Naughtiness - The Yin To Our Yang
Life is a balance. No one can be “good” all of the time.
What Naughtiness?
Naughtiness – the things that we do that affect our body, mind or love/relationships in negative ways
People screw up their bodies in a myriad of ways. Drinking, smoking, bad food, drugs etc. The vast majority of people have their vices. Temptation is always out there and our resistance is not always quite up to scratch.
A little naughtiness makes us people and happens to most of us. When it does happen it’s how we react that’s important.
Don’t beat yourself up when you go a little over the top. Get up and dust yourself down. Get back on with life and bring positivity back into it
How we’re naughty and how to get over it below.

How We're Naughty
Naughtiness can be broken down into 2 types. Naughtiness that affects just us and naughtiness where we affect others.
Naughtiness Affecting Just Us
- Over-Indulgence – Over indulgence in alcohol, bad foods, drugs etc
- Saying or doing stupid things
- Laziness – Not doing the things we should
Self-inflicted naughtiness is by far the easier to get over. There is only one person to overcome, ourselves. Even if the naughtiness has been witnessed by others, we still only need to overcome our own thoughts, put it down to experience and get back to putting positivity into life.
When We Hurt Others
When we go a bit over the top and end up hurting others it makes things more complicated. We have genuinely done something “wrong.” Not only do we have to deal with our own sense of guilt or shame but we also have someone else’s feelings to consider. There are 2 immediate courses of action that can be taken, apologise and/or make recompense. The third longer term course of action is to take it is as a learning for ourselves and don’t repeat it again.
10 Way to Get Over Naughtiness
We can do many bad things that affect our mind, body and love. When do we know we’ve gone too far?
We’ve gone too far when we’ve made a negative impact to our overall level of wellbeing, be that physical or mental. However negative times are part and parcel of life’s rich tapestry. We definitely have gone too when we develop a dependency or need to do these things on a very regular basis. That’s where the real problems begin.
10 Ways to Get Over Naughtiness
Sometimes we can get eaten up by fear, guilt and shame after we’ve indulged. How can we get over this and get back on track?
- Realise it happens to everyone and is part of human nature
- Your body and mind will take time to remove the things you’ve put into it – until then there will be an imbalance that affects your mood – just ride it out, you will be good again soon
- It was a one off occasion that does not reflect who you are as a person
- Be rational – In the vast majority of cases it’s not as bad as you think
- Time is the greatest healer – the emotion will fade quickly
- You’re not alone – the vast majority of the adult population have been there
- After some time it will just become another story of our life (and in the majority of cases an amusing one)
- Eat well and exercise if possible – this well help reset the body and mind
- Know that these things happen however the majority of the time we take care of ourselves in the best way possible
- Some of the greatest creativity (art, music etc) came from indulgence in various naughty things. Not that this is a reason to over indulge but good things have come from the occasional over indulgence
So long as we don’t abuse these things, do not harm ourselves irreparably and do not harm others, we can put it down to experience and get back on with the positive side of life.
A Final Word on a Negative Thing
One final thing on naughtiness, i.e. smoking cigarettes. Smoking cigarettes is a pointless activity which kills millions of people on a yearly basis. Cigarette smokers are not bad people in any shape or form and we all have a right to say what we put into our bodies. However smoking does nothing for you aside from slowly destroy your body. Just have a think about giving them up. See Peaceful Soul’s guide to stopping smoking here
Further Exploration - Articles & Media

Article: What to eat before, during and after a big night out
Article from Dale from the Telegraph giving some tips on how to prepare for a night out and what to have when you get home

Website: Mind - Addiction & Dependency
A very useful list of services to help those with addiction and dependency from Mind, the mental health charity.

Book: The Little Book of Hangovers: Remedies and Recipes to Help You Survive the Morning After the Night Before
Book by Quentin Parker looking at the different "types" of hangover and the tests, recipes & cures that can help
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Article: Why We Do Bad Things
An article by Susan McQuillan for psychology today looking at why we do bad things and ways to break bad habits

Article: How to stop getting ‘the fear’ after a night out
An article from the Metro for when you've overdone it and are concerned with what happened the night before

Article: We Do What We Know Is Bad for Us, Why?
Article from Lifehack looking at the bad habits we have, why we continue to do them and how to stop doing them

Article: Alcohol depression: How to get over the post boozing blues
Some tips from on how to get over the blues after a big drinking session

Joel Spitzer's site providing motivation, education and support for those quitting smoking.

Article: Hangover Cures
Hangover cures from

Article: Smoke Free
Assistance in quitting smoking from the UK's National Health Service (NHS)

Article: How to Recover From a Heavy Weekend
Skinny Kitchen brings you 6 simple ways to recover from a heavy weekend from drinking water to eating bananas

Article: Your Post-Weekend Detox Meal Plan bring you a whole meal plan containing what will get you up and running the week after a crazy weekend of naughtiness

Article: 7 steps to cure your hangover
Harvard Medical School's 7 steps to cure a hangover including hair of the dog and drinking fluids

Forum: Why does one feel depressed the day after a night of drinking?
Quora forum discussing why we might feel depressed the morning after a drinking session
Where to Go Next on Peaceful Soul

Sleep is an essential part of our wellbeing. Find out why and some essential sleep tips here

How we think shapes our entire universe. Find information on how our thoughts shape us and how we control them here

Exercise keeps us fit, healthy and in optimum condition. How it benefits us and some simple exercises here
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You can find other blogs/websites/forums in the further exploration section above. If you have a request for a specific article, we are constantly updating Peaceful Soul so let us know what you’re looking for and we’ll see what we can do!