Mental Wellbeing Websites
Websites to Help With Mental Wellbeing
Mental Wellbeing Charities, Foundations, Associations & Government Websites

Mental well-being: resources for the public
Mental wellbeing resources from the World Health Organisation including guides on how to manage stress, depression and preventing suicide

How to improve your mental wellbeing
Guide from the charity Mind including tips for improving your mental wellbeing and 8 relaxation techniques that can help mental health

Minding Your Head Resources
A wealth of resources from Minding Your Head including websites such as Flourish, a directory of mental health services and multiple pdfs and downloadable documents including a "Pocket Guide for Worry" and "Aware Defeat Depression factsheets"

Mental Health America
Mental Health America promotes mental health as a critical part of overall wellness, including prevention services for all; early identification and intervention for those at risk; integrated care, services, and supports for those who need them; with recovery as the goal.

National Alliance on Mental Illness: NAMI
NAMI are dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. Their Alliance includes more than 700 NAMI State Organizations and Affiliates who work in communities to raise awareness and provide support and education to those in need.

National Health Service (NHS) UK - Mental health and wellbeing
The UK's National Health Service (NHS) mental health and wellbeing providing a mood self-assessment, help with stress, anxiety, depression, loneliness, grief, anger and further self-help & support in the areas of mental wellbeing, low mood, stress reduction & depression support

Government of Canada - Mental health and wellness
Services and information from the Government of Canada including taking care of mental health during COVID-19, improving mental health, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), mental health services, mental illness, suicide prevention and cannabis & mental health.Also includes current research, statistics and news

American Heart Association - Mental Health and Well-Being
The American Heart Association provides information on food and mood, meditation, depression, the science around dieting and practicing gratitude

5 steps to mental wellbeing
Information on the UK's National Health Service (NHS) 5 steps to wellbeing; connect with other people, be physically active, learn new skills, give to others & pay attention to the present moment (mindfulness)

Everymind (Australia) - Understanding mental health and wellbeing
Australia's Everymind definition of mental health, influences on mental health & wellbeing and tips for mental health & wellbeing

Mindspot - Australia
MindSpot provides free, online, personalised mental health care. They support Australian adults experiencing stress, anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD, and chronic pain. All of our services are free, confidential, and online, and provide optional access to qualified therapists.

Mental Health Foundation UK - How to look after your mental health
Guide from The UK's Mental Health Foundation focussing on 10 areas to help look after your mental health; talking about your feelings, keeping active, eating well, drinking sensibly, keeping in touch, asking for help, taking a break, doing something you're good at, accepting who you are and caring for others.2
Websites with Articles & Guides to Help Mental Health & Wellbeing

Trauma Facts and Resources
A comprehensive guide to trauma from Innerbody including; What trauma is, the types of trauma, recognizing the signs, the long term effects, resources, how to cope and how to heal.

Depression Treatment
First Light Recovery's useful guide to depression including what depression is, the causes of major depressive disorder, the symptoms and treatment options.

Rehab Spot
The Rehab Spot website containing a wealth of information to assist with addiction to alchohol, benzodiazepines, opiods and drugs. Also contains information around the types of treatments available and how addiction can affect family life.
Mental Wellbeing Websites Featured & Recommended in the Mental Wellbeing 5 Interviews

Imperial Student group, ManageMind's website containing information for Students & GP's about the team's research on social media's impact on mental health

The Society of Happy People
The Society of Happy People website containing information about Pamela Gail Johnson and The Society. contains an "Everything Happy" section which includes; Happiness Perspective Articles, Happiness Counter, Happiness Happens Day & Month, Hunt for Happiness Week and the #HappinessUnitesTour.

Safe Hands Thinking Minds
Dr. Karen Treisman's website, "Safe Hand Thinking Minds" containing a wealth of information to support child and adult well-being including; Training & Workshops, Consultancy, Events & News, Creative Resources, Links, Websites & Podcasts, Trauma-Informed Organsitatiosn, Books, Cards, Toys & Worksheets, Covid, Anxiety, Stress Resources & Links and Online Training.

Storied Selves
Dr. Roshni Beeharry's website, Storied Selves which offers Writing for Wellbeing. "Writing for Wellbeing is any form of writing whose express intention is to contribute to an emotional state of wellbeing and personal development, by exploring and expressing thoughts, experiences, memories and insights, through the act of putting pen to paper and reflecting on one's thinking and writing processes, as well as the actual writing itself. This can contribute to our self-awareness and that of those around us personally, professionally and within society as a whole."

Breaking the Chains Foundation
The Breaking the Chains Foundation who "Through all forms of art & artistry, advocate, educate, and inspire healing for individuals affected by eating disorders, disordered eating & negative body image providing a bridge to recovery and serving as a prevention platform toward a healthy journey to mental, physical, and emotional wellness. "

Beyond ia a youth mental health charity, co-founded by Jonny Benjamin, aiming to improve mental health education and provisions for young people. The charity is a grant-giving organisation that aims to provide mental health support to young people, their families and teachers.

Dr. Andrew Mayers
Mental health campaigner and educator at the University of Bournemouth, Dr. Andrew Mayers' website containing general information about mental health, Perinatal mental health and Father's mental health

Mindset by Dave
Award winning mental health educator and mindset coach Dave Cottrell's website, "Mindset by Dave" providing information about him, his story, what he does, the mindset coaching he offers and his mental health podcast highlights.

Best Ever You
Author, mindset & leadership consultant, Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino's, "The Best Ever You Network" website containing information about Best Ever You, a shop, books, daily inspiration, events, coaching, courses, conferences, journals and more.

