New Experiences

New Experiences - How They Can Change Our Life

Life is all about experiences. Our past experiences shape the person we are today. Our new experiences can shape the person we become. 

What are New Experiences?

A new experience, something we haven’t tried before. Something which opens our senses and mind to new adventures and ways of thinking.

When we put ourselves out of our comfort zone and open ourselves up to new experiences, things happen in our life.

Do not let fear stand in the way of trying something new. Whether it’s travelling to a new country or trying a new hobby. New experiences allow you to broaden your horizons and live a fulfilled life. Step out of your comfort zone and enrich your life.

Peaceful Soul - New Experiences
"The only source of knowledge is experience"
Albert Einstein

20 Reasons Why We Should try New Experiences

Girl holiding flower - Why we should try new experiences

It is comforting to have routine however experiencing new things brings us a balance in a life which ultimately leads to a content, happy and peaceful soul. Why we should do them and a huge list of new things to try below.

The Benefits New Experiences Bring

  1. Allows us to live our lives to the fullest
  2. Contributes hugely to our mood and overall feeling of wellbeing
  3. Builds up our tolerance to uncertainty
  4. Helps us overcome our fears
  5. Broadens our horizons
  6. Gives us new perspectives
  7. Provides us with a rich and fulfilling life
  8. Instills a feeling of contentment
  9. Stimulates the mind
  10. Gives us a sense of purpose
  11. Brings us excitement
  12. Adds adventure to our life
  13. Keeps life interesting
  14. Provides us with a sense of achievement
  15. Allows us to learn and evolve as people
  16. Makes memories that last forever
  17. Allows us to meet new and interesting people
  18. Provides us with a sense of camaraderie when achieving new experiences with others
  19. Changes the physical make up of the body and the chemicals produced within us 
  20. Change our future – having new experiences creates new neural pathways in the brain. Positive experiences bring positive changes within us  
"“A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions."
Oliver Wendell Holmes

101 New Experiences

Flying a Kite - 101 New Experiences

New Experiences are as wide ranging as your imagination and don’t need to incur a huge cost, time or effort. 101 simple ideas below for all tastes and budgets.

Free New Experiences

Countryside - New Experiences

  1. Try a different route to work, college or school
  2. Explore a new hobby
  3. Take a walk around parts of your local area that you haven’t visited before 
  4. Go for a walk in countryside you haven’t visited before
  5. Call an old friend or family member you haven’t spoke to for a long time
  6. Go for a bike ride
  7. Visit a local park (take a look here.- UK Only)
  8. Get involved with a local group
  9. Volunteer
  10. Look into a new profession or change your job (try here)
  11. Look into something that’s previously interested you but you’ve never got round to looking into
  12. Visit a museum
  13. Exercise (try here)
  14. Visit local historic buildings
  15. Read a new website
  16. Get writing – Start a book
  17. Train for a 5k, 10k or a marathon
  18. Pass on your knowledge to others
  19. Learn something new (try here)
  20. Put some music on and have a bit of a dance & sing
  21. Try origami
  22. Read a new magazine
  23. Build a house of cards
  24. Go out with new people or friends
  25. Leave a review for a product or service that has really impressed you
  26. Solve a rubics cube
  27. Explore your family history
  28. Start a fire without matches
  29. Try coding
  30. Attend a local talk or lecture
  31. Try Yoga or Pilates
  32. Give up a bad habit
  33. Try drawing or painting
  34. Recycle and reuse old things to make new things
  35. Give blood
  36. Learn to juggle
  37. Talk to new people – gain new perspectives
  38. Let the world know your thoughts about new experiences in the comments section below 
  39. Meditate (try here)

New Experiences That Have a Cost 

Man playing musical instrument - 101 New Experiences

  1. Cook a new meal or add something new to your plate
  2. Read a new book
  3. Host a dinner party for your friends
  4. Visit a new town or city
  5. Try a new restaurant
  6. Eat healthy (try here)
  7. Get dressed up for a night out
  8. Try a new bar
  9. Try shopping in different places
  10. Visit an art exhibition
  11. Start a side business
  12. Fly a kite
  13. Find a sporting event you like and go
  14. Go bungee jumping
  15. Jump out of a plane – go skydiving
  16. Visit a farm
  17. Take up a new musical instrument
  18. Have a massage
  19. Go for a picnic
  20. Plant a tree or plant and watch it grow
  21. Go paint balling
  22. Try go karting
  23. Bake a cake
  24. Take up a martial art
  25. Go for a hot air balloon ride
  26. Climb a wall, cliff or mountain – Go climbing
  27. Go to the Theatre
  28. Try knitting
  29. Donate to Charity
  30. Go to the Cinema (or have a film day at home)
  31. Go to a Spa
  32. Start a time-lapse camera of local scenery
  33. Go canoeing
  34. Build a website or blog about something you are passionate about
  35. Make a change to your home (try here)
  36. Play a new board game
  37. Bake bread
  38. Go camping
  39. Go to a local swimming pool
  40. Design and print your own T-Shirt
  41. Go Zorbing
  42. Visit an animal or bird sanctuary
  43. Take a family picture or have a portrait done
  44. Go to an auction
  45. Try Surfing
  46. Have a party
  47. Try a new haircut
  48. Take a road trip
  49. Buy a telescope and wonder at our universe
  50. Make a new feature for your garden
  51. Try Acupuncture

