How to Stop Worrying About What Others Think

Humans are social creatures, we place a lot of emphasis on relationships. Whilst relationships can bring us a lot of satisfaction, we often end up worrying incessantly about what others think. Why we do it, the telltale signs and ways to stop below.

Worrying About What Others Think 

15 Reasons Why We Worry About What Others Think

29 Signs of Worrying About What Others Think

28 Ways to Stop Worrying About What Others Think

Further Exploration – Articles & Media

Your Take – Comments

Worrying About What Others Think

Humans lives and general happiness levels are built in large part on our relationships with others. Worrying about what others think is natural as we have a deep routed urge to care for the quality of our relationships. When worrying too much starts to rule our lives, we need to take a step back and determine what is worth worrying about and what isn’t. Reasons why we worry about what others think, signs we do it too much and ways to stop it below. 

man worrying - worrying about what others think
“Stop worrying about what others think. At the end of the day, you have to live with you. Trust Yourself. No one has to tell you when it's right. Do what you need to do."
Cheryl Richardson

15 Reasons Why We Worry About What Others Think

man thinking - reasons why we worry about what others think

Worrying about what others think can stem from our own thoughts and feelings as well behaviours that are innate in us. Reason why we do it include;

  1. Need for reassurance or validation
  2. Dependency on others
  3. Need to have good relationships
  4. Judging other people’s lives ourselves meaning we assume that people judge ours
  5. Low self-esteem
  6. Lack of self-love
  7. Insecurity
  8. Concern about our identity being questioned
  9. Fear of Rejection
  10. Mental health illnesses such as anxiety or depression (leading to overthinking & worrying)
  11. Judging ourselves harshly
  12. Doing accidental or embarrassing things that create shame and embarrassment 
  13. Lack of confidence
  14. Wanting to conform to what others think
  15. Social Anxiety – A whole subject in itself however social anxiety can be a big driver for why we worry about what others think 
“So long as you are worried about what others think of you, you are owned by them. Only when you require no approval outside yourself can you own yourself"
Neale Donald Walsh

29 Signs of Worrying About What others Think

man looking worried - signs of worrying about what others think

There are many telltale signs of scaring too much about what other’s think. They generally sit within our thought processes but also extend to our actions and words. signs below; 

  1. Always seeking other’s approval
  2. Needing attention
  3. General overthinking
  4. Changing your personality to fit in with others
  5. Being indecisive
  6. Not wanting to take any risks
  7. Not staying true to yourself and your beliefs and values 
  8. Constantly trying to guess what people are thinking
  9. Trying to guess what people think of you
  10. Putting others ahead of yourself
  11. Worrying about what people say
  12. Worrying about the way that people say things
  13. Only taking on board negative comments from others, not positive 
  14. Assuming people are doing and saying things in a response to you
  15. Always saying yes to others and finding it hard, if not impossible to say no
  16. Not wanting to ask for help
  17. Trying to make people like you
  18. Being upset if you feel that people don’t like you
  19. Doubting own abilities and interests
  20. Being a victim and having a victim mentality
  21. Constantly apologising when you haven’t even really done anything wrong
  22. Not wanting to receive or negatively receiving feedback
  23. Attempting to show off and exaggerate or even lie about life and achievements
  24. Having a lack of courage
  25. Attempting to impress others
  26. Being a people pleaser
  27. Attempting to please everyone
  28. Rise in stress and anxiety when thinking of others
  29. General insecurity
“You wouldn't worry so much about what others think of you if you realised how seldom they do"
Eleanor Roosevelt

28 Simple Ways to Stop Worrying About What others Think

woman looking happy - Ways to stop worrying about what others think

It is almost impossible to stop wondering about what others’ think. It’s how we look at it and how much we let it impact that our lives that is key. 28 simple ways to stop worrying below;