Health & Wellness Online
Health and Wellness Online is an online course provider specializing in mental health and addiction recovery with a holistic approach to health. It tackles the hard questions and concerns that parent's may have about their child's health.

The Human Rights Campaign
The Human Rights Campaign envisions a world where every member of the LGBTQ+ family has the freedom to live their truth without fear, and with equality under the law.

The PFLAG Chapter Network--with over 400 chapters across the United States--provides confidential peer support, education, and advocacy to LGBTQ+ people, their parents and families, and allies.

The Trevor Project
The Trevor Project is the world's largest suicide prevention and crisis intervention organization for LGBTQ youth. The project believes LGBTQ young people deserve a welcoming, loving world. And they wake up every day dedicated to making that a reality.

Born This Way Foundation
Born This Way Foundation is a nonprofit formed by Lady Gaga and her mother, Cynthia Germanotta, that supports the mental health of young people and works with them to create a braver, kinder world. Their website contains information on their mission, the work they do supporting young people's mental health, how to get help and how to donate.

Channel Kindness
The Channel Kindness website is a digital platform created by the Born This Way Foundation. It is a safe space for young people to tell their stories of kindness, resilience, and community. By highlighting the people and organizations that are doing good in their communities, Channel Kindness’ audience is inspired to create a kinder and braver world, one story at a time.

Find Your Anchor
The Channel Kindness website is a digital platform created by the Born This Way Foundation. It is a safe space for young people to tell their stories of kindness, resilience, and community. By highlighting the people and organizations that are doing good in their communities, Channel Kindness’ audience is inspired to create a kinder and braver world, one story at a time.

Kari Joys
Psychotherapist, counselor, author and educato, Kari Joy's website containing a blog with a wealth of mental wellbeing related information

Chopra providing simple self-care practices from the leading voices in well-being. Includes self-care resources & articles and information on certifications & retreats

I Am My Best
Emotional Intelligence, Life & Wellness Coach, a Health, Fitness & Leadership Trainer and Reiki Master, M. Ad. Ed, Nyle's Beck's website containing links to her blog and podcast containing a wealth of mental wellbeing information.

Young Minds
Young minds are the children and young people's mental health charity. Their website contains information for parents, how to find help, a wealth of mental health resources and a section discussing feelings and symptoms.

Student Minds
Student Minds is the UK’s student mental health charity. Their website includes information on how to find support, how to get involved, an information hub, how to support them and their charter

Growing a Grown Up
Dr. Dominique Thompson's website for parents and carers of teens and tweens containing free resources, a free newsletter, information about her and how to get in contact

Angie Ilg
Coach, writer, speaker and the creator of "Live Free Coaching", Angie Ilg's website containing a blog with multiple posts to support wellbeing, information about Angie, how to work with her, testimonials, events, resources and how to get in touch

Brené Brown
American professor, lecturer, author, and podcast host Brene Brown's website containing links to a wealth of resources to help mental wellbeing including; podcasts ("Unlocking Us" & "Dare to Lead"), books & audios, a blog, multiple hubs and videos

Eckhart Tolle
Spiritual teacher & #1 bestselling author Eckhart Tolle's website containing information about Eckhart and other spiritual teachers, resources to help with mental wellbeing and information about events & the Eckhart Tolle foundation

Kent Scheibel
Mindful living coach & experienced meditation teacher, Kent Scheibel's website containing a blog with multiple posts to support mental wellbeing, information about Kent & the coaching her offers and how to get in touch

Sanity Daily
Mental health advocate, writer, author, certified NLP & mindfulness practitioner and poetess, Priyanka Nair's website providing a blog with a wealth information around relationships, mental health and stress management. Also includes information about Priyanka and how to get in touch.

My Brain's Not Broken
Nathan Smith's blog containing a wealth of information and posts around mental illness and promoting mental wellness, information about him and how to get in contact.

I'm NOT Disordered
I'm NOT Disordered began as a way for creator Aimee Wilson to chart her own mental health. It has grown into a blog with over 800,000 readers and contains a wealth of mental health information and articles.

Elena Katsandreas Coaching
Mentor, coach, facilitator, speaker & consultant, Elena Katsandreas's website containing information about her, the services she offers and how to get in contact. Also includes a sign up form for Elena's newsletter providing monthly inspirational and motivational information

Heather LeGuilloux
Therapist, mental health blogger and advocate for health and wellbeing Heather LeGuilloux's website containing her blog with articles to help knowledge and understanding of mental health, information about her including her core values, a wellbeing shop and how to get in touch

Health line provides expert health and wellness advice covering a number of areas including; health conditions, nutrition, men's health and
Further Mental Wellbeing Resources Below

Mental Wellbeing Books
Books to help with mental wellbeing with recommendations from Peaceful Soul fundamentals, guides & interviews

Mental Wellbeing Apps
Apps to help with mental wellbeing with recommendations from Peaceful Soul fundamentals, guides & interviews

Mental Wellbeing Helplines
Helplines to support mental health & wellbeing in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada & Australia

Mental Wellbeing Videos
Videos to help with mental wellbeing with recommendations from Peaceful Soul fundamentals, guides & interviews

Mental Wellbeing Podcasts
Podcasts to help with mental wellbeing with recommendations from Peaceful Soul fundamentals, guides & interviews

Mental Wellbeing Music
Music to help with mental wellbeing with recommendations from Peaceful Soul fundamentals, guides & interviews
Peaceful Soul Shop

The Peaceful Soul Shop
The Peaceful Soul Shop containing products to help mental, physical & relationship wellbeing and Just Smile & PS Clothing