How Meditation & Mindfulness Can Help Reduce Stress At Work
Work can be stressful. Meditation & Mindfulness brings peace and calm. Add the two together and bring balance to your work life. How meditation & mindfulness can help reduce stress at work below
Meditation & Mindfulness and Stress at Work
8 Ways Meditation & Mindfulness Can Help Stress At Work
26 Meditation & Mindfulness Techniques to Use at Work
Further Exploration – Articles & Media
Your Take – Comments
Meditation & Mindfulness And Stress At Work
Work can be stressful. Busy routines, deadlines, goals, projects and unsupportive bosses can all make our life both at work and outside of work pressured and tense.
Meditation & mindfulness are the practice of being in the present moment, clearing the mind and controlling thoughts. They bring us peace and calm negative thoughts and help to relieve pressure. So simple to practice and with so many benefits, encompassing them in our workplace routine can make a huge difference to bringing balance to life

8 Ways Meditation & Mindfulness Can Help Stress At Work
Meditation and mindfulness can bring us peace and happiness generally throughout life. How do they help at work?
- Routine meditation practice helps us become more aware of our thoughts. With this awareness, we can deal with thoughts without invoking the routine stress or anxiety responses of the brain
- Being able to understand our own thought processes allows us to curb frustration and in turn be able to better deal with conflict and negative situations with others
- Reduced conflict also allows for better teamwork
- Meditation improves calmness and relaxation in the mind which allows us keep a clear head, evaluate situations & processes and make good decisions
- Mindfulness allows us to take a moment to pause, even during busy and hectic times at work
- Makes us more sensitive and aware of emotional intelligence. Generally, ignorance of those feelings can be a cause stress however when you learn to identify and deal with them, you can stay away from the conflicts they can bring to the mind
- We are more creative when we are “in the moment”
- Helps us to focus, including away from negative stimuli
- This focus also helps to increase our productivity
26 Simple Meditation & Mindfulness Techniques To Use At Work
Like anything in life to see the full benefits, meditation and mindfulness should become an integral part of daily routine. The tips and techniques below can be used as part of a routine or some can also bring instant relief from stress at work
1. Be Present
It is very easy to get distracted in our thoughts and for our mind to wander thinking about the stressful things that are going on. Concentrate on your thoughts and how you are thinking. Learn to understand when your mind is being engulfed by thoughts. Being aware will help you clear your mind and steer it away from stressful situations
2. Set A Mantra For The Day
Whether it be that “it is going to be a positive day”, that you will “tackle every obstacle as an exciting challenge” or ” that you will be kind to those you come across” set a mantra for the day. Set a positive message for the day and repeat it to yourself throughout the day. Maybe add a post-it note or reminder on your phone to repeat it.
3. Go For A Walk
Get out of the workplace environment and go for a mindful stroll. Try and avoid thinking about work. Be mindful in your walk, rather than think about things at work, observe the things that you can see and the things you can hear. Take yourself out of the work headspace for a moment
4. Stop Multi-Tasking
When our mind is focussed on one task at a time, it is much easier to complete that task. Attempting to think about too many things at one time makes it much more difficult to concentrate and increases our stress levels
5. Breathing techniques
6. Understand Your Stress
Stress can be all encompassing however it is just a reaction to certain stimuli and we have the power to control it. Understand what triggers your stress and change the way you think about that certain person, situation or thing. Re-position it in a different light.
7. Stop worrying about things you can’t change
Accept things for how they are. If something goes wrong, it’s already happened, focus on how to correct it rather than worrying about it.
8. Find a Calm Space