New Experiences That Cost More

Sandy Beach - 101 New Experiences
  1. Visit a new country
  2. Go to a festival
  3. Move to a new area
  4. Go to a theme park
  5. Go skiing or snowboarding
  6. Swim with dolphins
  7. Go snorkelling or scuba diving in a tropical reef
  8. Try white water rafting
  9. See the Northern Lights
  10. Go on a cruise
  11. Go travelling
Obviously we may never get through the whole list however just trying a few new things will help us build our experience and bring a little peace and happiness to our life
"Experience is the teacher of all things"
Julius Caesar

Further Exploration - Articles & Information

Scientific American logo

Article: What Happens When People Are Intentionally More Open to New Experiences?

A fascinating and detailed article from Scientific American discussing results of research into the effects of being open to new experiences

Lifehack Logo

Article: What Should I Do Today? 30 New Things To Do Today

An article from Lifehack looking at 30 new things you can do today most (pretty much all) of which can be achieved with little to no money

The Power of Moments Book Cover

Book: The Power of Moments: Why Certain Experiences Have Extraordinary Impact

New York Times Bestseller from Chip Heath & Dan Heath looking at how certain experiences can jolt, elevate & even change us (and how we can conjure up more of these moments that matter).
***This is one of very few affiliate links on Peaceful Soul***

Guide: New Restaurant Experiences

This guide from provides a wealth of different restaurants providing new dining experiences.

Peaceful Soul - Trailfinders

Website: New Travel Experiences

Trailfinders provides tailor made trips which can bring unforgettable experiences. This particular link will take you to some of their tours of amazing new places. Just food for thought.

Peaceful Soul -

Article: 7 Ways to be Open to New Experiences

This article written Toria Sheffield from provide 7 ways to be open to new experiences from stepping out of your comfort zone to setting attainable goals

Psychologies Logo

Test: Are you open to new experiences?

A multiple choice test from to see how open to new experiences you are

Huffpost logo

Article: A Look at the Incredible Benefits of Trying New Things

The Huffington Post looks at the benefits that trying new experiences. Also includes a list of new things to give a try.

The Independent Logo

Article: 30 Mind-Expanding Life Experiences You Should Get Done Before You Turn 30

A detailed list of 30 crazy new experiencer you to try from The Independent Newspaper. Pretty sure you can do them when you're over 30 too

Article: 7 Ways To Be More Open To New Experiences

Bustle looks at different ways we can be open to trying new things from setting attainable goals to just generally being open and curious in life

Buy a Gift Logo

Website: Buy a Gift

Buy a gift have a huge amount of new experiences to try. From driving to days out to spa breaks to short breaks, there are a wealth of things to try. ***This is one of very few affiliate links on Peaceful Soul***

Business insider Logo

Article: 50 new things you should try in 2019

Insider brings you a list of 50 new things to try ranging from volunteering at an animal shelter to hosting a bling wine taste testing session


Guides: Lonely Planet

Lonely Planet have been around for 40+ years and produce travel guides with expert travel advice for destinations all over the globe **This one of the few affiliate links on peaceful soul**

Where to Go Next on Peaceful Soul

Books & A Heart - Never Stop Learning


Learning keeps our mind working and keeps us alive. How learning helps us and 50 learning opportunities here

Peaceful Soul - Fun


What is life without fun. Why we should have more fun and fun things to do here.

Man Painting - How Our Occupation Affects Our Happiness


We spend a third of our life at work so we should enjoy what we do. Find out how our occupation affects us and how we can be happier at work here

Would You Like a Happy, Healthy & Peaceful Soul?

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Your Take

Anything to add about New Experiences? Can you recommend any? Get involved in the discussion below.