  1. Analyse Your Thoughts: When do you worry about what others think? Why do you worry about it? See if there are underlying patterns or ways you feel about yourself that could be triggering your worry. Put in place an action plan to deal with them
  2. You Are Wise: You are wise enough to notice that you are doing it and to look for help to get it sorted. That in itself is a big step to overcoming the worry
  3. It’s Natural: As mentioned earlier in this article, the need for good relationships is an in-built human trait. It is natural to think and worry about what others think
  4. Most people do it. Yep, most people worry about it. Realising this can help lower the worry levels or at least put the mind at ease. As most people are doing it, this leads on to… 
  5. People Are Not Thinking About You: It may sound harsh but they’re not. 99% of the time people are thinking about themselves (or worrying about what others think!). Stop worrying about them as they are most likely not worried about you
  6. It’s Just a Story: Whatever you’re telling yourself, it’s just a story that you are making up your mind. You don’t know what other people are saying so you could make up any myriad of possible situations or thoughts. Think up a positive one instead of worrying about it.
  7. You Can Only Control Your Own Action & Words: There is nothing you can do control other people actions & words. Realise this and save yourself the effort worrying and attempting to do it
  8. Some People Are Just Like That: Some people like to gossip and talk about others. It’s an ingrained feature in them. If that’s the way they want to be, let them get on with it but don’t actually worry about it
  9. Cut Out or Limit Your Exposure to Negative People: These are the people who make us worry the most. Cut out or at least cut down the time you spend with them and cut out the worry in the process
  10. Why Might Others Talk or Think About You: Others may talk or think about you for a variety of reasons. These reasons can range from love through to jealousy. Whatever is driving them to talk or think about you, you obviously have qualities that are worth discussing or thinking about it. Enjoy it
  11. Work on Yourself: A lot of the triggers with worrying about what others think start with us and the way we feel about ourself. Do you have hang-ups or negative feelings toward yourself? Work on you, both mentally (here) and physically (here) and the worrying will go 
  12. Sometimes Negative Feelings Toward You Are Justified: We all screw up. No one is perfect. If someone has a justifiably negative feeling toward you, do what you can to make amends and then move on
  13. The People Who Really Know You Know You: The people closest to you (the ones who really) count know who are you. People who don’t are just guessing. Don’t worry about it and let them guess 
  14. Stop Judging Other People Yourself: A double edged sword. We shouldn’t judge people as we don’t know what they have been through and what makes them do the things they do. Judging others also ingrains in us the feeling that others are judging us. Stop it.
  15. Does it really matter? Without being too morbid, is it something you will lie on your deathbed and worry about it? Most likely not so why worry about it now?
  16. It Doesn’t Help Anything: What is the worrying actually achieving? Nothing except for feelings of anxiety and stress. Let it go 
  17. Focus on Your Values: If you live by your values and always try your best, you can remove any worry that may be caused by not doing so. This removes half of the worrying battle
  18. Set Boundaries: Tell yourself what and (more importantly) who you are happy to worry about. Banish all other worry from your mind
  19. Make a Worry Journal: Write down your worries. Notice when you worry and why. Seeing things in black and white helps us to understand patterns and rationalise
  20. Make Worry Time: Set aside 15 mins each day to worry about things. Stick to the time and don’t allow worry at any other time
  21. Laugh it Off: Have a positive attitude. When you find yourself worrying, just smile and know that it doesn’t really matter
  22. Understand That Not Everyone Will Like You: People are different and some people just don’t get on. That’s fine, it is part of life. Don’t worry about it
  23. You Can’t Please All of The People All Of The Time: You really can’t. So stop worrying about it.
  24. It is Their Opinion: Everyone has an opinion whether it is “right” or “wrong”. You don’t have to agree with, believe or even think about other people’s opinion. So don’t.
  25. Own Your Flaws: You are unique. Be happy with the person that you are and that includes your flaws. Love yourself including your flaws and the worry will melt away
  26.  Life is Short: Just live it. Don’t waste it worrying about what others might think. Let it go.
  27. Confide in Someone You Trust: Talking always help. If you have a specific worry about someone or situation, talk to someone you trust. A problem shared is a problem halved
  28. Get Professional Help: If the worrying is too much, see a counsellor or therapist. There are many trained professionals who will be able to help you talk through it and provide solutions to help

Further Exploration - Articles & Media

Tiny Buddha Logo

Article: Why We Worry About What Other People Think of Us (And How to Stop)

Article from Michelle D'Avella on Tiny Buddha looking at why we worry and how we need to content within ourselves in order to stop it

pick the brain logo

Article: 12 Signs You Care Too Much About What Others Think of You (and what to do about it)

Pick The Brain's 12 signs of worrying too much including craving harmony & not getting angry often and putting yourself last. Also includes what you can do stop it.

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck- A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life book cover

Book: The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life

Bestselling book from Mark Manson discussing how to stop trying to be positive all the time, live with our flaws and be happy within ourselves.
***This is one of the few affiliate links on Peaceful Soul***

Quora Logo

Forum: Why are we worried about others' opinions?

Quora forum with over 100 answers discussing why we worry about others' opinions

nurberxo youtube channel logo

Video: How to Stop Caring What People Think Of You

Video from the Nurology channel on Youtube discussing how self-trust and the way to stop caring what people think about you is to stop caring what people thinking about you!

BBC Logo

Test: Take the test: Do I care too much what people think of me?

A test from the BBC to see if you care too much about what other people think. Questions include what you would do if your boss asked you to do an extra 3 hours work without being paid and what you would do if someone barged passed you in a queue

Video: How To Stop Caring What People Think

Video from Charisma On Command with suggestions on how to stop caring what others thinking, including living by your values and not being able to please everyone

National Institute of Health Logo

Article: Social Anxiety Disorder: More Than Just Shyness

Article from the National Institute of Mental Health looking at social anxiety disorder. Article contains information on what social anxiety is, the. signs & symptoms, treatment and where to get help.


10 signs of caring too much from including not feeling good until you get approval, aiming for perfectionism and failing to represent your true opinions

actualized logo new

Forum: How to stop caring what people think

Forum on Actualized with suggestions including loving yourself deeply and releasing tensions in the body

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Your Take

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