your eyes’ health, and you will look and perform great!

  1. Consult Your Eye Doctor

Whether you are young or old, have healthy eyes, or prescribed numbers; regardless, visit an eye doctor regularly. They conduct regular eye checkups necessary to detect diseases such as glaucoma that have no symptoms. The earlier these eye problems are detected, the easier it gets to treat them.

A proper eye checkup consists of:

  • Detailed family medical history
  • Vision tests
  • Optic nerve tests and eye pressure

Bottom Line

From washing your hands to maintaining a balanced diet – everything plays a crucial part in better eyesight. Live a healthy life and ensure you follow the above eye care tips to keep your eyes healthy.

Further Exploration - Articles & Media

NHS logo

Article: Look after your eyes

Article from the UK National Health Service (NHS) looking at the importance of regular eye tests, what to do if you notice a change in your sight, information about what to look for in your child's eyes and how to look after your eyes.

Healthline Logo

Article: 10 Ways to Improve Your Eyesight

10 Ways to improve your eyesight from Healthline including not forgetting the carotenoids, staying fit and managing chronic conditions.

Wikihow Logo

Article: How to Get Healthy Eyes

Guide from WikiHow looking at how to get healthy eyes split across 3 areas; caring for your eyes, seeking medical care and changing your diet.

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