This Post Has 25 Comments

  1. Admin

    Thank you! Glad to hear that this has peaked your interest 🙂

  2. Admin

    Hey there, thank you! Glad you found the site useful and it was of help to you. Giving is a wonderful thing and can change the world.. all the best to you 🙂

  3. Admin

    Hey! Glad you like what you see. Enjoy the site 🙂

  4. Maddy

    How boring would life be if we followed the same routines over and over again?! Of course, everyone has their daily responsibilities, but new experiences no matter what they are can make life so much more fulfilling

    1. Admin

      Hey, thank you for the comment and you are absolutely right, we need new experiences to flourish and be fulfilled 🙂

  5. Admin

    Cheers Bernie! Appreciate your kind comments 🙂

  6. Admin

    Thank you! Hope you enjoy reading on 🙂

  7. Anonymous

    This pandemic has changed people’s life in many ways, so as mine. I started exploring new things and trying out different things in my day to day life to keep my mind engaged and to keep myself moving. I picked up new hobbies, cooking new dishes, started baking and many more. This made me quote in my recent introduction in a new company that my hobby is to “explore new experiences”. In that context, i just tried searching in google to find what does our world database say! I came across this blog which fascinated me and I could relate to all that is written here. Thank you for putting up such a nice blog!

    1. Admin

      Hi, many thanks for the kind words! Completely agree with your sentiments, new experiences are what life is all about. The pandemic certainly has changed the focus and maybe one small benefit that we can take away is that we go out and live our lives to the fullest when things improve. Thank you again for your comment, hope you have a wonderful day (filled with new experiences!) 🙂

  8. Nicola

    I’ve enjoyed discovering your website. This year 2021 is my year to try new things. My target was one new thing every day to challenge myself to be braver and be more open to new ways of doing things. Some days I don’t make it or will do something simple like brushing my teeth or drying myself after a shower a different way! I don’t think it has to be anything big to get my brain working in different ways. Some big things I’ve done are going back to Uni for a complete career change to do a Masters degree – I start next week and will maintain working one day per week (thank you employer!). I’ve also prioritised spending time with my children individually like taking my son to a music concert and my daughter to a musical and writing a letter to each of them detailing ten things I love about them. It’s great to see lots of suggestions for new things to try in your article above! Some other ideas which I am wanting to try are: getting to know my neighbours better by taking them some freshly baked goodies and making time for a chat and doing a scavenger hunt with my children. Thanks again for a great article and I look forward to reading more!

    1. Admin

      Thank you for your comment and awesome (and simple!) suggestions for new experiences! Completely agree, spending more time with our children is a great way to experience new things! Hope 2021 is working out well for you and you are getting to experience all the things you wanted to 🙂

  9. AS

    Some great ideas here, it’s great to try new things, and it’s good for the mental health (yep I’m trying one of them out right now too!)

    1. Admin

      Hey AS, cheers for the comment and completely agree, great to try new things and great for the mental health. Enjoy the one you’re trying out and hope you get you to try some more soon. All the best 🙂

  10. Niyi

    Great write-up!

    1. Admin

      Thank you Niyi! 🙂

  11. Sarah

    Crossing a new experience off the list- Love the article it has given me some new ideas – Thank you.
    I’ve made a pledge to myself to try at least one new thing a month. Makes life more exciting. Lifes too short not to try as much as you possibly can. 🙂

    1. Admin

      Hey Sarah, thanks for the comment! Love the idea of a monthly new experience, will definitely keep life exciting! All the best to you and have an amazing time with the new experiences! 🙂

  12. Claudia Rojas

    I want to thank you for this information. It has been beneficial on a personal level and also in my education.

    1. Admin

      Hey Claudia, thank you, glad you found it of use 🙂

  13. Curtis Carpenter

    Find a good place to get lost…Windsor great park, lost within the confines of…
    Is a good way to allow for the possibility of stepping outside your comfort zone.
    Study maps, go on a treasure hunt, add something to a time capsule and try to solve a unsolved crime….

  14. Shaid Ali

    Really life is just an experience, and I feel that experience is enhanced when you do new things. I really believe it makes you a more well-rounded person.

    I’m in my 30s now and haven’t really experienced much. Instead, I spent the bulk of my 20s going to various sheesha bars and hanging out with the same person. I Spent a lot of time thinking and learning, but not enough time getting out there and doing stuff. I think it really hampers your growth when you stick to the same old routine like I did in my 20s.

    I’ve started to get out there a bit more and have begun doing more things. Just the other day I discovered that there is a canal which stretches over 100 miles close to where I live. I took my e bike and road down it for a couple of hours. Not only were the surroundings peaceful & pleasant, but I also met some lovely people along the way – people who I would never have met if I hadn’t ventured on this new adventure.

  15. Lashay Foster

    Hi admin, You always provide great examples and case studies.

  16. Explore the Horizon

    This is very interesting, You’re a very skilled blogger. I’ve joined your rss feed and look forward to seeking more of your fantastic post. Also, I have shared your site in my social networks!

  17. Lindsay Ernest

    Hi owner, Your posts are always informative and well-explained.

    1. Admin

      Thank you!

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