Many workplaces have wellbeing rooms or quiet spaces, take some time to have a time out. Even a meeting room may provide with you some well needed downtime. If there is nowhere at work available, find a local park or somewhere to take some time out and relax
9. Pause For A Moment
It’s easy to get carried away at work with meetings, phone calls and email flying at you left, right and centre. Take time throughout the day to just pause. Collect your thoughts, take a breath and compose yourself.
10. Use Reminders
Being on autopilot for the most of the day is something we have all done. Not really thinking about things and getting caught up in distractions is all too common. Set small reminders for yourself whether on a phone, sticky note or just a plain old hand written note. Remind yourself to be mindful and come back to the present moment
11. Understand That You Can’t Control Everything
The only things we can control in this world are our thoughts and our actions. Be mindful of this and remember that you can’t control what other people think and do or the situations that may arise. Let it go
12. Find Meaning In Your Work
Understand why you are at work and what you are working for. Everyone is contributing to society in one shape or form. Understand you’re reason for being there and the input that you making
13. Understand Your Colleagues
The people you work with are likely to be under the same pressure and stress as yourself. When we are aware of this, we can be more aware of our own feelings and appreciate what is going on around us
14. Be Good To Your Colleagues
Treat others as you would like to be treated. Be mindful when you are dealing with your colleagues. Create an atmosphere of openness, acceptance and calm. This will create a positive working environment for all
15. Mindful Communication
Thinking through what we say can help us through many stressful situations in work. Taking a moment to pause and contemplate what we are going to say along with the ramifications of what we are saying can often make us consider speaking more mindfully. When we speak more mindfully we are less likely to speak out of turn and hence reduce the possibility of any stress
16. A Low Amount of Stress is Ok
If you are feeling stressed, remind yourself that a small amount of stress and pressure is ok. Good stress can keep us motivated and energised. Recognising it and harnessing it can keep us moving through the day (and turn it from a negative to a positive feeling).
17. Focus Your Time
Block out chunks of the day to focus on one thing at a time. Whether it be an hour for email or an hour to do admin, be conscious about what you are using your time to do
18. Put The Phone Away
Getting stuck to our phones either at work or during breaks is an easy way to keep in the daydream state. When you can, do take a break but the phone away and take a pause from the ongoing stimulation. It’ll still be there later.
19. Slow Down Thoughts
Don’t feel rushed in to decisions or actions. Slowing down allows us to take the time to observe situations and understand the full picture before acting
20. Slow Down Movement
Moving mindfully and slowing our movement calms our body and in turn our mind. Think about the movements that you take. You don’t need to slow down to a snails person, just take it down a notch
21. Set Guidelines For Meetings
Remove phones, laptops (unless needed) and other distractions from meetings. Ensure that everyone is focussed and present.
22. Be Aware of Change & Be Ready For It
Change is the only constant in life. Be aware that things will change and be ready for it. Accept it with open arms and see it as a growth opportunity rather than something daunting
23. De-clutter

Declutter your work area. A simple thing to do promote mindfulness. Less physical clutter, less mental clutter.
24. Be Grateful
Even if you don’t particularly like your job, look for the positives. Look at what’s going well or the fact that it pays the bills or any friends, mentors or inspirational people you may have met. By being grateful and understanding the good things we can appreciate work more and lower the stress level in turn
25. Turn Negatives Into Positives
When something happens and things don’t go the right way, take a moment to look at the situation differently. What has been learnt from the situation? What could be help if done . Take the learning, not the negative. Turn a negative into a positive.
26. Practice Meditation Before & After Work
Ok, so strictly speaking not at work however meditation is scientifically proven to reduce stress levels, control anxiety levels and promote good mental wellbeing. Practicing before work can help put a calm outlook on the day and after work to unwind from the day. Peaceful Soul meditation 101 here
Further Exploration - Articles & Media

Article: 10 Ways to Be More Mindful at Work
An excellent comprehensive guide from Shamash Aldina of exploring how to be more mindful at work. Topics range from using feeling gratitude to cultivating humility. Includes a guide to growth mindset

Article: Three Mindfulness Techniques You Can Use Right Now
The Muse provides 14 ways to use mindfulness at work from breathing techniques to active listening

Book: One Second Ahead: Enhance Your Performance at Work with Mindfulness
Book from Rasmus Hougaard, Jacqueline Carter & Gillian Coutts showing how to train the brain to react differently to stress and pressure in order to boost your performance
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Article: How to Be More Mindful at Work
Article from the New York Times looking at what mindfulness is and how to practice it at work. Covers the STOP technique and focussing among others

Article: 14 Realistic Ways You Can Start Being More Mindful at Work (and Stop Feeling So Overwhelmed)
The Muse provides 14 ways to use mindfulness at work from breathing techniques to active listening

Video: Mindfulness at Work - How to be Mindful at Work Tips
Youtube video from Adriana Girdler giving 5 times including taking a mindful minute at the start of the day to tabbing mindful interactions

Article: The Basics of Mindfulness in the Workplace
No tips or techniques however Universal Class provides information around what mindfulness is and the benefits it can bring at work

Article: 6 Easy Tips for Mindfulness at Work
6 tips from RocheMartin including nourishing yourself and tending to a plant

Article: How mindfulness could help you combat work stress and boost your career
Netdoctor provides some tips for making mindfulness work at work

Article: 7 Benefits Of Mindfulness In The Workplace
7 benefits from recruitment firm GQR including absorption of new information and adaptability

Article: Why practice mindfulness at work?
This Is Calmer looks at 4 benefits including increased productivity and a reduction in procrastination

Forum: How do you practice mindfulness at work?
Quora thread with multiple suggestions on how to practice mindfulness including suggestions on awareness and controlling the breath
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